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Who is re-reading The Eye of the World?


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After several recollections of mine became challenged regarding the source material, I felt a re-read was necessary. I'm closing in on the end of tEotW and I have indeed misremembered or flat our forgotten my fare share of details. I certainly owe a few members a retraction or two.

What about you folks? Any intentional rereads out there? and if so, is it effecting your opinions of whats to come, or jogged your memory about something?

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I started again and just finished The Dragon Reborn.


I caught myself looking for parts of the book that could be cut or mixed with something else to fit better in the time and format of a TV series.

One unexpected change for me is the Whitecloaks being a more dangerous group.  Common folk are cautions around them, but they are generally described by characters in the book as not being much more than an annoyance.


I am looking forward to see if they put in as much foreshadowing as is in the books.  Kind of like The Sixth Sense, all of the signs are there if you know what to look for but you really do not see them until you go back and watch it again.

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2 hours ago, Wassup said:

One unexpected change for me is the Whitecloaks being a more dangerous group. 

Big one for me too. I also felt the White Cloaks weren't enough of a danger in the books. At least for the most part. They're presence may well be an improvement on the books.

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5 hours ago, templar7 said:

Big one for me too. I also felt the White Cloaks weren't enough of a danger in the books. At least for the most part. They're presence may well be an improvement on the books.


I always felt most people were afraid of the Whitecloaks, at least the people who knew their approach. 


Aes Sedai weren't, because the Whitecloaks had no way of attacking them. That's why Egwene and Elayne weren't concerned when they arrive in Tar Valon from Book 3, and Verin was furious with them even for that. 


I agree that it is a welcome change that it seems they actually have some way of burning the witches. 



Re rereading - I started a reread a couple of months ago, going very slowly and reading lots of forums and comments alongside, but my limited spare time has been swallowed up by this website in the last two weeks, so it is on hold ?



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Got my wife to read for the first time.  Reading along with her.  Been trying for years to get her to do it but the show coming out was enough to get her more interested.  Trying to keep up with her, lol.  This is probably my 10th time through EotW.  Reading some other stuff at the same time and squeezing in her 60-70 pages a day is tight but well worth it.  

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Making the whitecloaks more dangerous is an interesting change.


I do have to wonder how in the world the White Tower allows them to get away with it though. Granted I’ll we’ve seen so far is one Aes Sedai burning without context, but Valda’s rings certainly hint at others…

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I recommend checking out the audiobook version, if you've never listened before. I find myself picking out details that I've not noticed in the past, which I suppose is natural on a re-read, but apparently listening activates different parts of your brain.


In any case, I think it's simultaneously engaging and relaxing to listen to, and worth trying if you've already read TEOTW several times.  Michael Kramer's voice is like a warm blanket

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5 hours ago, MasterAblar said:

Making the whitecloaks more dangerous is an interesting change.


I do have to wonder how in the world the White Tower allows them to get away with it though. Granted I’ll we’ve seen so far is one Aes Sedai burning without context, but Valda’s rings certainly hint at others…

Agreed - always wondered how they didn't find a way to squash White Cloak hijinks in the books.  After all they made thrones tremble.  And it not like the White Cloaks were fighting a guerrilla war.  They had a central base of power and paraded around in very obvious fashion.  You would think the smartest women in the world would have been able to shut them down even with the oaths.

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I started a "re-read" a few years ago, but went with the audiobooks (which are amazing, Kramer and Reading do a fantastic job) and listened to them on my commute to work. Only finished up around early 2020 and decided to listen to New Spring... right when I stopped having to commute to work. I only finished New Spring this summer.


I also followed along with Leigh Butler's Re-Read series on Tor, which was both fun and informative (all of it was done before AMoL and some before ToM, maybe before TGS as well, I forget). Definitely worth the time!

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29 minutes ago, themann1086 said:

I started a "re-read" a few years ago, but went with the audiobooks (which are amazing, Kramer and Reading do a fantastic job) and listened to them on my commute to work.


Same here, I did a re-readlisten between 2017 and 2019 on commutes and road trips.  I can't praise Kramer and Reading highly enough for the quality and consistency of their performance.  Yes, there are some howlers in the pronunciation here and there, but it isn't jarring once you've become used to it, and it remains consistent within that book.


I've listened to quite a few audiobooks, and I always pick up things in the listening that I pass over in the reading.  WoT was no exception.  I was going to start another listening marathon, but I'm not sure whether that would cause a bit of cognitive dissonance with the TV series.  I'll see how the first season goes.

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7 minutes ago, Rand the Plumber said:


Same here, I did a re-readlisten between 2017 and 2019 on commutes and road trips.  I can't praise Kramer and Reading highly enough for the quality and consistency of their performance.  Yes, there are some howlers in the pronunciation here and there, but it isn't jarring once you've become used to it, and it remains consistent within that book.


I've listened to quite a few audiobooks, and I always pick up things in the listening that I pass over in the reading.  WoT was no exception.  I was going to start another listening marathon, but I'm not sure whether that would cause a bit of cognitive dissonance with the TV series.  I'll see how the first season goes.

"cognitive dissonance". I like it, nice way to say it ?

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I chose the phrase with care.  We know that the TV series is going to differ from the books, and some of the rumours (and some of the confirmed changes) are making some people nervous.  On the grounds that the language we use influences our thinking, I'm trying to be neutral-to-positive until I actually get to see it.


Which is only a few days away.  Squee!

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19 minutes ago, Rand the Plumber said:

I chose the phrase with care.  We know that the TV series is going to differ from the books, and some of the rumours (and some of the confirmed changes) are making some people nervous.  On the grounds that the language we use influences our thinking, I'm trying to be neutral-to-positive until I actually get to see it.


Which is only a few days away.  Squee!

Two weeks is not a few days! ?

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10 hours ago, Ralph said:

I always felt most people were afraid of the Whitecloaks, at least the people who knew their approach. 

Oh ya, I agree. To be more accurate I would say that the public's fear of the WCs never seemed justified enough. Although eluded to, they never felt threatening enough to me as a reader.

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7 hours ago, MasterAblar said:

Making the whitecloaks more dangerous is an interesting change.


I do have to wonder how in the world the White Tower allows them to get away with it though. Granted I’ll we’ve seen so far is one Aes Sedai burning without context, but Valda’s rings certainly hint at others…

Forkroot poisoning? Maybe she was taken as her Warder was killed or tortured? Thats all I can think of...

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Oh i can totally see the Whitecloaks managing to capture and kill and Aes Sedai. There's various ways to achieve that. The lack of response from the White Tower is what I'd be skeptical of is all.


Who knows, maybe Valda's killings are a recent exploit, perhaps even yet unknown of or some such justification. We'll soon find out ?

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2 hours ago, MasterAblar said:

Oh i can totally see the Whitecloaks managing to capture and kill and Aes Sedai. There's various ways to achieve that. The lack of response from the White Tower is what I'd be skeptical of is all.


Who knows, maybe Valda's killings are a recent exploit, perhaps even yet unknown of or some such justification. We'll soon find out ?

I hope they “justify” it like you say through their tunnel vision zealotry. But I don’t even see this as a major change like some do. They control all of Amadicia and have splinter-cells all over the place. Honestly, even though they never explicitly say they do things like this I always figured it happened and was heavily implied, especially with questioners/in their homeland. They only temper themselves when they are subject to laws in foreign lands or feel they are outmatched. And don’t they consider Aes Sedai dark friends for the most part? Historically they also hanged an Amyrlin Seat too I think. (Albeit she had been murdered and was already dead), but they very well could have been involved. 

Their questioners are even disliked or seen as distasteful among their own ranks too, but tolerated because Whitecloaks don’t even want to get on their bad side. They are basically the Spanish Inquisition. 

If they can convince themselves you are a dark friend then you are guilty with little recourse. Also, they try to stop Moiraine and the E5, but she uses mirror of mists weave and scares them off. I felt they were wanting to do something like this since they got wind that they were involved with the rumors in the town. 

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