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I hate Ryan Reynolds!


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Thats right.  You heard it here first.


Ryan Reynolds has tricked Scarlett into accepting his marriage proposal!!! TRICKED!  Sure he is cute and funny... and brawny.. man he was buff in Blade Trilogy... but... come on.... SJ can do much better.  I mean... I am an org leader at DM!!!  I figured that counted for something. 


I blame Barm, the Seanchan whipping boy, for this travesty!  You will pay BARM!!!!

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Whats the deal with Fox?  Everyone is all goo goo over her but she sucked in transformers...err... and thats it.  SJ is still the only celeb for me.  As long as she doesn't get pregnant I can hold out hope that she comes to her senses.

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Megan Fox is the new Jolie.  A better, improved Jolie.  She's the badass, free-spirited chick of my dreams. But don't let Transformers fool you, the chick has acting chops.   


And Scarlett Johansson talented?  She has the same comatose look in every movie.  (Of course, she would make an excellent Berelain).  Mark my words, Megan Fox is going to make a name for herself.  And I don't mean in the tabloids. 


If only she did....suck.....in Transformers. 

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If Francis Ford Coppola eats a cheeseburger, it doesn't make the cheeseburger any greater than any other.


Scarlett isn't any a better actress than Megan, she's just been in more art-house type movies that are supposed to give her Oscar Cred.  Her roles are eye candy more than anything.


I especially love her performance in The Island....how she missed the Academy Award for that one, I know not!

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I have seen Transformers twice, yet I had gto look up this fox trollop, because I could not remember what she looked like. I can still not remember what her character did in the movie, just that there was some chick running around and etting in the way. That is how much impression she made. And when I looked at pictures from the movie, I did not recognise her. When you manage to have less personality than robots, you really suck at acting.


Fox has no talent whatsoever, and is not exactly good looking. Hope she enjoyed her Warhol minutes, and hope I never have to see her in a movie again. Perhaps there is an opening in Baywatch for her, seems more appropriate for her "talents"...

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That's no reason to hate Ryan Reynold's.  Scarlett and her Johanson's were just a pipe dream empy.  Now Bea Arthur? there's a shooting star a little more within thy grasp.




Who gives a crap if either Scarlett or Megan can act?


Not I good sirs, not I.



Personally thinking Fox is hotter than Miss Scarlett since Transformers

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That is quite old news, I think it was announced about a year ago.


Looking forward to the album though, rumoure has it she has quite a lovely voice. (I bet that if that fox girl ever tried to sing it would sound like a cat in pain)

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Emp, if you've got a few hundred extra bucks lying around, you can get a personally drawn and signed doodle by Ms. Johannson, and the money goes to charity. ;D [ Link ]


Yeah, and for $1000 dollars, she'll cough up a hairball and mail it to you.

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