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Gray Ajah Midsummer Event: Could you do it?


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The Perfect Crime



Since the dawn of crime, people have tried to do it, thought they had, but only found themselves chained and locked away. Getting away with the perfect crime is hard to do. Evidence has a way of being left behind, witnesses pop up. Alibi's break down. 


The Question is, do you have what it takes? Could you get away with murder? 


Here's your chance to try. 


Post here your perfect crime, how you'd execute it, how you'd dispose of evidence. And we'll poke holes in your crime. Once there's sufficient holes, or a substantial enough one, you're done for and out of the game. locked up and convicted.


Here's how it works, post to tell me you'r in and PM me your crime. How you'd pull it off, as many details as you can think of. Once there's enough I'll post them and turn it over to the detectives (any and everyone who wants to). they'll post the flaws they see and one by one you all will be arrested (because there is no perfect crime. try and prove me wrong)  By the end of the week we'll see if anyone survives, if anyone can pull it off.  



So can you do it? 

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first crime: 

'I would change my look slightly by wearing make-up differently from how I normally do, and do my hair differently. It won't be anything eye-catching, though - I must look nondescript. I would wear older clothes I haven't worn in a while (not go out an buy anything), and that I won't wear again. I would then follow the person in a very busy street during peak hour, in winter, and stick a knife in them. It must be an ordinary everyday steak knife, of which there are millions. Since it's winter, I'd be wearing a coat, and gloves. No fingerprints.'   - elgee



alright sleuths! have at it. where did she go wrong? what would get her caught? 

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well this is slightly awkward *handcuffs the amyrlin* surveillance cams alone caught you.



got time for some more attempts. just go ahead and post them as you come up with them folks! 

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