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Watched a couple of movies last night: Stalag 17 and Chocolate.


Stalag 17 was made in 1953 and starred William Holden.  It's a story about a Nazi POW camp for sergeants during WWII and the pilot inmates of Barracks 4 that try to escape.  Basically it's awesome.  There's a spy in their midst, they think it's William Holden, and he tries to prove his innocence.  Standard plot with great acting, great comedy, and a good ending.  Holden did a good job of being the hard, solitary loner that no one really likes.  He did so good of a job that it won him an academy award.  So there you go.  I highly suggest this movie if you like prison camps, escape schemes, William Holden, WWII, and laughter.  8/10



Chocolate was a movie from 2008 about a girl with autism who learns fighting skills from watching movies and playing video games.  Her mom gets sick and she goes around beating up people who owe her mom money.  It features some of the sickest and most awesome stunts and fight scenes I've ever seen.  It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but it's so worth watching for the unreal choreography.  Also this girl is only 14 (in the movie).  Good for anyone who loves foreign fight films with great moves and unreal stunts.  6.9/10

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Chocolate was a movie from 2008 about a girl with autism who learns fighting skills from watching movies and playing video games.  Her mom gets sick and she goes around beating up people who owe her mom money.  It features some of the sickest and most awesome stunts and fight scenes I've ever seen.  It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but it's so worth watching for the unreal choreography.  Also this girl is only 14 (in the movie).  Good for anyone who loves foreign fight films with great moves and unreal stunts.  6.9/10


I saw that awhile back. Read my post on it?

She's actually like 21 or 22, but looks 14. And is actually a national tournament winner in here martial arts.

I believe she does thai boxing? or whatever its called... The one where you use knees, elbows, feet, fists... and she's very proficient with one move.

The nut cracker. ;)

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Mui Thai is what your thinking of. I happen to be learning it myself :)


Aye thats what it was!

She's one of those girls that you gotta keep a picture of, so you know who not to piss off if you see em. ;)

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Indeed I did Sinister.  You are the reason I decided to watch it, and I'm glad I did.  Also, I could be wrong, but it looked like she was doing more than just Muay Thai.  The guy with Tourettes was doing some Capoeira and I think she was doing a little herself when she handstanded to forehead kicked on some of those guys.  It also looked like she threw a little bit of Judo, Karate, and Taekwondo in there too

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Indeed I did Sinister.  You are the reason I decided to watch it, and I'm glad I did.  Also, I could be wrong, but it looked like she was doing more than just Muay Thai.  The guy with Tourettes was doing some Capoeira and I think she was doing a little herself when she handstanded to forehead kicked on some of those guys.  It also looked like she threw a little bit of Judo, Karate, and Taekwondo in there too


Wouldn't be suprised, her character was supposed to be able to memorize any martial arts. ;)

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Well, I watched the IT crowd season 1-3. HILIAROUS.

Defying Gravity (Silver recommends a good series! Its a first!)



Sympathy for mr. Vengence

This movie is... wow. Its as emotionally draining as a shaksepearin play. Its good, its low budget, the acting is good. The main character never says a single word. And the story is damned dark with no happy ending for anybody.


Sympathy for Ms. Vengence

3rd movie in the trilogy, (first is oldboy haven't seen it)

Now this movie, has similar context/city and or region. IT shares some plot elements (might have started in old boy? dunno) But wow. The ending caught me by suprise, didn't see it coming. Unlike most movies that spoil the entire plot on the back of the box, this movie basically pulls together all the events that lead up to the ending spread through out the movie. Instead of saying 'ok this is what really happened, no GO'. It spins a tale of vengence, it tells you one side of the story, then you find out the truth of the story, And just when your about to go Hurrah! vengence at last! It does a 360 twist and will probably make most people go 'can't wait to see the blood start flying now!'.

Just for the record, it isn't an intensely gorey movie, suprisingly lacks gore in all reality. Its probably closer to say an 80s freddy flick then it is to Saw, but thats not to say its a slash flick at all. Not even close. Its like cinematic art, with a bit of blood used as paint. :P


Natural City

Wow... Are the koreans in love with shakespear or what? I haven't seent his much tragedy since.... well... You know, when movies started turning piss-poor and going for the alwaysg ood ending.

This movie is the spiritual successor to Blade runner, with a bit of Ghost in the Shell mixed into it. Its good, its got flaws but it is good.


Jet Li's Legend of the Red Dragon

Wow... this movie is freaking CHEESY!

Rofl, I mean you thought Shoot'em Up was stupid with him delivering a baby and cutting the umbellica cord with a bullet? This guys freaking fighting Ninjas with a spear, and a baby on his back jumping around like a kangaroo, while the baby's getting slapped in the face...

And thats not even going into the metalic chariot ninja guy who shows up and chucks sawblades at jet li. :P


Also, On netflix Watch Now, do not, under any circumstance touch the movie Battle in Heaven. The box art looked like American Beauty, the story could have been interesting, and hey, if all else fails it might have had some american pie-esque nudity right?


Imagine a movie where the plot is this.

Guy picks up girl from airport.

Goes home

Kidnaps her.

She dies.

The end.

Now stretch it out over 2 hours.

Throw in a few picture of a fat naked mexican guy.

And several 20 Minute + scenes of people just standing doing nothing, saying nothing.


This movie is beyond trash.

Plot sucks

Story sucks

Artistically it sucks

And the only thing that would save even most B movies, Nudity, Sucks. There is no good part about this movie! Do not watch! Its not even the kind of movie you'd want to put on with a group of friends and insult Mystery Science Theater 3000 style! Even those guys would say 'screw this'.

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Okay, just saw

Gran Tourino - AWESOME movie. Had its funny (up) parts, and its down parts. Awesome last movie.


Sunshine Cleaning - Pretty good, but not nearly as memorable as Gran Tourino.


Why it take so long to watch Gran Tourino? Been on my netflix queue for...ever.

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first off i have to say that i find it ironic that people (like me) have little to no time for anything when they are at work but when they are paying for school they have plenty of time for the internet.  my ex used to chat with me all day while she was in class.


now for what i have been watching....


im am up to disk 2 season 3.5 of BSG.  always liked the series but had never been able to watch it all in order before.  much better that way.


also re-watched a underworld marathon last weekend, caught some cool things i hadent before.


master and commander.  saw that in the theters but it had been a long time. i love movies with tall ships in it though and this one is even better as i have been on the HMS Surprise (she is docked at the maritime musium in San Diego)  my wifes favorite pic of me is at her wheel.

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