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An Introduction


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I became a WoT addict about 2 years ago, and became interested in the White Tower RP here not too long ago. I made a few friends there already, and one of them (*hugs Bree*) pointed me here to the Community part of the White Tower.


I am a single mom of a two year old, her father gets her every morning, and I get her every afternoon :) I can't sleep at night, and of course the baby sleeps (thank the Light) so I had nothing to do at night until I found DM. :)


So here I am, ready to annoy... I mean join everyone over here too LOL

Guest nephitess

LOL....*snugglebites*  See i keep my promises....;)


OK everyone this girl is amazing and i know you'll all love her. please make her welcome!!


*snugglebites again for good measure*


PSST>>>Bree is my RL name hehe

Guest nephitess

well, once you have the full board access, come to the Red Ajah board and you'll get many more! TEE HEE :)


Welcome to the White Tower Mirlishea. *hugs* I'm sure you'll have a great time here, especially with Nephi to look out for you. Once you can see all the child boards, stop by the Ajahs, especially the White  ;) we all love getting visitors.  ;D


Welcome to the White Tower Mirlishea! Glad to see Nephi drug ya here. Oh, and when you are out visiting Ajahs make sure to come by the Greens. We like visitors. 


Sometimes, you new-comers make me feel so old.. probably because I used to be a snuggly bite-y extra insane person when I was newer here, instead of the old crust-bucket I've become ::winks::


Anyhoos, welcome, and have a good time around these parts - lots of interesting people to talk to/with.


Hola!  Glad to see newbies here, as always!  And, I'm with Raeyn on all the snugglebites and stuff...except for the fact that I never really did it.  Instead, I handed out plates of extra special chocolate fudge brownies! :)  Like this one *hands over a plate of her specially made extra special chocolate fudge brownies*


Glad you found something to occupy your extra time with and I hope you have an absolute blast with all of us here! :)


Welcome to the White Tower! Make sure to come visit the Ajah's when you can, especially the Yellows! We have crazy fun there!


Thank you everyone :D


I'll be sure to visit every ajah when I get the chance! *big hugs for all*

Extra special chocolate fudge brownies?!?! Yay!!! You'll never get rid of me now! LOL


That's because everyone drugs the food they make here with hypnotic suggestion fluid.  At least, I've been telling myself that for six and a half years; Mother is a scary tiny imposing woman ;)


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