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Who are you???! and yoU? And you two?


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So there are a few oldie threads around at the moment, largely thanks to me *g* And I enjoy them. But I would also like to get to know all the new people!! I think I might've done this relatively recently but I can't remember when, where or how. :P


I will firstly introduce myself for those who don't know me - I'm Taya, and I've been at DM since 2000. For most of that time I've been a Green Sister, but I've also acted as Sitter, Ajah Head, and Mistress of Novices in that time. Oh, and I was once the Mistress of Novices' eyes & ears - but that was back in my novice days. *g*


One thing I loved about being MoN was that I always knew everyone in the White Tower. ;p but that is soooo not the case these days. I would like to get to know the people I haven't got to know yet, which sometimes includes those of you who have already been Raised to Aes Sedai for crap's sake!! Yes, I've been missing out on a lot in recent years. ;)


So anyway, who are you?? :)


I'm Shoar, I've been at DM since October of 98 (I think...) Shoar started off as a Ward, who eventually progressed to full Gaidin, then became Master Of Initiates and Sword Captain, then RP Co-ordinator and Sword Commander, then Incarnation (One of Four, I think I was the... Pattern?) THEN I became Chief Of Security. I was bonded to Ryell Jagad, Reile Tarkene and Nimue Stormsong.


I was ALSO Korall, Teacher of Ji'e'Toh and Leader of the Aethan Dor.


I THINK that's all the stuff I've been...


Hi im mayleigh(megan) im a novice in house sanche ive only been here a cuppel of weeks but me and 3 others have been causeing a lot of missjiff( i wont mention names you know who you are *waves*)


drop by house sanche anytime you feel like it *huggels*


I'm Nurit and I'm an alcoholic  *lol*





I've joined DM on 2001.


I've had Nynaeve (Sedai), Sullynn (Aiel), Lorelai (Wolfkin), Saar'eve (Trolloc) and now also Zoe (CoL).


I've been... Mistress of Novices IC for a few years. Sullynn is the Thunder Walker society leader to this day. Saar'Eve is a Shaman. Lorelai is a Ranger.

And I've taken up the position of CotL division leader a few months back.


Community wise I've been Ajah Head for as long as anyone in my Ajah can remember.... hehe... And I'm currently Temp WT org leader gone wild *nodnod*



TAYA! *smoochtackles*






Hiya Taya...  :P  :D  I'm Jhae or Jeanne IRL.  I started at DM around May or June of 1999 and quit for awhile sometime in 2002.  I came back fully at the beginning of 2006 though I lurked at the offsite Blue boards for those missing years... lol.


I joined originally for the RP and became a Blue of the WT.  I also had a BT Civi I loved to RP, but she's in limbo.  When I came back, the Blue Ajah I knew was all Community now, so I just stuck with that.  At one time or another I've been a Sitter of the Blue and was Head briefly before Eggy, Mia, Nia.


I was Bonded in the RP to Jayce Gaidin who I kept in touch with for awhile after quitting, but haven't talked to in a long time...  :-\  I was also Bonded to Michael Drakaard, a Storm Leader of the BT, and still talk to him occasionally.  I'm currently Bonded to Paetric, Sword Captain of the Warders, on the Comm side.


IRL, I have a 3 and a half year old son, William who I stay at home with right now.  My husband (who resembles Billy Corgan... I know Taya loves him... hee hee) will retire from the USAF in 2009 (I believe, lol) and is in college for Comp Engineering right now.  Hmmmm, what else, I'm 32 and an online gaming addict...  ;D


I'll add to the other oldbies here, 'cause I'm sure that we confuse most of the new people with our silly memory-laden pratter :D


I'm Virginia in real life, and of course - Raeyn Sedai around these parts.  I joined DM in December of 2000, and the White Tower in January of 2001.  In my time, I've been a Brown Ajah head on the RP side of the house, a Sitter on both sides, a Black Council Sister, and the last Mistress of the Library (we ended up retiring the position 'cause nothing was getting done - too much imput, too many hands in the pie, lots of reasons), OH! and one of the few Plaids still lurking around <.<  I'm also the keeper of the White Tower Tags, which will be getting moved into a photobucket sometime soon, due to the fact I've misplaced the actual website ::blush::  I've also served as the Freelanders Division Leader twice, and am a retired Incarnation.


So yes - I dabble in some of the other Orgs/Divs, but the White Tower is ever my home :)


I'm slightly anal-retentive about proper use of English spelling and grammar, and will ignore you as a human being if you refuse to get with the program - this is a place of writing and socializing about writing, and I have high standards from people who should be obviously intelligent.  This tends to go for the foreigners too, who in  most cases are more on the ball about it than the native speakers!  I also attribute this standard to being multi-lingual, and that I do my best to respect other languages by NOT abusing them :D


Other bits... I'm short-fused and a touch hyper (less than I used to be when I was a Novice... oi vey on those days! >__<), but am usually willing to help anyone I can, as well as to be a sounding board for issues.  This is part of the reason I founded the DM_Drama livejournal community - in the hopes that people would utilize it to sort out issues with other members of the community instead of stewing in it ('cause that causes people to wander off for years and not want to come back.. not that I'd know anything about that, having just come back from a 2 year absence....). >_>


And as for IRL stuff - I recently finished a six-year enlistment in the United States Air Force.  When that came to an end, I emigrated to the United Kingdom, where I now live with my British husband. We have been married just over a month and a half, so while it may still be the honeymoon phase, we're both feeling good about it (especially considering that we're spending this "honeymoon" phase in a tiny room in his parent's house, 'cause the house we purchased keeps getting held up... completion is now due to take place halfway into next month... we were supposed to be able to move in back in early July -__-).


So yesh... la! <3


Well now I'm feeling positively young ;)


I'm Niamh but feel free to call me Nia (Nee-uh) as most people struggle with Niamh- for the record it's pronounced "Neev". In RL, I'm Hannah and I'm 18. I'm starting University next month to study History so I can become some funky weirdo in a Museum some place.


I've been at DM since March 2004. I started out on General Discussion before making it over the WT a month later. Mo was my mentor and I had a great time as an aspirant, even though I'm positive I was incredibly annoying back then. To everyone I did irritate, I aplogise. ;)


I was raised to a Blue Sister in September 04, was made a Sitter in the following December and last September I was made Head of the Blue Ajah, a job I adore. I have bonded many sisters, though I have lost contact with a couple. I was bonded to Eire but sadly, that evenutally came to an end. Since then I have never really wanted to bond another warder though I did bond Maria in a warder-esque way which effectively means that she sends me Norwegian Chocolate from time to time  ;) I'm a member of the Seanchan as well and have been at points, a member of the Tinkers and the Band but alas, for I seem to be unable to cope with more than one Org! The Seanchan is working well so far though!  :)


I think that is all.  8)

Guest Far Dareis Mai

RAWR I am Far! (or FDM, or Far Dareis, and I even get a random Maiden every so often... ;))


I offically joined DM in January of '05, though I started regularly haunting the WOT Discussion boards around November of '04. I disappeared for about 6 months in the Fall of '05 (had to go on bedrest in my 7th month before having the kiddo, and the doctor thought the pc in bed was a bad idea ><) but then returned and have been active in various parts of the site ever since. The White Tower was my first Org, and with my now MIA sisters (and a few accomplices--Raijin, Tayol, Jea, and even sometimes Dwyn...  :D), we were an over the top, outspoken, and fun loving bunch of Novices and Accepted (Ice Cream catapults for the win!). After I became a Green Sister, I meandered over to the SG Org, where I've decorated a happy little dungeon. I'm also a member of the Illuminator's (who rock!), and I'm a mafia addict. On the rp side I have a very inactive Sorcha (CoTL).


IRL my name is Heidi, I'm 25, married, and have a 20 month old daughter. I'm a stay at home mom, and love it. When I'm not on DM, I'm hanging out with my kid, scrapbooking, sewing, volunteering, or playing Final Fantasy 11. I love trying new things, and I love to gab. I'm a compulsive busy-body though, so it all works out. :P 


Nia thinks she's young.


I'm Tigara, I have been here 1 year and 1 month. I joined the WT right away and was raised to Accepted by last December. I quickly found my place in the Yellow Ajah*snuggles Nyn* and was raised to full brother last march. I am also the birthday herald along with my accomplice, Kara. I am in many Orgs, and I believe the Seanchan is the only one I have not been in at any time.


In RL, I am Tim, a 16 year old garde 12er up in Canada. Since I live in the middle of nowhere, DM is the most interesting thing I can tell you about.


The White Tower was my first Org, and with my now MIA sisters (and a few accomplices--Raijin, Tayol, Jea, and even sometimes Dwyn...  :D)


Those were good times!  My newer Ajah members still have a hard time believing I was ever a novice, though.    ;)


I joined DM in October of 2004.  I've stayed on the Community side, and the WT is my only Org.  I was raised to the White Ajah in April of 2005, then was promoted to Sitter in July of 2005.  After serving as a Sitter for several terms, I was promoted to First Reasoner on February 27, 2007. I am bonded to three sisters:  Nia, Madjordanfan, and Mightelove.  I once had a Warder, Eire, but that bond has sadly been dissolved.


In RL, I am a 26-year-old from California.  I'm currently living in Pennsylvania for the year while I complete an internship for my graduate program.  Once I'm done with the internship, I'll graduate with my doctorate in clinical psychology. 


I always have a feeling I go from one of these threads to another with nothing inbetween... ;)



I joined Dragonmout in January of 2000. The site promptly crashed the day after.  ;D I joined the Black Tower as Master Lu. Back then there was no Community/RP division, so I was both, I guess. ;) I had a great time RPing and fooling around on the OOC boards and the IRC. That's how I met Jhae amongst other very cool people.


In September of 2000 I joined the White Tower as Egwainne. Comm and RP were still one group, so people of the White Tower got to know me better by that name. I convinced Jhae to be my mentor and I started to wreck havok in the Tower with another Novice named Therase. We were inseparable in those days. We were rised together (well it was supposed to be together, but I think I got raised a day early) at the end of October 2000. I held the record for the fastest raising in the White Tower,  until Rae supposedly beat it. I still don't believe her, and am awaiting a proof till this day.  ;D :-*

After becoming Egwainne Sedai of the Blue Ajah, I RPed extensively with her as well as my Asha'man, and did numerous WT and BT stuff. I became a Blue Sitter, not long after. This is also the time I, unfortunately lost contact with Therase, by then a Sister of the Red. Yeah, imagine a Red and a Blue RPing as best friends. It was soo much fun! ;)

I eventually became the Blue Ajah Head. And I still think of the Blues as my little babies.  :D *weg*

Oh, and I was the Point Mistress, amongst other things. What was the Point Mistress? Well, it was the person who made you your One Power Score. So there was no messing with me, or you'd get stuck with a weak ass score.  ;D


Apart from Lu and Eggy, I had a number of other characters: a Wolfie, a Dreadlord, a King of Tarabon and a Warder. I wasn't very involved with the other orgs, though.



IRL, I'm Sebastian, from Croatia and I'm 24. Which I think is old as shit, which is why I have been celebrating my 13th birthday for quite a number of years now. :P I lived and studied in Boston for a while, and I'm now, finally, finishing my studies back home. I'm a Computer Science major. I studied Psychology in the States as well, but that fell through when I came back cause of the very different education systems.

What else? Well, I have a cat I adore. ;) He's called Genghis Khan, and I am his world. Which strokes my ego sooooo much.  :D



I'm Raena, I joined DM in May last year, though I had been lurking for ages before I finally joined. I hung out at Fiddlesticks at first, where I found my wife Danya (it's our 1 year anniversary today  :P ) and some minions, though only one, DSage, is active now.

Then in late June last year I joined the Aiel Org, where I am now a Wise One. I joined the WT in late August, was raised to Accepted in November, and to Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah in April this year.


In real life my name is Frida, I'm 21 and I live in the north of Sweden. I'm about to start my third year at the university (on Monday), I study physics and my goal is to be a medical physicist. 


I'm Majsju, though I'm usually just called Maj, which is perfectly fine. I joined DM in...november 2003, the White Tower just a few weeks after (and more or less immidiatly stumbled into the Brown Ajah.)


Nowadays, I'm more often found at the Seanchan. And the book discussion boards, where I hunt for silly theories to firmly shoot down (Yes, I do have a mean streak *weg*)


RL, name is Daniel, a 31 year old from Lund (Sweden). I study sustainable development at the University of Lund, and occassionally work with an EU project aimed at sustainable cities (Going to Cyprus next month for the next phase of said project). The dream is to eventually move to Brussels, or at least that part of Europe, and work fulltime for the EU. But we'll see about that.

Oh, and I have just started studying Danish, figuring it might be nice to get a real introduction to the language of the lovely neighbours, even though I understand it quite well already.


Outside the professional field, I'm a football fanatic (the avatar and siggy kindy gives that away, right ;D), and extremely much into music, playing a bunch of instruments more or less good, and constantly searching for new exciting music to clog my playlists. I'm also in charge of a student bar here, so I'm quite a decent bartender.


I'm Barmacral, I'm the mod of the newbie board, and I'm just plain awesome. I'm better known as Barm, which in the local languages of Sweden and Norway apparently means Bosom.


IRL I'm 20 and live in Canada (near Detroit), I'm a student who just got out of history, and am looking to get into Computer Networking. I'm an internet addict, and have just recently started my own website. I also do historical re-enacting in the 1812 time period. I'm a part of the unit U.S. 25th Infantry. We are 1 of 2 25th units in North America, our's is made up pimarily of Canadians, the other one is down in VA or something like that.


and a lovely Bosom it is too!  ;)


hello, I'm Danya  :D I joined DM in june 2005, where WT was my first org. I joined there in octber, and declared for the Blues in january I think. and never regretted it! the Blues are awesome  :D I'm currently a Sitter. outside of WT, i'm one of three Fiddlesticks and Organized Games board moderators. you should all go to Fiddles, and join me and Rae in celebrating our one year wedding anniversary! (*smooches Wifey*)


in RL, i'm soon to be 22 years old (in 11 days actually  ;D), I recenly started on my final year of a bachelordegree in history, but this final year i'm taking administration and management, since I love to be in long meetings and do paperwork and generally just do officework.  :P so we'll see how that goes. i'm also a huge fan of voulenteer work, and spend a fair share of my time helping others.


I live with my boyfriend and two cats, and since bf makes enough money, I dont really have to work. so I spend alot of my time on here. but I think I have to get a job, so I can have some more money to save up for d*con next year  ;D


so, yeah, thats me! go Blues!



I'm Naeann (Renae IRL).  I joined Dm at the end of May this year.  I joined wolfkin first but Taymist convinced me to join the White tower shortly after.  I raised to accepted some time in June I think, and had the priveledge of raising together with some very good friends.  I'm pending to raise to shawl and petitioned the Yellow Ajah (Tigara and Nyn brainwashed me!!) I've also been terror... I mean... hanging out in Fiddlesticks of late playing the Mafia games.... That is all Vemy's fault.


I am 26 years old and I live in Missouri.  I have two cats and a dog.  I'm saving up for D*con next year too, Danya!! I'm a cashier at a retail chain but have a shot at assistant manager.  I just dont know if its worth it as im getting fed up with that company.  I want to eventually go back to college to be a teacher.

Guest Arie Ronshor

I am "teh" Arie Tarou Sedai.


And i met you in Japan. That was awesomeness. :P :)



I started to Lurk DM in September of 2000 but didn't officially join until March 2001. (I think). We were going through massive board changes.. over and over again, so starting out was confusing. The more confusing part was the amount of Changes in my ajah I have until You convinced me back to the Community side of things and the Greenies. (God bless the Greenies).


On the Comm side i'm a Green Sister and one of Jaydena's minions. I manage and own the battleajah.net website and the former GA boards.


On the Community side i have over 10 characters, 6 semi-active. I'm on my 6th Aes Sedai (:O).  I also am the Division Leader of the White Tower, Asisstant Group leader of the People of the Light (WT, WY & CotL) and the Unaligned Races (Freelanders). And for the most part attempting to keep myself out of trouble.. ;) (And one of the Few Admins atm not on LoA. :P)


Its just crazy... Never thought to be the Divisional Leader when I first joined DM.. ;) Stick around and dreams do come true. *grins*


Oh, RL, My name is Andrea, Live in Canada. Favorite colour is Blue. and *thinks* i'm a Barista (and no, not the starbucks kind.. i got fired from that job.. :P:D)


I just wanted to say I've read the first page so far, and I knew most of you already ;P But it's good to read this stuff again anyway *G* and Rae's right, it'll be nice for any newbies who are interested in reading up about the oldbies :P


Meanwhile, there are a few I hadn't met before - hi guys! :) I will tell you a bit about me when I've read the second page *g*


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