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Favorite Actor Versus Tournament Round 1


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Tough call...


Lets compare awards...


Hopkins: 4 Oscar nods, 1 win

Depp: 2 Oscar nods, no wins





I really really dislike some of the movies Depp has been in including From Hell, Sleepy Hollow, Once Upon a time in Mexico, The Ninth Gate...



But then you have gems like Fear and Loathing, Pirates 1, Edward Scissorhands,  and Finding Neverland.


I think Hopkins is a talented actor, but the only movies I can think of him in are Silence and the Edge. 


So my vote goes to [glow=blue,2,300]Depp[/glow] even though originally I thought Hopkins.

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I have to lean in favor of Depp, primarily because he's more versatile as an actor. I mean, pretty much all of his parts are oddballs in one way or another, but Anthony Hopkins really only ever plays one, maybe two roles, repeated over and over throughout all his movies, with slight variations on the same theme.


I love Sleepy Hollow! What's wrong with you?  ;)


And my goodness, awards are nothing to judge by. Halle Berry won an Oscar, and every subsequent performance (even in good movies like X2) has been crap.

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Alright, it looks like Depp is running away with this and it is time to put Hopkins out of his misery.  Also, if you have a suggestion for an actor that has been left out, please let me know in your reply.  I think we are nearing the end of the first round. Here are some that I am considering: De Niro, Whitaker, Costner, Spacey, Sinise, Connery, Macy, Gable, Newman, O'Toole, Duvall, Crowe, Douglas, Arkin, Fonda, Mckellen.  Of course I can not have them all.   

Harrison Ford






Denzel Washington



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Well, I missed it, but I would have voted for Johnny. They are both good, but Johnny's got the sex appeal.  8)



For the current, I HATE you for making this competition so tough!! I think I'm going to be cheesy and say Harrison Ford wins for Indiana and Han. Though if Denzel is terribly upset, he can come by and I'll do my best to cheer him up. ^_~

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Well, I missed it, but I would have voted for Johnny. They are both good, but Johnny's got the sex appeal.  8)



For the current, I HATE you for making this competition so tough!! I think I'm going to be cheesy and say Harrison Ford wins for Indiana and Han. Though if Denzel is terribly upset, he can come by and I'll do my best to cheer him up. ^_~


Exactly (except for the cheering up part)

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And Emp, I'm hereby requesting this battle:


Ewan McGreggor (Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, Brassed Off, A Life Less Ordinary, Star Wars, Down With Love, Moulin Rouge)







Ed Norton (Primal Fear, Fight Club, American History X, Rounders, People v. Larry Flynt, 25th Hr)






IMO, they are the two best actors of their generation




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I would have voted Depp simply based on his performance in Secret Window, I loved that movie.


As for the current battle, Ford has had some classic roles that were lots of fun, but lets face it, outside of Solo and Jones, I can't think of one movie that he was decent in. Lots of movies that he was in, just none where he was any good.

Denzel on the other hand is one of my favourite actors, and does an amazing job in all of his movies. I'll be voting Denzel Washington.


Edit: And now I realize that I forgot to read the last page of the thread. I'll be going Ewan McGregor, as he does well in the roles that I've seen him in.

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Here's the thing.  DeNiro is a great actor, even if most of the parts he plays are identical.  The best in his genre, and he even has comedic timing.  But . . .


I've watched Trainspotting.  And Shallow Grave.  And Moulin Rouge. And Brassed Off! And in each movie, McGreggor creates a completely different, compelling, and believable character.  The strung out druggie.  The fun loving kid with a dark side lighter than his friends'.  The starving, romantic, naive artist.  The small town, earnest youngster.  And in each one, he completely disappears into the character.  Watch him as Renton and then in Moulin Rouge, and its hard to believe they're even the same actor.


I can't believe I'm taking him over DeNiro, but I'm taking him over DeNiro. 




(and Cads, I have no idea who I would have picked between him and Norton.  No clue).

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