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Tainted Minds - A Black Tower Mafia Game: Game over - Town wins


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  On 9/17/2017 at 3:41 PM, Leyrann said:

Cory, what are your reads & why have you ignored others who asked for them and additionally ignored my vote that I placed because you were ignoring them?


i'll share reads when i am ready to, and no earlier


i dont think ive ignored anyone. havent read all the thread though


i didnt care about your vote

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  On 9/16/2017 at 10:39 PM, Clovdyx said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 10:00 PM, Nolder said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 9:09 PM, Clovdyx said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 8:59 PM, Nolder said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 8:31 PM, Clovdyx said:

Why?  I see literally no point in this.

I don't want to play this like it's a vanilla game.

I want to play this like it's a game with a cop, an insane cop, a framer, and a mafia traitor.



That's fine.  That doesn't explain what benefit you think there is in discussing the contradiction. 


Two and a half phases from now when we have multiple flips and an idea of who was targeted?  It would be pretty dumb NOT to discuss it.  But right now, we have minimal information so any discussion on that specific difference (or any discrepancy between peeks) seems like it's going to do more harm than good.  It can lead to mislynches on cops, it can lead to mislynches on peeks, and it can lead to cops getting NKed.   


I think there's always benefit in discussion. Besides, a stagnant game is a boring game.

Just seemed like a contradiction was a good place for a starter discussion.

Better than the usual joke votes and mock outrage retaliatory votes etc etc that usually happens in most early games anyway.



Not sure I agree that it's any more useful, but I appreciate the variety.




If nothing else, it has me feeling ~good about you.  Really interested to see what takeaways you have from it, though.


Well you saw what my takeaway was initially. It melted my brain and left me unsure what to do haha.

I think that the usefulness of the information grows in time and so I see the side of people arguing that the discussion is useless I just don't agree that it's altogether useless.

For example even though we are no closer to having figured out what role Sooh or Ironeyes has my line of reasoning did seem to rattle Sooh, at least more than I would have expected.

That could be telling.


And that is why discussion is always useful because in the long term most people can't keep up the facade if you know what to look for. Not saying Sooh made a slip but then again maybe it was and if she makes more of them the first one looks worse and it only came about because I was going over "useless" information.


That's about all I have to say about that for the moment.

  On 9/17/2017 at 12:09 AM, Clovdyx said:

I'm pretty sure lurkers have been crushed in recent games, but that's besides the point.


As it relates to SK, I'll gladly lynch him if he doesn't do something to make me think he's worth keeping around.  I just don't think it's worth everybody jumping on him when essentially half the game has yet to make a meaningful contribution.  If he's town, you're absolutely right to say it's anti-town...but that doesn't mean he can't be.  It wouldn't be the first time town has claimed scum, for some bizarre reason.



And not going to turn this into a gun debate, but I'd much rather have access to one and never need it for self defense than be in a situation where I need one and don't have it.  I don't know any countries that outlaw kitchen knives.  Or machetes.

I haven't played on DM in awhile so that's good to know if true.

  On 9/17/2017 at 12:29 AM, Dar'Jen Ab Owain said:

Good evening, folks. Glanced through the last few pages.


Certainly a lot I don't understand, but that's ok.


Hope you have a good night, Sooh.


Got a few more things to do then hope to be in with you all for a little while.

Hi, I know you're still a newer player IIRC. Can you remind me how new? Is this like your 2nd or 3rd game?

  On 9/17/2017 at 12:33 AM, Gentled Ben said:

I'm glad I don't live in Australia where I don't even GET to consider owning a gun for the night stand or home defense. 


What does "nol" stand for?



Okay, let me rephrase that Nolder. 


What reads do you have at this point because of it?


You say it rattled Sooh - okay, cool.  Do you think her being rattled makes her more likely to be town?  More likely to be scum?  I was involved a lot - what does my involvement with it say about me?

  On 9/17/2017 at 3:22 AM, dicetosser1 said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 11:48 PM, Nolder said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 11:04 PM, dicetosser1 said:

@BFG  heres what i was waiting for. nolders reaction to SKs self vote.


If nolder came straight out and voted here id be "ok thats nol"  but he hasnt and now im sus on him. not voting him yet til i can make sure im not slightly biased atm.

I've kind of given up on this policy. It seems to happen at least once per game these days.

I still think it's anti town and I'll still lynch anyone who does it.

I'm just tired of being the one to stick my neck out and initiate.

Same with lynching lurkers, you remember how gung ho I was about lynching lurkers?

When's the last time you saw me mention lurkers?


I just don't care anymore. I try to play the best game I can despite what other people do or don't do.





im pretty happy with that response actually.  and id forgotten about u and lurkers lol



  On 9/17/2017 at 12:33 AM, Gentled Ben said:

I'm glad I don't live in Australia where I don't even GET to consider owning a gun for the night stand or home defense. 


What does "nol" stand for?


short for NOLder


Good. I'm glad you wont go on a crusade to get me lynched over a policy I don't really adhere to anymore because I really want to play this game lol.

  On 9/17/2017 at 4:43 AM, Shitsure Kamimashita said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 4:58 PM, Nolder said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 2:01 PM, Shitsure Kamimashita said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 1:52 PM, Dar'Jen Ab Owain said:

So real quick question about the NO and then name, thing. What is the NO stand for and what is the significance of the name? I'm still really confused over that point.

it is basically someone saying they have a report on said person. A mafia would definitely do it to fit in. I do not recommend it...


night zero (n0) report - Dar'Jen inno. If I am the cop and die the person I named will be looked at. And it helps the actual/real cops hide amongst vanilla losers.


Was this an example or a report?


an example.



  On 9/17/2017 at 4:53 AM, Shitsure Kamimashita said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 5:04 PM, Nolder said:


This is what I've compiled as far as results given so far.


N0 Results
1. Nolder - Ben is Innocent
2. BFG
3. Ironeyes - Clov is Innocent
4. Dar'Jen Ab Owain
5. LedZepMan - Leyrann is Innocent
6. Niniel - Refusing to give result for now
7. Leyrann
8. cory caboose - Nolder is Innocent
9. Clovdyx
10. Shitsure Kamimashita 
11. Sooh - Clov is Guilty
12. Gentled Ben
13. dicetosser1 


People not giving results are either cops or bad or bad cops. People who have given their result there is scum hiding their not sooh because scum are most likely to say someone is innocent. The traitor would not have given a result logicaly speaking. Call me awesome end game. I'm willing to lynch all of them. I have traitor on clovdyx I'll give you 4-1 odds that I am right. Also making a list proves you have nothing to say nolder. Death to the pretender!




also n0 report guilty on lzm


Scum often hide in lists and useless analytics, it's true. You will find very quickly that's not me.

  On 9/17/2017 at 4:59 AM, Shitsure Kamimashita said:


  On 9/17/2017 at 4:53 AM, Clovdyx said:


  On 9/17/2017 at 4:36 AM, Shitsure Kamimashita said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 2:32 PM, Dar'Jen Ab Owain said:

About the naming someone thing? Is everyone supposed to do that?


General thought: game seems to be a bit more complex than usual for me, but this is my third full game, so I'm still pretty new to mafia I guess.


Thoughts on other players? Don't really have much yet. Other than curious as to why SK would vote for self and want others to vote too. Still trying to get a feel for folks.

This is an open game. Which means it is potentially a breakable game. Open games are games where the setup is known. How many town, how many scum, and their respective roles. Refer to page 1. The goal of the town or rather the cops is to figure out what flavor they are and then reveal their innocent/guilty. The goal of the mafia framers is to obfuscate the issue. The traitor is a player that wins with the mafia, but is not in their chat. And the mafia does not know whomst the traitor is. I am a fan of open games. In fact I am dogged with some of them and live to find the most optimal way to play as town in the setup. Do the cops claim? Probably not since their is no doctor, but when should they claim. The mod already made it hard for the scum with a night zero. the two sane cops are working away. You might say, but what about the two framers and insane cop? I say meh. They have to choose precisely the same person and the cops are persons they can choose from as well makes it harder for scum to win. So one must do drastic things to win this mountain of a game...Hence the self vote.



  On 9/17/2017 at 4:44 AM, LedZepMan said:


  On 9/17/2017 at 4:36 AM, Shitsure Kamimashita said:


  On 9/16/2017 at 2:32 PM, Dar said:

About the naming someone thing? Is everyone supposed to do that?


General thought: game seems to be a bit more complex than usual for me, but this is my third full game, so I'm still pretty new to mafia I guess.


Thoughts on other players? Don't really have much yet. Other than curious as to why SK would vote for self and want others to vote too. Still trying to get a feel for folks.

This is an open game. Which means it is potentially a breakable game. Open games are games where the setup is known. How many town, how many scum, and their respective roles. Refer to page 1. The goal of the town or rather the cops is to figure out what flavor they are and then reveal their innocent/guilty. The goal of the mafia framers is to obfuscate the issue. The traitor is a player that wins with the mafia, but is not in their chat. And the mafia does not know whomst the traitor is. I am a fan of open games. In fact I am dogged with some of them and live to find the most optimal way to play as town in the setup. Do the cops claim? Probably not since their is no doctor, but when should they claim. The mod already made it hard for the scum with a night zero. the two sane cops are working away. You might say, but what about the two framers and insane cop? I say meh. They have to choose precisely the same person and the cops are persons they can choose from as well makes it harder for scum to win. So one must do drastic things to win this mountain of a game...Hence the self vote.

I like this. I actually understood 95% of what you said.


And you clarified something for me as well.



Ignoring the multiple factual inaccuracies of it, what do you like about it?  As far as I can tell, he's suggesting that he's trying to find the optimal way to play it by self-voting.  In what universe is that ever going to be the optimal way for town to play it?


And I'm pretty sure the bold is another scum claim, so yeah...I'm at a loss.


He's sweatin. He's confused. He wants to vote, but what do. Sack up dude no pain no gain. ladies and gentlemen put this guy out of my misery. This is game 1. if aj runs this game 20 more times a optimal way to play comes out by like game 6, or someone breaks it sooner. Just because I like open games and enjoy finding the best way to play the game for the town does not dictate how I will play in game as town. I have more town reads than you do, so I say I am doing pretty well for myself on my way to letting town let me do whatever I want.


Did you just say, essentially, "just because I may know the best way to play doesn't mean I'm going to play that way?"


Unless I'm mistaken that's kind of retarded sir. Or trolling. But that's none of my business.

  On 9/17/2017 at 5:02 AM, Gentled Ben said:

I could actually see SK being town playing to break the game rather than win. I don't think that helps the town, though. This set up is weird enough without someone intentionally stressing the parameters just to see if they can ruin AJ's creation.


[v] SK[/v]

Don't like this vote. You're just echoing what was said before with nothing new. Kind of looks like you're just trying to shake the attention and votes you already have on you.


That vote was made under the impression that "breaking the game" meant trying to, well, destroy it, which was incorrect, and he since unvoted.


In other words (sorry, but I was managing 3 things at once), he had an incorrect impression of what was happening. And with the impression he had, that vote is logical.

  On 9/17/2017 at 2:31 PM, Clovdyx said:



This is actually less about him and more not wanting to vote Ben (n0 town). Outside of him, my Do Not Lynch pool is probably Niniel, BFG, DJ, and Sooh in that order. Maybe throw in Nolder if I'm feeling froggy


  On 9/17/2017 at 4:01 PM, cory caboose said:


  On 9/17/2017 at 3:41 PM, Leyrann said:

Cory, what are your reads & why have you ignored others who asked for them and additionally ignored my vote that I placed because you were ignoring them?


i'll share reads when i am ready to, and no earlier


i dont think ive ignored anyone. havent read all the thread though


i didnt care about your vote


This post is why Cory is my mafia hero.

  On 9/17/2017 at 4:32 PM, Clovdyx said:

Okay, let me rephrase that Nolder. 


What reads do you have at this point because of it?


You say it rattled Sooh - okay, cool.  Do you think her being rattled makes her more likely to be town?  More likely to be scum?  I was involved a lot - what does my involvement with it say about me?

I would lean scum but it's early so I don't feel like attaching a lot of confidence to it.


Actually I rarely even give reads until D2. I usually feel like everything is up in the air until I have a lynch and a kill to analyze.


For you, while you do seem to be genuinely trying to figure out wtf I'm doing and why and what I think, like the analytics I was doing, it is a good place to hide. I feel good about you though because you've also been up in other peoples business. If it was just me I might be more wary.

  On 9/17/2017 at 4:43 PM, Leyrann said:

That vote was made under the impression that "breaking the game" meant trying to, well, destroy it, which was incorrect, and he since unvoted.



  On 9/17/2017 at 4:44 PM, Leyrann said:

In other words (sorry, but I was managing 3 things at once), he had an incorrect impression of what was happening. And with the impression he had, that vote is logical.

Don't care, his stated reason for his vote isn't why I have a problem with it.

  On 9/17/2017 at 4:44 PM, Nolder said:


  On 9/17/2017 at 11:05 AM, Gentled Ben said:

[v] Cory[/v]

Ok this is too desperate even for me.





Heh.  His push on Cory is why I unvoted him.  The other reads he gave in his explanation post seemed reasonable enough to me, and his justification of Cory seemed honest enough that I don't think he's the best lynch at this point.  I'm not sure I would lynch Cory right now, but I don't see any issue with HIM pushing Cory.


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