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Magic: The Gathering


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I know this is a far line from "videogames" but seeing as this is the gaming org I figured I'd see if anyone here played and if so what do you think of shadowmoor? Demonstrated by this sexy pic^^:






with a great plot start:



Awesome looking card previews:




I'd say the following set "Shadowmoor" and "Eventide" are ramping up to be very interesting.

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I used to play as well.  Started around when Antequities came out and went until around the set with the slivers.  Can't remember the name though.  It was starting to get too expensive though, plus all the people I played with switched to Everquest so I stopped playing.

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heh i know what you guys mean by expensive, thats why I have 3 different decks. Mono-white, blue/black and blue/white. Every time a set comes out I research all the cards, know what everything does and then find what cards would be good and helpful for my decks and then buy those individual cards. cuts down on costs tremendously because at this poitn I usually don't need to replace anything.

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I used to play then against kids and try to get their pokemans.  There was this one time when I played this awesome card and I had to roll for a +2.  It was awesome....



-Just trying to fit in


I once had 72, 6/6 creatures on the table.

see, I one upped you!

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See Jelly, you can be naughty if you apply yourself!


I picked the game up back in 93.. I think 4th was the edition of the day. I lost track somewhere in the middle of the Urza sets. They were just coming out to fast for me to keep track, and I didn't really play that much anyway. I don't think I've actually played in.. oh, about seven years. Certainly before they came up with the ugly card template they've been using.

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I played back in high school back in the mid 90's.  I used a white deck that had 3 Wrath of Gods and 3 Armageddons.  My plan was to build up enough mana, have some wussie creature in my hand, a little mana a and one each of my power cards.


I would first *WHAP* wrath of god clearing all creatures, then *BAP* armageddon now no one had mana, then to top it off lay down a mana.  While they were trying to get enough mana to get more creatures out on the field (they got rid of all their weak ones) I would peck away at their life with my scout.


But I never got the chance to try it.  :(

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  • Community Administrator

I played back in high school back in the mid 90's.  I used a white deck that had 3 Wrath of Gods and 3 Armageddons.  My plan was to build up enough mana, have some wussie creature in my hand, a little mana a and one each of my power cards.


I would first *WHAP* wrath of god clearing all creatures, then *BAP* armageddon now no one had mana, then to top it off lay down a mana.  While they were trying to get enough mana to get more creatures out on the field (they got rid of all their weak ones) I would peck away at their life with my scout.


But I never got the chance to try it.  :(


I had a much better plan.


It involved several steps.

1) Summon 4 Dragons (I forget the name off hand, but its a 9/9, costs 16, but if you have 1 of every land, it only costs only 6.

Combine this with a card, that allows you to summon any card in your hand, by tapping 2 creatures in play.

Combine this with a card, that allows you to grab any card from your deck for something like, 3 mana.

2) Once you have 4 of these dragons in play, you can cast a spell, that puts a 6/6 dragon token into play, by sacraficing a creature, and you put 1 token for the mana cost of the creature. (and since its cost is 16, you put down 16, 6/6 dragon tokens.

3) next you tap all your mana, and play a dragon card, that removes all your cards from play,

4) with the excess mana, you play the card obliterate, that destroys all cards in play (lands/creatuers/enchantments, ect)

5) Because it destroys your dragon, and destroying the dragon brings you cards back in play, all o fa sudden your left at full strength, while your enemey is left with only.... nothing but his hand!  And 64... 6/6 Dragons!

Btw, thats 384 damage, in one turn!.


Of course, theres a flaw in this, as I have to find a very special card, that'll make it work... That dragon that removes your cards from play, destroys all dragons (the ones you removed from play). negating everything you did...)

However, there is a card, but I can't find it, that allows you to convert all creatures of one type, to another. Unfortunately for a card thats 'common' its impossible to find...

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

I played Pokemon. And Pog.


My brother played though. He has a few decks and tries to get me to play.

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I have a buttload of cards I am looking to sell.  I have lots of mana and commons.  I also have a hundred or more uncommons and a few dozen rare's ranging from visions, homelands, legends, fallen empires, alliances, 4th, sth, ice age, chronicles, antiquities, and arabian nights.

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I played for about the duration of 7th edition (8th edition was when they came out with the new hideously ugly template), and quit because I just didn't have the patience to play anymore. Even today if I pull out my cards, it'll take several sittings just to make a deck for lack of patience on my part, and then actually sitting down to play, I can play maybe 1 game before I get bored and walk away.


I used to be able to sit down for hours and play but I dunno... I just lost interest I guess.


Needless to say, I have a metric shit-tonne of 7th edition cards that I've no idea what to do with, I figure someday I'll throw em up on E-Bay or something when I need the money.


I never played any other TCG. I did play with Pogs back in grade 2, those were fun, I wonder if I still have mine, I should go find out.

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