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Black Tower Ajahs


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I was just wondering what others thought of the possibility of Ajahs being formed in the black tower after is is built???  Would they be similar to the ajahs of the white tower???  If not, would they also be named by colors??? So many possibilities but I believe Rand intends Ajahs since he made the whole Soldier-->Dedicated-->Ashaman stepladder like the Novice-->Accepted-->Aes Sedai.  Maybe he plans to copy near enough everything about the WT???  Give me your thoughts, ideas, and yes criticisms... Please


I doubt Rand intends anything for the Black Tower other than being at TG.  He didn't even come up with the name, that was Taim.  Rand believes he will break the world again as part of saving it.  Ajahs in the WT are a way on giving AS something to do, a life path sort of. Browns all study various knowledge, etc. (I would guess the idea for ajahs came from the founding sisters being able to remember or finding some records of the AS before the breaking because I think I remember one of the Forsaken saying that today's ajahs almost match the real ajahs in some way.  I can't quote that so my memory might be off).  But, anyway, Ash'amen are all trained solely to be weapons, the get verylittle other training with the OP.  Plus, in the beginning they all were expecting to go mad, no point in doing something else if your going to go insane and destroy it all anyway.




Ash'amen are all trained solely to be weapons, the get verylittle other training with the OP


Actually, they are trained to be soldiers anything that helps in that would be learned by at least some of them, thus Flynn spending the time to learn a new way to heal.  Second the split into ajah's also seems to be a natural outgrowth of diffences in outlook, abilities and interests.  Thus, the charter members of the men haters club become Red Ajah and those in the men lovers club join the Green Ajah (and have several Wardors).


Good point, the ajahs may form EVENTUALLY (as in after TG), but my point was I don't think that it is or was Rand's intentions.  Also, Flinn did the studying on his own, there was no one to train him beyond the very basics.


Ajahs are neither inevitable nor the desired goal of a group of channellers.


In the AoL, an ajahwas effectively a special interest lobby group that dissolved once it had gained its goal.


The White Tower Ajahs are the last remains of the seven independent groups of channellers that formed a federated coalition to create the White Tower- they each refused to be fully dissolved. They exist for historic reasons only. They also had pre-existing specialties they have retained.


Since they cripple the White Tower with factionalism, they are in fact likely to go out in the White, vs. being introduced to the Black, which has no reason- historic or otherwise- to form such unions permanently nor even to become a federated two-tier government system.


Personally I think the Asha'man will join Ajahs once the two towers combine but obviouslly the ajahs would have to be reworked dont ask me how...I kinda just thought of this in a whole 30 seconds after reading the posts.


Well, actually there's two Ajah because afaik the plural of Ajah is Ajah :P


But while I agree that there are two Ajah(s?) in the BT I don't agree with your groups. There's Taim's special group indeed, but I'd say the second group is Logain's with another group that is unaligned and is just getting on with dooing their thing etc.


A Black Tower Red Ajah? :d

There's no need for the Red Ajah at all anymore, unless they're used to hunt down wilders. And even then, that would more likely be a job for the Kin.


IMO, the Black Tower will simply be consolidated w/ the White (as before the Breaking), but who the leader will be is anyone's guess. Personally, I can't see Rand or Logain bending knee to Egwene, provided either of them actually survive.


Ajahs are neither inevitable nor the desired goal of a group of channellers.


Well that depends on how you view the organizations of channelers (white/black tower) in general and more specifically the Ajahs. E.g. if you view the white tower as an university the Ajhas would bee something akin to faculties, thous fulfilling a purpose.


I think that if any channelers remains for a significant period of time after TG, some will choose to organize themselfs into one group dedicated to the study of the OP. And that will in turn lead to smaller specialized groups researching there specific subject.


But I don't think male Ajhas will be formed before TG. 




There's no need for the Red Ajah at all anymore



Just my crazy concept of Karma but to survive after TG the Red Ajah transforms itself to the Ajah that attempts to insure the genetic survival of channelers by breeding with male channelers. ;D ;D After all they have already committed to bond male channelers.



There's no need for the Red Ajah at all anymore



Just my crazy concept of Karma but to survive after TG the Red Ajah transforms itself to the Ajah that attempts to insure the genetic survival of channelers by breeding with male channelers. ;D ;D After all they have already committed to bond male channelers.


That'll be the day!  ;D


Most of the Reds, IMO, are lesbians and devoted pillow friends to each other. The thought of "relations" with a man would be quite alien to them. Besides, the Tower should just make the Whites do it, they're the ones that came up with the idea in the first place.  ;)


If anything I see the Red Ajah being folded into the Green after TG, who along with Asha'man would be responsible for hunting down the remaining Darkfriends and Shadowspawn.


Personally I thought the Red Ajah for both BT/WT could be a check and balance's system. They could also be the "police" force for each tower. Though as mentioned if any Ajah are formed for BT it will be after TG. I think any organisation will form subgroups, some will study general knowledge others will pursue Philosophy or healing or battle training. The different Ajah do have their purposes. I don't think  you can run a successful governing body without some sort of infrastructure.


I, personally, don't think there'll be any Ajahs left in the white tower after The Last Battle, so there probably won't be any in the black tower either.

There will be no need of Reds, unless the source is tainted again, and the Greens are the ones that prepare themselves for TG. 

Elaida got rid of the Blue ajah. Also, the Aes Sedai were going around in groups with their own Ajah members: after TG they'll probably realise the conflict was partly to do with the seperate Ajahs, and decide it would be best if they didn't have them anymore.


Thanx for all the opinions and ideas everyone.  I personally think that the towers will merge and then new ajahs similar to those already in place will emerge.  Now, what do you guys think of the possibility that the Ashaman will swear on the oath rod?  What about making a hall of the Black tower with sitters.  And will the Ashaman leader end of being called the Tamyrlyn?  Or will they stick with M'Hael(sp?)?  Come on lets make this a thread about every speculation of the Ashaman and the black tower.


Most of the Reds, IMO, are lesbians and devoted pillow friends to each other. The thought of "relations" with a man would be quite alien to them. Besides, the Tower should just make the Whites do it, they're the ones that came up with the idea in the first place.  ;)


Aes Sedykes, I like to call 'em.




Now, what do you guys think of the possibility that the Ashaman will swear on the oath rod?  What about making a hall of the Black tower with sitters.  And will the Ashaman leader end of being called the Tamyrlyn?  Or will they stick with M'Hael(sp?)? 


Much depends on what actually happens at TG, but presuming a sizable number of Ashaman survive and that they do not get folded up into the White Tower (a real possibility) then I think the following wiill be likely.  The Black Tower was concieved as a military organization and while it will evolve and adapt I believe that its military structure will survive. Thus the leader will be called the Mchale or something similar. Now, the Ashasman will break-up into sub-groups depending on interest and actual work that each group will do.  I see it sepereating into sub military classifications. The leader of each sub-group will hold a position in an overall council- similar I would think to the commanders of the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force all being members of the joint chiefs of staff in the American military.


I doubt Rand intends anything for the Black Tower other than being at TG.  He didn't even come up with the name, that was Taim.


Rand named them Asha'man as well as the whole Soldier-Dedicated-Asha'man thing. All Taim did was give himself a fancy title and let his cronies give themselves fancy sounding titles.


Wasn´t Tamylyn/lin the person who rediscovered channeling? At some point the people i WoT foregets how to channel, probably because the don´t need it. Presumably this is possible or likely since there is no DO and no one has any memories of him. So Maybe the tower/s continue for some years, maybe even an age before the channelers start to become fewer. That´s my theory at least. If people haven´t forgotten something, then how can someone rediscover it?  :-\


Another theory could be that the world will be in such turmoil after the last battle that the organisation of the tower/s breaks. Every man and woman for themselfs. Then it would be even shorter timespan before channeling is forgotten. Those who eventually have the spark and start channeling will be wiewed as people who are insane and are hospialised. Maybe. I guess we have to wait to find out...


Yes, I think that's right about Tamayrlin, from one of the glossaries I believe. We also know that either he had a ring or he had a ring named after him, and that it became one of / the symbol of the First Among The Servants. The word/title Amayrlin is a derrivation/corruption of this.




I doubt Rand intends anything for the Black Tower other than being at TG.  He didn't even come up with the name, that was Taim.


Rand named them Asha'man as well as the whole Soldier-Dedicated-Asha'man thing. All Taim did was give himself a fancy title and let his cronies give themselves fancy sounding titles.


Rand named them AFTER Taim began calling it the Black Tower instead of the farm.  Rand's initial idea was just to get other male channelers to stand with him at TG since he wasn't sure of the White Tower.  Taim, being on of the first who showed up for the clemency (at least one who was actively channelling), got the job of finding and training others.  If some other channeler had shown up the entire structure of the BT could have been different.


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