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Favorite Actress Versus Round 1 (Battle 12, Page 14)


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Well we start again with 24 hopefuls to see who will come out on top.  If you are unfamiliar with how this is run, please reply to the current match up and cast your vote.  It can be as simple as their last name or as detailed as why you think they deserve to win.  Feel free to post and try to presuade people to vote your way.  Please highlight, glow or bold your vote to make it easier for the poor old org leader of the Seanchan.


Winners: Jamie Lee Curtis, Renee Zellweger, Jodi Foster, Audrey Hepburn, Kate Winslett, Juliette Binoche, Kathy Bates, Diane Keaton, Nicole Kidman, Greta Garbo


Losers:   Meryl Streep (fell to Curtis), Liv Tyler (fell to Zellweger), Susan Sarandon (fell to Foster), Julia Roberts (fell to A Hepburn), Ingrid Berman (fell to Winslett), Hally Barry (lost to Binoche), Carrie Fisher (lost to Bates), Katharine Hepburn (fell to Keaton), Sally Field (fell to Kidman), Hilary Swank (fell to Garbo)


Our Nominees are :  Catherine Zeta Jones, Judi Dench, Angelina Jolie, Annette Bening


Round 1 Match up:


Jamie Lee Curtis



[move]GRRRRR, I want to eat up some Baarmy...  Grrrrrrr[/move]




Meryl Streep




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Streep: 3

Curtis: 5


I personally thought Streep was a top contender and that this match up would swing her way. 


Oh Well.... Streep falls in an upset to Jamie Lee Curtis...


Next up...



Renee Zellweger







Liv Tyler



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Renee Zellweger

Liv Tyler may have the Hulk and lord of the rings under her belt, as well as Empire Rercords, which Renee Zellweger also has, but has Me, Myself, and Irene, Jerry Meguire, return of the texas chainsaw massacre, Bridget Jones's Diary(chick flick with some funny moments), Nurse Betty, Appeared in King of the Hill, and Married with the children.. I think she has to win..


Now if she gained weight to play a part then lost weight, I'd aplaud her, like I aplaud Sean Connery for being the only actor willingly to gain 50 pounds to play a part. :D

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Renee Zellweger

Now if she gained weight to play a part then lost weight, I'd aplaud her, like I aplaud Sean Connery for being the only actor willingly to gain 50 pounds to play a part. :D


Didn't DeNiro do that as well for Raging Bull?


Anyways, I vote for Zellweger too. Poor Liv Tyler.

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