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New AMoL rumor?

Elwinn Taron

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I was told this weekend by a friend of my sons' that Raymond Feist (an author apparently, sorry, I'm not familiar with him) was a good friend of RJ and his family.  He, (Feist) has a blog on the internet, where he has stated that AMoL was finished by RJ, and is only awaiting Harriet's editing.  He, (the friend of sons') is not the type to make things up, but he did hear it second-hand.  Has anyone here heard anything? It didn't seem to correlate with what Jason has said, but the friend was quite definite about it.

Guest silver89

haven't heard this rumour but I will remain Skeptical until it turns up on this site.


On Raymond E. Feist, he is imo a great author with many books set in the same world. He does draw heavily on his gaming experience which you can see when reading his novels. But still they are an enjoyable read.


This is just a stab in the dark but when he says finished I believe he might be referring to the fact that RJ has dictated then entire story to Harriet and it is finished in the sense she knows exactly how the story will unfold PLOT WISE but it isn't written per say. 


Wilsons post about how RJ told them the story was posted september 9.

RJ passed away september 16.


There is simply no way he could have finished the remaining story (as in getting it either written down or on tape) in such a short time.


So I agree that Feist must have meant RJ verbally finishing the story to Wilson and Harriet.


Too bad he does not mention what he is basing that claim on.


ask him and give a link here for our sources, seems like he just might awnser

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Are we even sure it's Feist?  Just throwing that out there.


There's going to be ALOT of rumors flying around for awhile about how the last book will be finished. It's fun to speculate on it. But don't believe any of it unless you read in the DM news or on the Tor website.


Wilsons post about how RJ told them the story was posted september 9.

RJ passed away september 16.


Oh geez.  He finished the story to them on my birthday and died on the anniversary of when I met my wife. :(  Can't believe I never put those together before. <sigh>


Looking at the profile, I got quite sceptical that this is the real Feist. Granted, I know absolutely nothing about him other than having read his books. But seriously, a world famous writer being part of a group called "alt.sex.strip-clubs"?


I am very, very sceptical.


The weird thing is: i found on the official website of Raymond E Feist

(http://www.crydee.com/raymond-feist/newsgroup)the following :




At present there is one newsgroup addressing the subject of Raymond E. Feist, his works, and interests. Ray can sometimes be found participating in the newsgroup.


The Newsgroup is




This newsgroup can be found on most servers


Please observe the FAQ for the newsgroup, it is posted to the newsgroup on a regular basis, and provides a posting guide for users of the newsgroup. You can also find the FAQ here.


That does look like like the one in the link:




So it does seem like it is Raymond E Feist.


He says:

Robert Jordan was often seen as overbearing or bombastic,

opinionated and filled with his own sense of self-importance. I was on a

couple of panels with him and found Robert Jordan to be all those things

and more.  Jim Rigney wasn't really Robert Jordan.  That was his act.


That mad me laugh. I mean FEIST saying that?? Feist is really filled with his own sense of selfimportance. I met him once and that's my opinion of him.


But seriously, a world famous writer being part of a group called "alt.sex.strip-clubs"

Well, when i met him, I was 19. I talked to him for a bit and he told me he just dated like 2 flight attendance of 22 :)

He also immediatly thought i was 19 when i asked him, how old he thought i was. Actually he looked at my boobs and than said i was 19  ;D

So i can immagine that.


Now, i think it can be possible it is Feist, but that doesn't mean he is right.

He said:



on't jump to conclusions.  The last book is written.  It just needs to

be edited and put into production.  The slow down is that Jim's wife

Harriet is his editor; that's how they met.  Once she's over this, I'm

sure she'll make sure it gets published the way Jim would have wanted.


How does he know that? He can be wrong or misinterpreted it. He says himself, he isn't a close friend.

There are a few things pro and con the book being complete:


Pro: RJ knew in advance he was ill, he could have skipped the 90 rewrites of the prologue and wrote everything and after that started to rewrite. That way in a sense the book is done, but also not done. Because chapters can't match, because rj changed something.


Con: He told his family all about it, why would he do that if the book is done?  (ok it's not full proof)

Jason said there were audio tapes, why audio tapes if the book is done. (although ofcourse it could be used to rewrite it)


So i don't know;)




Anyway, just talked to Jason about this.

He said that what Feist said is wrong and that he probably meant it differently.




When they say the book is done, I don't think they literally mean that every word has been put to ink. I think they mean that all of the plots/events/resolutions/etc. are in some form or another decided. There is an outline that may need fleshing out in some places, but the sequence of events and the fates of characters are decided. The release date to me seems too far away to simply be waiting on editing. My great-aunts husband passed away recently, and he had been working on an autobiography. She immediately picked it up after his death and started editing it, although she had put it off for years while he still lived. I would think it natural for Jordan's wife to act similarly, and involve herself with her husbands work so as to let him live on through her, even after death. That is of course an opinion, and I wouldn't think it wrong for her to do otherwise. I just assume her to be that sort of person.


Personally, if she ends up having another author help finish up the book, I would hope she could get Gene Wolfe to do the work. Has anybody read The Book of the New Sun tetralogy? It is AMAZING. 


i just wish we could have some updates with percentage done or something.  RJ died 9-16-07.  KoD was released 10-11-05 and RJ announced his illness 3-23-06. so im assuming that KoD was finished sometime in early 2005, and he wrote religiously every day (said so in an old interview.)  thats a decent chunk of time for aMoL.  if i had a terminal illness, i would probably write more just to be satisfied with the accomplishment of doing something productive, as a psychological boost i guess. 


then there is the fact of his previous WoT releases.  FoH came out in 93, and LoC in 94.  those are two of the largest volumes if i recall and they were released within a year from one another.  i would assume that aMoL would probably have the content of both of those books, so thats two years.


im not trying to be insensitive, i guess i just want to know a definate date to circle on the calendar so to speak.  if its 2008 sometime thats great, if its 2009 thats great too because at least there is a date.  i know that 2009 was a target date before, but we all know that is probably changed due to the current events of things.  it would just be an honor to read aMoL, to celebrate with RJ with the culmination of one of the best stories ever told.     


First, a serious (fatal) illness that saps your energy would adversely effect the ability to write not improve it.  Second, I think (however, intent on finishing the series) RJ's primary concerns were probably with his health and with Harriot.  Third, we have been told that book was not in finished form.  Fourth, its been what six weeks since his death.  Simply put Harriot has better things to do then worry about your anxiety as to when the last installment of the WOT will come out.  Fifth, even if Harriot was up to dealing with who/and how Memories of Light will be finished there are certain practical ans legal realities that have to worked through.  Has RJ's will been probated who dis RJ name has his literary heir, was there a decision made by RJ as to who/how Memories of Light would be finished. if not, has the matter been addressed by Harriot, other heirs and beneficiaries, Administrator of RJ's estate/will and the probate court Has the court of probate, literary heirs his estate and heirs all signed off on any such wishes. Sixth, the original timeline was for MOL to come out in 2009 so stop worrying.














  Simply put Harriot has better things to do then worry about your anxiety as to when the last installment of the WOT will come out.


listen dude, its obvious the book is going to be written.  my "anxieties" or concerns, are towards the publisher Tor, not harriet.  of course she has better things to do, i dont think finishing aMoL is the best thing for her to do.  so dont make the ignorant comment that im putting myself in front of the health of others.  im not stressing out or having anxiety over the release.  i said in my post i was fine with 2008 or 2009, i just wanted to know which one.  im not worried at all. 


i said in my post i was fine with 2008 or 2009, i just wanted to know which one.   


I completely agree, I dont think any of us are sticking our bottom lips out, we simply want to know how to schedule in the complete series re-read that i'm sure most of us will want to do prior to aMoL being released. I dont care whether i have 3 months or 3 years, but obviously I dont want to scramble to finish the series quickly if i have 3 years to do it.


Well if the original projected date was 2009, then I would suggest we start adding 1 to 2 OR More years onto that.    So say 2010 is we are VERY, VERY lucky.  Or 2011 if we are VERY lucky.  Then 2011 if we are just lucky.    We will not even consider the "unlucky" dates.


I know that Harriot is an author in her own right and was his editor and has all his writings/notes/recordings +++.    But unless he was really really close to having it complete.    It is going to take her or who ever she selects a considerable amount of time to pull it all together.    That is once she gets to it, which will not be for months.


Why would anyone be worried about TOR? If anything they would be the most likely to want an early publish date.  Second the TOR publisher appears (from everything I have read) to have been close to RJ. Whether MOR comes out in 2009, 2010 or 2025 what is important is that the person who would have known RJ's intent the best(Harriet) be happy with the final product. Third, since the original publish date was going to be 2009 there is almost no likelihood that it will come out in 2008.  Now, if RJ finished the prologue  prior to his death then yes maybe that will come out in 2008, but I have not heard anything definitive about that.


I was not suggesting (ignorantly or otherwise) that you were putting yourself ahead of some-one's health(RJ's? Harriet's?), I was suggesting that believing that Harriet, TOR or anyone else would be in a position to publicly state when MOR would be published was unrealistic.


:-*However, dudette, your posts did sound anxious and/or worried :-* :-*





















I am sorry, but I am new to this website and I don't understand what AMoL stands for.  I sure do hope that there is a finishing book out there to the wheel of time series.  I want to give Harriet my condolences and I hope that she is cpoing with the passing of her husband.  I know how much he loved her, by the dedications in his books.  If anyone has any clue as to if there is another one out there or goingto be, please let me know.  I am sure everyone is wanting to know the same things, but I am new like I said and I don't know the sources like everyone else does. 


Cubarey, your suggestions rather suck. I don't find it unrealistic for them to give an estimate for the release date, nor do I consider it odd that people would want to know such information. Quit acting like some moral angel, defending grievers by stating they have other things to worry about. Nobody has shown ill will towards Jordan or his family, only curiosity about a piece of his work through which he will live on.


If you really believe that Tor, Harriet or anyone can give an estimate on when AMOL will be published before deciding who will finish it (and doing small things like getting the probate court's approval- signing contracts which all take time) you are either delusional or have no concept about the real life realities.


I and others do not find it odd to want to know when a AMOL will be published.  However, after mature reflection I do not expect that the relevant parties will be in a position to tell us for several months.  My initial post was addressed to certain comments on this thread that seemed not to understand the realities(health, emotional and legal) that will unfortunately delay the pleasure that we all will have in reading AMOL.


I further agree that no one has shown ill will, but, the whining nature of certain posts are self-evident.


As to the point that my suggestions suck, I will only say that you may find them insulting or annoying but they are factual in nature. If you find the "facts" a hindrance to your delusions then I apologize (obnoxious ain't I  ;D)


Your facts are merely assumptions. They can take into consideration the amount of time all the legal and issues otherwise will take. I don't expect a month but they could probably suggest a probable year and perhaps a beginning of or an end of. It may take them a little while to come up with such information, and perhaps they won't let us know until they feel more confident in the tentative date. But unless you are a close relative or friend of the family you can't state your opinion on the matter as fact. And frankly, your holier than thou attitude is more annoying than the "whining" you mention.


The holier then thou attitude is related to my being a minor deity( ;D).


  Taking into account the practical and legal realities is not assuming, its taking into account those realities. 


The original publish date was 2009. Only if Harriet, TOR (and whatever writer they have agreed upon) feel very confident that the 2009 date can not be made would I expect them to talk about the publish date at this time.  Moreover, when in 2009 will AMOL come out (or any other year) has to do with the economics of publishing more then when it could actually be ready for printing.  Publishers like to maximize their sales so they prefer to bring out books they expect to be good sellers either to coincide with schools letting out in summer or the Christmas holidays. However, Publishers will also take into account the entire list of books they are publishing and the impact that they will have on each other (for instance publishers would not likely want to publish two popular fantasy novels at the same time).  Thus unless TOR was very confident on when it could get the finished AMOL they can not be expected to publicly announce a major release 15 to 25 months in advance. 


Since we do not know how much work is needed to actually finish AMOL or even if a ghost writer has been decided upon, I would expect (at best), a loose time line (the year not the month) to be mentioned at the announcement of who will actually finish AMOL or sometime thereafter.


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