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***TRAITORS IN THE BLACK TOWER*** Mafia game thread.


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eclipse is right on all counts. This is just a normal mafia setup that might have a few undisclosed roles. Nothing confusiing, and a majority vote is what we need. And since there is no time limit set, we have the chance to logic out who is most likely to be mafia.


In the case of an early finder reveal, there is no point at all in lynching that person. If Loki is telling the truth, we definitely want to keep him alive! If he's not, then that will be revealed after he supplies us with information that is proven bogus.


And it goes without saying,  ( :P but I'll mention it just in case ) NO ONE has countered his reveal yet. We are waiting on a few players to post, so let's see what happens when they get here! If there is a real finder, and they do counter, then we know we have a mafia, and the healer can protect them at night.


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hehe .. oh  .hmm weeeeeeee oh sparkely  [glow=red,2,300]loki[/glow] eepnessssssssssss ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ecke ecke ecke ptang niwhoomp ni


Hmm what if the healer is Nightkilled?  :-\  ???


Nobody knows who the Healer is at this point, so chances are that's not gonna happen.  I'll tell you what will happen though, anyone who votes for Loki will be on my suspect list, especially if it turns out he is the Finder!


hmm ive decided to form my own mafia group.. now you might be thinking ..fool why this boy telling us ..um well see .. *takes thread hostage* MY DEMANDS ARE A 9 COURSE MEAL ..UM SOME ORANGE JUICE AND A PLANE TO RIO MUWHAHAHAHAHA


But loki wants to be dead anyway Eclipse..


Do you really have no idea how to play or are you just trying to see if I'll get angry, because you wouldn't like me when I'm angry...


And Korin, I'm saying don't vote for Loki, as to who else you vote for, that's really up to you, but obviously my suggestion would be to vote for the person I voted for...


When you say Coming Soon, how soon did you mean?  :-*


Is it possible that we are dealing with post restrictions? As in "you must try to get lynched"?


Can somebody please take a vote or two of of Loki?



This is freakin' ridiculous, we're not even passed the first day and it's already a 10 page thread...


And Loki is just trying to act insane, he's having more fun playing with our heads than he is playing this game...


And I don't blame him, lol.


CRIPE people!! This place is mad.  You NEVER vote someone who did a role reveal until you have hard evidence that they are LYING LIARS WHO LIE!  *glares at Korin and LOTD*  [glow=red,2,300]Unvotes[/glow]  I'm watching you two now. :P




That was damn suspicious - the only way this early you could definately know they aren't finder is if you were one yourself (if there is another finder out there, please DONT REVEAL). As Nae said its just not done


Vote [glow=red,2,300]Korin[/glow]


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