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Sickened and disgusted


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Has anyone heard about the US soldier who threw the puppy off the cliff? I just saw the video of it linked to on http://www.thewest.com.au/, and I am actually feeling nauseous.


What a disgusting human being. I'd be ashamed to know him, be related to him, anything. Ugh.


I don't want to watch it. I think I would claw my eyes out if I did. The description alone makes me fill up with rage.


If this is what it means to be dehumanised by the military... I don't even wanna continue that sentence.


Okay guys, people in the military are JUST like their civilian counterparts (for the most part).  There are people who are psychotic, there are people who rape and kill and steal, just like in normal society.  The military by nature is designed to attract a cross-section of humanity, and that's just what it gets.


The fact he threw a puppy off a cliff seems (naturally) worse by the fact he's someone who wears a uniform.  And it could be stress from war and deployment that ticked that crazy-box in his head.  I don't know.  I just had to say my two cents before this could possibly descend into pro/anti-military arguments, or bashing of servicemen, considering we have a fair number in and around DM <3



Guest nephitess

it is sad and i am disappointed in him.


I agree with Rayen though...every group of people has their bad apples. police, church, business men...it does not matter...there are good and bad in each category and class of people.


Okay guys, people in the military are JUST like their civilian counterparts (for the most part).  There are people who are psychotic, there are people who rape and kill and steal, just like in normal society.  The military by nature is designed to attract a cross-section of humanity, and that's just what it gets.


The fact he threw a puppy off a cliff seems (naturally) worse by the fact he's someone who wears a uniform.  And it could be stress from war and deployment that ticked that crazy-box in his head.  I don't know.  I just had to say my two cents before this could possibly descend into pro/anti-military arguments, or bashing of servicemen, considering we have a fair number in and around DM <3




I agree Rayen.  I made a similar comment about this.  This was posted a week or so ago on one of my gaming forums.


It actually turned into a discussion on how is this different than how the animals we eat (if we're not vegetarians) are treated.  ><


And, BTW, I do agree that it was a pretty sick, stupid thing to do, just for the fun of it.

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From what I understand is that the Marines know who did it and properly took care of the soldier.


As a HUGE animal lover in general, but dogs most of all, I have nothing to say except had I been there, that soldier would have followed the puppy.


Amen, Verbal, amen.


Though (and here comes my White side), one can probably surmise that this individual has control issues, and perhaps was in such a bad place in their life that they chose to 'play God' with an innocent creature to develop some (sad, pathetic, and twisted) sense of self-worth.




I really should waste my money and get my degree in philosophy.. sigh <3


Let's also keep in mind that that sort of behaviour is where serial killers start out, too.


I didn't post this to start a pro/anti-military argument - particularly as I know not everyone in the military is a crazy freak. I posted it 'cause I was depressed after seeing the video, and needed to talk about it.


Glad to hear he has been dealt with apparently.

Guest nephitess

I'm sorry you were depressed after watching that video...i would have been as well. it is good to talk...i hope i did not come off sounding like i attacking you. I not at all. *hugs* :) i was making a general observation and agreeing with a part of what Raeyn said. *nods*


Unfortunately, there are numerous cases of animal abuse/neglect every day. And by people who are considered "normal" by others. Makes me sick.  :'(


Yeah I know. I think there is something extra creepy about taping it though. Hey, I've got a cool idea, let's video me throwing a puppy off a cliff so everyone can see how much of a big cool man I am. Oh yeah, that sounds really cool man.


I won't watch it because I know I can't handle seeing something that sick and twisted.  It takes a lot to make me angry, but as a huge animal lover like Verbal, anyone who hurts animals makes me beyond furious.  The very thought of a person like this, no matter what his station in life, disgusts me.


Raeyn's analysis of his behavior actually falls more under the umbrella of psychology than philosophy (which is an easy confusion to make, since our fields overlap quite a bit).  Anyway, it reminded me of something.  Every therapist has one or two types of patients that they don't want to treat for one reason or another.  The one type of patient that I will absolutely refuse to treat is one with Antisocial Personality Disorder (e.g. animal abusers, rapists, killers).  The reason is because they make me so upset that I lose my objectivity, which is something a therapist should always maintain.  I'm able to stay reasoned and objective with other kinds of patients, but I can't with this type, so I refer them to others who don't mind working with them.


*sad* Yeah... I realised that not only the guy who threw the puppy is sick... the guy who videoed it can't be any better off.


*sighs* These days I just want to never wake up.

The one type of patient that I will absolutely refuse to treat is one with Antisocial Personality Disorder (e.g. animal abusers, rapists, killers).  The reason is because they make me so upset that I lose my objectivity, which is something a therapist should always maintain.  I'm able to stay reasoned and objective with other kinds of patients, but I can't with this type, so I refer them to others who don't mind working with them.


I can definitely imagine that there are some psychiatrists who would have to specialise in this area - you'd hope anyway!!


*sighs* These days I just want to never wake up.


Yes, this is why I rarely watch the news, particularly commercial news stations, which love to roll around in the daily bloodbath.


Actually, my fingers meant to type psychology, but my brain was still thinking philosophy - blame that on my new White Sister on the RP side, who is probably the only psychologist in the Tower :D  Personally, I loved my studies in both, but I just couldn't see myself going into any sort of social work... so that line of study was semi-moot for me in balancing what I enjoy learning about against what I'd enjoy doing with my life!


And I know you didn't, Taya - I was merely trying to head that possible line of debate off at the pass, since there are some in the world that do like to think that most in the military join to play with guns and be insane (like my French teacher, who is still convinced that my friend Bryan, who also joined the Air Force, is a psychopath instead of a perfectly normal and sweet human being).




I think I would have shoved that person over the cliff myself - and his friend.


That being said, I agree with Raeyn. In fact, I think there are probably less people with APD amongst military personnel than amongst the civilian population, even though the ones deployed in war zones suffer from more stress than the rest of us can possibly imagine.




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