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Season Finale Predictions

Guest Wolfbrother31

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Guest Wolfbrother31

#1] My hot hot take ... probably wrong on this, mostly it's a guess because of how fast they increased Lan/Nyn's relationship.


Moiraine goes up against Lanfear at the Eye ... And You know! 


#2] We are finally gonna get Padan Fain ... doing something. Unlikely, but hopeful. 


#3] We're going to get Tarwin's Gap. Guaranteed. 


#4] Egwene is going to "save" Rand at the Eye ... yeah... We can't have a guy be the hero (men suck, women are awesome in WoTTv remember?!) 


#5] We're gonna get the Green man. Hopefully...


#6] Still no one has commented on Rand's heron marked sword (even in the borderlands!) ... someone will do so in this episode to right their egregiously, faulty writing. 


#7] Rand will actually be on screen for 10+ minutes... First time all season! 


#8] Ishy will be at the Eye. 


#9] We'll get a wurm? 


#10] Gotta end with the arrival of the Seanchan! 

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Next week, in the Season Finale of The Wheel of Fort...I mean The Wheel of Time...


Our intrepid heroes travel across the Blight to the Eye of the World, where they discover a cryptic message scrawled in Trolloc blood.




RAND:  "Umm..I'd like to borrow a vowel."


MORAINE:  "Oh you stupid, stupid boy..."

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1 hour ago, TheDreadReader said:

We get LTT and Ishy as a cold open.




Yep. It's time folks: the Prologue is coming


Time for Ishamael to make his move on Rand.


Tarwin's Gap!


Gonna need to do something with Fain. The buildup has been great but as my wife put it, "whistle boy better make a move next week or I'm gonna be annoyed"

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If our heroes find the horn next episode after bringing down the baddies, any chance they bring it back to Fal Dara and Fain nicks it right before credits roll, setting up the hunt for next season?


Pretty sure the rest of the crew will follow M&R into the blight but alternatively they could stay behind and help deal with either Tarwin's Gap or whatever shenanigans Padan Fain starts.

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Classic prologue as cold open.


Journey through the blight won't take long. Suspect it will be only Rand/Mo as with the bond masked Lan will say they can't track them and something will happen to prevent them even considering it.


Ishy vs Rand will happen but no other forsaken will be there and it'll primarily be non-fighting fighting - probably vision stuff, temptation and more. Rand won't actually hurt him but they'll change it so Ishy tricks Rand into doing something with the eye that frees all the forsaken properly to give him an antagonist win.


I think the Wondergirls are going to end up helping out against a big attack at Tarwin's gap for their showpiece action - I still don't understand why Amalisa can channel unless she's going to use it more explicitly, so perhaps she can't do enough and the EF group come to bail her out. 


Could still have Rand travel in to help them fight it off as the final set piece of the series.


I love @ForsakenPotato's idea of Fain stealing the horn at the end of the episode. That would  be a good set up for what comes next season (which I'm starting to think is going to be a large shifting of things to all end in Tear including the horn battle)

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I fully expect Egs and Nyn to save Rand's bacon at the Eye.    And for Moraine to "die".   She'll be gone for the first three episodes of Season 2 but brought back by someone other than Mat (the evil one) and Thom (the forgotten one).    Loial will not be at the eye, and will forever just be a guy who shows up occasionally, stands around and does nothing at all of consequence.   Lan will take cooking lessons, since he's such a bad Warder he decides he needs a new career. 

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12 hours ago, Wolfbrother31 said:

#1] My hot hot take ... probably wrong on this, mostly it's a guess because of how fast they increased Lan/Nyn's relationship.


I did start wondering about this. Done right it could surprise and delight book/non-book folk alike, all but the bookcloaks.


I think it's still too early though. It'll be most impactful if Rand/Selene and Rand/Moiraine are both built up first.

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I'm going for:

Rand somehow gets his magical cache including the banner, horn and a broken seal.

Moiraine tries to go toe to toe with Balzamon, and gets slapped down.  (see Min's viewing)

We get a showdown between the two but Rand decides saving Moiraine is more important than finishing the job, he gets knocked out.

The wondergirls whisk them to safety somehow.


Season end -cliffhanger -Mo is out of commission, The Dark One is loose.


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28 minutes ago, Frenata said:

I think it's still too early though. It'll be most impactful if Rand/Selene and Rand/Moiraine are both built up first.


Yes, definitely agree on this. Rand and Moiraine need to be built up more before they do this imo, from his complete distrust of her on to leaning on her more and more. 


I do think they have left too many not-so-subtle hints that she may meet her end at the Eye for it to actually happen. 

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49 minutes ago, Lethira the second said:

Season end -cliffhanger -Mo is out of commission, The Dark One is loose.

Cliffhanger certainly - but ending on either Fain with "its never over Al'Thor" or something with whichever forsaken will be central to season 2 - perhaps Lanfear with a "Lews Therin will be mine".

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Cold open is the original prologue with LTT and Ishamael, and a bunch of ex-family

Moiraine / Rand in the blight. Talking about channeling. Probably get the “fish can’t teach a bird to swim” dialogue. Also probably don’t trust the other AS.

Trolloc army of the blight towards FD.

Moiraine and Rand in trouble, saved by Lan / Nynaeve / Egwene. I really hope Loial goes with, but don’t think so.

Fight at the Eye – we get Plans A and B from the Forsaken, fight scene is basically book, Lan torn between defending the two. I am still hoping for Green Man. If Loial goes, we’ll know. Otherwise, Nyn kills B, while M gets A.

Women link so Moiraine can access N & E’s power to attack Ishy

Rand taps the Eye and may link with the women.  we get him versus the “DO”. Creator speech is doubtful

Rand beats Ishy – may even get the I beat Shai’tan dizziness - wipes out the army, and we get LTT on camera beside him asking “who are you?” mirroring the guy who wasn’t there from episode 1.

Return to FD with the Horn

A Padan Fain scene in FD, watching them return.

Season ends with Moiraine saying the Dragon rides again on the Winds of time to someone.


Rationale – the time in FD in the book between the Eye and Siuan’s arrival in tGH gives time for Rand to grow and learn about the DR and the Sword. He starts growing into the man he needs to be, enabling him to succeed on the road. That’s why I don’t think the theft occurs immediately. So no real cliffhanger this season


And rumors have a couple of men in olden clothes fighting at the eye. Hence. Plans A and B, so to speak.

Edited by Jaysen Gore
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1 minute ago, TheSmurf said:

I've been clamoring for him to be a decent Warder.

And would a decent warder let his Aes Sedai go after the Dark One with only an untrained sheepherder for protection? Or would he take off to catch up asap.


Also, since the bond is masked, maybe he needs an extra tracker to try and find them in the blight.

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2 hours ago, notpropaganda73 said:


Yes, definitely agree on this. Rand and Moiraine need to be built up more before they do this imo, from his complete distrust of her on to leaning on her more and more. 


I do think they have left too many not-so-subtle hints that she may meet her end at the Eye for it to actually happen. 


Yeah I think what they're going for is to demonstrate the kind of recklessness that Moiraine is *capable* of, that she is willing to put her life on the line for the quest.

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I'm not sure what will happen in the last episode however someone is cast as Small Girl on Western Shore which suggests that the Seanchan will be introduced as a cliff hanger.


tEoTW ending is pretty messy so I'm willing to give a lot of leeway for how it turns out. However I will be very dissapointed if the Horn of Valere is omitted from the books. Between the end of book 2 and the twist in book 14 I just can't understand not including it.

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Guest Wolfbrother31

I also like the idea of Padan Fain stealing the horn towards the end. There's been lots of build up in his creep factor but he hasn't done anything!


I don't think we'll get the prologue but I do think we'll get LTT in Rand's head at the eye. 


I think we'll have Maigan encounter the Seanchan and ... be collared! 

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Prediction. Rand brings a sword to a one power fight, but gets lucky and just about survives. Egwene levels up and saves someone/everyone. Perrin kills a shedload of trollocs, but in a story arc redemption kind of way, no friendly fire this time. Moiraine takes one for the team for the cliffhanger (we find out in season 2 she's ok).  Doomseer has read the spoilers and she was just drinking in her bar the whole time, because why not, the Pattern is basically just trolling the Dark One, again. No wonder he (or she) is angry and evil.

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