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Mistborn Mafia..Game Thread!! *Game over. Mafia Win*

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:) Yeah, weekends should be relaxing, not having to rush around to get things done, but it happens.


You're right Jayd, a TinEye is a Finder, and that was what caused a lot of the confusion earlier.  :)

Had he lived, Jeran could have viewed an innocent during night to try to find our Healer and Finder, or any roled player really. So it was a very good thing that he died the first night. I haven't seen the roles combined before, but then I haven't played in a really complex game of mafia. I guess since this is Mistborn mafia, we should have expected such.

So Jayd, are you saying that maybe, since the Obligators had infiltrated our crew, that Finder (Jeran) the was the one and only Finder in the crew? Interesting.


So, who do you think we should lynch, Jayd? Dar? Maeva? Why don't you tell what you're thinking?  There are only seven of us left, at least two of which are Mafia. We need four to lynch, so the voting should be interesting.



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Well I've been suspicious for far too long, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to vote for [glow=red,2,300]Pandy[/glow] this time.  Just hope I'm right....


Voting without reasoning at what must be nearly endgame!?


I thought Jeran was the finder, wasn't his position that of the detective type, wouldn't that be the finder, or did I read it wrong?? As for Panda, I find it a mite telling that he's the one found over the body.


Do you really think that the mod would sabotage a player like that?


I'm a bit out of the loop I think, are we voting now for who we think should be lynched next?


Apologies for the dumb question, it's been quite a weekend one way or another!


Where have you been for the rest of the game?


Well I'd say the major thing I've had this weekend would be trying to get in contact with a friend in another part of the country who emailed me earlier on saturday because she felt that her life wasn't worth going on with, so you'll excuse me if I didn't post anything until earlier today.


I've had a busy day and I'd rather spend the time to put something down properly for my reasoning behind [glow=red,2,300]voting Panda[/glow], but seeing as you want something quick there you go.


I agree with what Jade said when it was you standing over the body, Panda.  If you read closer, Nephi said that she gave us a clue in her post about who was nightkilled.


I think that the clue she gave us was the identity of who may have been the killer.  With that, I vote [glow=red,2,300]Panda[/glow].


:) I'm sorry to hear that Maeva. That's a rough situation. I've been through that with my nephew and a student. *hugs*


But mafia goes on, and panda didn't mean to imply that you had nothing better to do, just that you posted without reading the previous posts. That is considered rude  :-\ in mafia, for lack of a better word? Like you're dissing the game. He wasn't trying to hurry you up. You have some time yet before you have to decide.


We all have lives outside of mafia. We want you to stay and finish the game if you can.


Oh, and that last bit I wrote - I'm asking the same question of Dar and Maeva. Not asking Jayd if she wants to vote for them.  ::) Of course, she can if she wants, just that's not what I meant.


I don't think so. As panda said, no mod would compromise a character that way.

I think the clue she was talking about was the fact that one was killed one way and one was killed another way, hence one was killed by the mafia and one by the Assassin. The reply was in reference to a mod kill, and she was saying, no look at the way they were killed - no mod involved.  :)


I had been reading the previous posts but in all honesty I've been concentrating on other things.  If I was a bit snippy in my reply then I apologise for that. 


I'm voting for Panda because I have been suspicious of him for a while, and for him to be stood over the body just nails it for me. 


*repeats* A mod would not compromise the role of a player in such a way.

Nephi has already mentioned, in another post, that we are not to make anything out of the use of players names in her night scenes.

Now I think panda might be mafia, but I have a solid reason for my vote which has nothing to do with the night scene. If you can add or detract from that please do, but leave the night scene out of it. It's meaningless.  :)


:) Don't take anything in this game personally, [glow=red,2,300]Maeva[/glow]. It's not real life, no matter how it feels when you get caught. I wish you and your friend well.


Incidentally, I think that Kelly and Maeva may be mafia-buddies, since they have both used the same bit of fallacious reasoning about the mod-scene. Both also beg leave from the game due to external circumstances and are angry when questioned about it. Both also vote the same way today without reasoning.


You're right Jayd, a TinEye is a Finder, and that was what caused a lot of the confusion earlier. 

Had he lived, Jeran could have viewed an innocent during night to try to find our Healer and Finder, or any roled player really. So it was a very good thing that he died the first night. I haven't seen the roles combined before, but then I haven't played in a really complex game of mafia. I guess since this is Mistborn mafia, we should have expected such.

So Jayd, are you saying that maybe, since the Obligators had infiltrated our crew, that Finder (Jeran) the was the one and only Finder in the crew? Interesting.

*nods* That's how I feel, usually the Finder reveals before this point and is protected by the PewterArm in this case. The PewterArm would stay hidden and try and protect the Finder. The Finder should have been helping us find Mafia, that's their purpose and they haven't. So I can't help but feel it's because there was only one and we lost him right off.


So, who do you think we should lynch, Jayd? Dar? Maeva? Why don't you tell what you're thinking?  There are only seven of us left, at least two of which are Mafia. We need four to lynch, so the voting should be interesting.

I still feel like Panda is an option, though as it's been said, the placement of his body could just be poetic license on Neph's part. I also wonder about Kelly, she's not been active on here that much, though she was posting at least once a page, just something about her rping style. Could be wrong though.



I still feel like Panda is an option, though as it's been said, the placement of his body could just be poetic license on Neph's part.


Disclaimer!!! The use of players names in no way means anything...just some fun writing. *nods*



I give up.


I'm thinking that I'm totally unsure.  As stated before, there are only seven of us left:










I often don't like jumping on bandwagons because they are so often wrong (as proven in this game).  I also tend to go with gut feelings but they've been wrong, too, as evidenced by Nae.  I voted for her once to be lynched and though she wasn't lynched at that point, she was night killed and turned out to be the crew leader.  :-\ 


I don't think Panda standing over the body is evidence of guilt.  At the same time, I'm not convinced he's an innocent.  I'm currently trying to decide whether to stick with Maeva, who got my last vote, or switch to Panda.  Let me sleep on it and I'll approach it again with a clear head and more than 4 hours of sleep . . .




I often don't like jumping on bandwagons because they are so often wrong (as proven in this game).  I also tend to go with gut feelings but they've been wrong, too, as evidenced by Nae.  I voted for her once to be lynched and though she wasn't lynched at that point, she was night killed and turned out to be the crew leader.  :-\ 



No, that was Lia, not Nae.  Nae was our PewterArm (Healer).  And you voted for her and only her twice. Pinged on my mafia radar for that, but too iffy to vote for you to be lynched.

the Finder reveals before this point and is protected by the PewterArm in this case. The PewterArm would stay hidden and try and protect the Finder. The Finder should have been helping us find Mafia, that's their purpose and they haven't. So I can't help but feel it's because there was only one and we lost him right off.


Jayd, the Finder will never reveal just because the game gets to a certain 'point'. The Finder reveals if and only if he/she is about to be lynched or if an innocent lynch is threatened that would give the mafia the game. Neither of those conditions have been met.


I don't think a mafia finder would be the only finder in a mafia game. That would make it a very short game, imo. So I think we still have our finder.


You say the Finder hasn't been helping us. What are you basing that on?  Because they wouldn't tell us who's mafia. They'd try to steer us in the right direction, but they wouldn't tell or reveal, unless one of the conditions above had been met. The longer they live, the more they see, and the more useful they can be to us.  And they can't be too obvious about their nudging or the mafia will kill them.


Jayd, you are looking very mafia tonight.  :-\


ok people...


I as a MOD I would NOT...NOT..sabotage a player like that. Period. I have used fun writing like most other mods do on DM. *nods* Please make sure you are voting for solid reasons..not because i wrote something in my night kill scenes. Thanks everyone. :D


Vote count:

Pandy (4) : Loreina, Kelly, Maeva, Illiara,

Maeva (1) : Pandy


Carry on! LOL



Thanks for correcting my mistake, Loreina!  I had started out making a list early in the game but with stuff piling on me in real life, it slipped through the cracks.  Looks like I need to go revive it and update it.


As for switching my vote from Nae, I did that after some comments she had made that made a great deal of sense to me at the time (I'll have to pull them out later; I really do need to get busy here at work!).  I didn't realize switching would raise flags with someone!  :o  If we're trying to save innocents, and we come to believe that someone we'd put forth as a potential lynch was innocent, why wouldn't we switch our votes?  LOL!  Darned if you do, and darned if you don't!  But I guess that's the nature of the game.  ;D


How much more time do we have, nephi?  Do I have time to wait until after work tonight to post my vote and reasoning?  Otherwise, it would be rushed and I wouldn't be able to go back and reference the past and reason things through . . .  :(


This is getting interesting.  I am going to put up what I see in everyone else.  Someone, please, feel free to add what you see about the other people as well.


Jade- I have played mafia games with her in the past, and she is playing how she usually does.  However, the post about the Finder did raise a couple of eyebrows.


Kelly/Maeva- Panda brings up a good point about them both.  Looking back, I have seen that they have voted the same way and haven't always had the evidence to back themselves up either.  I think that he may be onto something.


Panda- He has accused several people of being mafia who haven't turned out to be mafia.  Usually, flinging around accusations ends up hurting the innocents more than helping them.


Daruya/Loreina- They seem to be playing together.  Both are explaining their reasons and clarifying points that the mod and other players are making.  Together, they don't strike me as being mafia.


I see two teams, plus a couple of people who haven't aligned themselves yet.  I see Kelly/Maeva as a team, Daruya/Loreina as a team, Panda working alone, Jade is reasoning like Daruya and Loreina, and I myself haven't committed to the approach.


Using this logic, I am thinking that Maeva and Kelly are guilty.  The way that both have voted really rings a bell that makes me think that they are mafia now that I look back and think about it.  So with that, I [glow=red,2,300]unvote Vote Maeva[/glow].


I have stated my reasoning for voting for Pandy several times, I've been suspicious of his posts and actions since the beginning.  Because he usually made a little sense though, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.  Its getting too close to the end now though, and with the limited options he made the most sense to me.  I have been posting regularly other then the last two days because I have been feeling REALLY sick.  Other then that I have made NO excuses for not posting or asked for forgiveness for not posting like Pandy states, not sure where that is coming from actually.... I don't apologize for being sick this time either, I just am.  :P *lol* 


So again, I stand behind my decision to vote for Pandy.  I may be wrong, I've been wrong every other time so far.. but then again so have we all.  I do have to say that everyone playing this time is doing an excellent job because we all seem to be having a very difficult time in picking out the bad guys.  :D


I didn't realize switching would raise flags with someone!  :o  If we're trying to save innocents, and we come to believe that someone we'd put forth as a potential lynch was innocent, why wouldn't we switch our votes?  LOL! 


Not suspicious because of the switch, but because of the vote on her. Nae had hinted at a non-mafia role and you voted for her anyway.  :)



Daruya/Loreina- They seem to be playing together.  Both are explaining their reasons and clarifying points that the mod and other players are making.  Together, they don't strike me as being mafia.


Ah, no. I am working alone here, so any 'togetherness' you think you see is pure coincidence.


Jade is reasoning like Daruya and Loreina, and I myself haven't committed to the approach.


Jayd hasn't been reasoning much at all. She sounds like she's quoting out of a 'How to Play Mafia' handbook.  :) And what approach is that?  ???


So you've changed your vote after we had enough votes to lynch panda. Interesting. And what if panda is the assassin and working alone to be the winner of the game? 

Yes, interesting.




I think that makes the vote:

Pandy (2) : Kelly, Maeva,

Maeva (2) : Pandy, Illiara,









Interesting?  I think that what makes it interesting is that after I changed my vote, you unvoted.  If you had a feeling that he was guilty, either of being mafia or of being the assassin, why would you have switched your vote.  And why would you call me out for that when you yourself are changing your vote?  You've just shot up my suspect list, Lorei.

Day has begun!! Day will end in 72 hours. 9PM Monday night.


I didn't change my vote. I unvoted. There is a difference.


Day will end before I get back.

I have to make a choice. I was hoping this would be resolved before I had to leave. If we lynch an innocent, and we lose two more innocents during the night, we'll be down to four players, with possibly two mafia, we lose.


I'm sorry, but nothing anyone has said has given me any real reason to change my vote. [glow=red,2,300]panda[/glow]





Jayd, the Finder will never reveal just because the game gets to a certain 'point'. The Finder reveals if and only if he/she is about to be lynched or if an innocent lynch is threatened that would give the mafia the game. Neither of those conditions have been met

Well I have only played a couple of games but the ones I played, the Finder revealed early on and than was protected behind the scenes, and then worked on finding out who was mafia and then announcing it to the group. That's how I have seen it in the past so that's what I am going off of.


I don't think a mafia finder would be the only finder in a mafia game. That would make it a very short game, imo. So I think we still have our finder

Well that's a good point and you may very well be right.


You say the Finder hasn't been helping us. What are you basing that on?  Because they wouldn't tell us who's mafia. They'd try to steer us in the right direction, but they wouldn't tell or reveal, unless one of the conditions above had been met. The longer they live, the more they see, and the more useful they can be to us.  And they can't be too obvious about their nudging or the mafia will kill them.

Again a good point, I stated my reasoning based off of playing Mafia before, I have never been in a game where the Finder didn't reveal within the first couple of days.


Jayd, you are looking very mafia tonight

LOL I don't know about that but hey it's your opinion.



Ohh and I am not much of a reasoner, I go more by watching other peoples posts and my own intuiton when playing that pure reasoning. I vote for [glow=red,2,300]Panda[/glow] based on my own feelings from the first day.


Not only that, but Illiara looks so mafia it hurts atm.


It's not that you changed your vote. It's the timing of it.


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