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[MOVIE] Chronicles of Riddick


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A new one that is.  I kind of liked the last one.  Sue me. 


While pimping his upcoming console game THE CHRONICLES OPF RIDDICK: ASSAULT ON DARK ATHENA, Vin Diesel briefly alluded to a third feature film's state of development:


Maybe we're too tight-lipped about the next Chronicles of Riddick film, and I think circa the release of [Dark Athena] that's probably when you'll start hearing more about the next Riddick film. It is underway


David Twohy is finishing up the next script.




...says Vin in THIS INTERVIEW with GameSpot.


We've previously heard indications that a third RIDDICK film might be somewhat smaller in scale than the second installment - which was gargantuan compared in scope when compared to its progenitor (PITCH BLACK). No word on if this supposed downsizing will remain in play.


As for the game: a playable demo for ESCAPE FROM DARK ATHENA is currently available as a free download on XBOX Live. One cool feature o the game = your character's (Riddick's) ability to locate terminals which allow you to assume "control" of enemy soldiers. You can use them to carry out tasks, and even fire on/destroy their own evil brethren.


The game releases in early April for XBOX 360 and PS3.

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I'd always heard that it was supposed to be a trilogy, but then they started selling a 3 pack of movies, Pitch Black, The Chronicles of Riddick, and the cartoon movie The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury.  I just assumed that the cartoon was the lame 3rd addition to the trilogy.  I hope to god I'm wrong and an actual concluding movie is in the works, because I'm actually a big fan of Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick both

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Dark Athena. It's a new game but the devs also completely remade Butcher Bay and will be released together.


Oh, and many consider Butcher Bay to be one of the best xbox games.



But yeah, I can't get the demo cause I don't have Gold. Friggin sucks. :(

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Butcher Bay- game

Dark Athena- game

Pitch Black- movie

Dark Fury- anime

Chronicles of Riddick- movie


imo the only good thing about chronicles was the prison planet, other then that the movie was pretty weak imo.


PItch Black was awesome though and Vin Desil *REALLY* knows how to make a good video game (Butcher Bay was awesome)

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