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Favorite Actor Versus Tournament Round 1


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Tough one, Peter O'Toole's long and successful career vs Dicaprios somewhat shorter. Dicaprio gets my vote, much because he managed to come back from a few dark years and start being a real actor again.


And if it's namedropping time...Liam Neeson, Ian McKellen, John Rhys-Davis, Sam Neill, Jean Reno, Daniel Day-Lewis, just to toss out a few names who are better than at least half of what's been mentioned so far.

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Liam Neeson is a good one....


Gar... which means I have to do two more rounds now.  Ok keep dropping names and I will include a few more to ensure we have the best people possible.



Vote Tally:


DiCaprio: 2

Cusak: 1


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Who do you consider to be "this generation"? Not asking to be argumentative, just curious who you are grouping together. ^_^


Any 'actors' under 25.


Look at it this way, in 10 years, you'll start seeing actors you grew up with, dieing off. In 20, that number will be even less. in another 30 they shoudl all be dead by then, or long since retired. "de-nero, jackson, your favorite action heros of the 80's...." Hell chuck norris is in his 60's! Same with your ever so favorite Greesey actor. :P


What we'll be left with is basically a generation of actors who's film career can basially be caractorized by the movies like american pie, and the latest 'national lampoons'.



if you look at the actores who history will remember its guys like charlie chaplin, laural and hardy, bogart, brando, cooper, stewert, john whayn, george c scott, and thier like who will be remembered.  leo and keanu, aflack (ugggg. spits) toby mcguier will all be forgotten in 10 to 15 years.  as special efects get better and better the need to actualy act gets smaller and smaller.  case in point, one of the best suspence movies ever was afred hitchcoks Lifeboat.  the entier movie just about takes place in a small boat. the biggest spetial efect was the wave machines.  compare that to a movie like the haunting wich has absolutly no acting in it, no talent just pretty people, and lots and lots of spetial efects.  there is also a notible lack of story in todays movies.  if you feal like you are seeing the same story over and over agin, it because you are.  hollywierd knows that they are having truble comming up with good stories so they are just takeing old blockbusters and shooting them again, with more spetial efects and less acting.  look at star wars.  the original had moderet to decent acting, for its day decent spectial effects, and an awsome story line.  in comes the remake prequils.  no acting, heack halve the cast wherent even actors, they were cg.  no story, they substitued story with mind blowing spetial efects insted.

  holly wood needs to send allits actors to acting school, come up with some NEW plot lines, and stop reliying solly on special efects to make them money. 


  "a spetial efect has to have a story behind it, a spectial efect without a story is nothing"  -- george lucas  from starwars to jedi

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Hey, I just signed up in the 'sign-up' board/list/whatever, so can I vote in this?  Sorry for being so late, but I don't think there's really any serious competition between DiCaprio, Cusack and O'Toole.  I gotta go with the Grim Eater, Peter O'Toole, who has more range and artistic craft than Cusack and DiCaprio combined.



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