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What's your mentor/mentee family tree?


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I'm pretty sure Will didn't have any mentors' date=' at least not officially...


So, my tree would look like this:

Mentor: William

Mentees: Salome, Dove, Alarwyn

Grand-mentees (my mentees): Mightelove, Brendalea, Wyndolyn



Well, I'm sure Will and Salome have had lots of other mentees too, but those are the most important ones, I think. :/ To me, at least. :P

*sigh* So little tree... But I hope it'll grow with my mentees! :D


Will was my mentor too! I'm just not as active as the others!


My mentor disappeared... :shock: OMG! I'm an orphan!


Jaina- mentor

Helike- me

Taei Mirel- mentee (or not as i have had no word from her)


Well, if you include bonds, my mentor family tree looks more like a bush.

I'm actually working on a picture of the "family" tree, including bondings and Bandings in the BotRH

Deffinitely gonna be odd looking. :D


pretty short as far in what info i got..dunno if mentor had any mentor and who


Mentor : demonauel

Minty : me

Guest Seryanne

Pookie is my mentor... and all her stuff is on Taya's list under Marce Dalfor :D


Maybe someday I'll have a minty too... :)


Grandmentor: Cleo (Green)

Mentor: LadyMo (Blue)

Me!!!!<<<< *grins* (Blue)

Minties: Elyssa (Blue), Shelli(Red) and Lilarin(Green) are the only ones that made it to Aes Sedai. I am, I belive, Grandmenteeless *lol* Unless any of them have something to tell me... *cough*


Here is my list, and if anyone has any info above my mentor, it would be much appreciated!


Mentor: Amalthea


Brother (had same mentor): Eire Gaidin

My current minties: About 20 or so, as I was the only active der'manshima for a long time. I have a list somewhere...*hunts for list*...here we go!


1. F Horn of Valere

2. Darlantan

3. Gerrendus

4. Yashard

5. Joer-Chan

6. Shadowkin (I think, but I can't read my own handwriting!)

7. Galanoth

8. Agorn

9. Karn Du Gast

10. Cam

11. Cuhail alMurphy

12. peck

13. Zeaille

14. The DrewmanReborn

15. Pistol Monkey

16. Basram

17. Teryl Byar

18. Ethereal_Dragon

19. Roxinos

20. Steel Axe


There we go! A list of all 20 of my mintees I have been given over the year as a Mentor!!! Only a handful are still active here at the WT...I wonder whether that says anything about my mentoring :?


I apparently have had a mentee. I didn't see my original WT name on the list, <wonders if mentors were optional then> probably were cause I don't recall having one or being one either.


I do see one of my RP names on the lates list Taya made tho.




How could I forget Steel????? Anyway, list is now updated! 20 mintees! I do not know if that is a record or not! And it was an old list as well!


yeah well... I like to take breaks months long :) And when I do come back its usually a post or two. This is acctually one of my 2 or 3 most active comebacks. I'm even RPing again :D


All I know is if you get back to me I end the line. I had no Mentor.


I have no clue who all my Mentees were, I don't think any are still around.

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