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Being lazy


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I don´t want to go to work! Not that I don´t want to work, because I think I will have a fun day at work today. No, I don´t want to walk to work. Now, considering it takes me 15 minutes to go to work (if I walk really slow) it doesn´t take much to realise that I´m very lazy. (I was going to add "today" but really, it´s most days.) 


Tell me all about your lazy stories. How lazy are you? There might be some points involved, unless I´m too lazy to hand them out.  :laugh:

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I don´t want to go to work! Not that I don´t want to work, because I think I will have a fun day at work today. No, I don´t want to walk to work. Now, considering it takes me 15 minutes to go to work (if I walk really slow) it doesn´t take much to realise that I´m very lazy. (I was going to add "today" but really, it´s most days.) 


Tell me all about your lazy stories. How lazy are you? There might be some points involved, unless I´m too lazy to hand them out.  :laugh:


My laziness is the stuff of legends, yo.


I'm so lazy I'll not even bother t

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Part of the reason I eat unhealthy most of the time is because the healthy stuff I am willing to eat takes too long to make. Not that it is healthy, but I won't even make myself Mac and cheese because it takes too long.

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We are a lazy bunch. *nods*



I'm so lazy I often don't bother starting games and instead just hang around on the internet.


In other words, I'm too lazy to properly enjoy my free time.


:D Me too. Sometimes it´s just too hard to get up from the couch to get a new book. 


Part of the reason I eat unhealthy most of the time is because the healthy stuff I am willing to eat takes too long to make. Not that it is healthy, but I won't even make myself Mac and cheese because it takes too long.


*nods* Also, I´m bad at cooking. 

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I don´t want to go to work! Not that I don´t want to work, because I think I will have a fun day at work today. No, I don´t want to walk to work. Now, considering it takes me 15 minutes to go to work (if I walk really slow) it doesn´t take much to realise that I´m very lazy. (I was going to add "today" but really, it´s most days.) 


Tell me all about your lazy stories. How lazy are you? There might be some points involved, unless I´m too lazy to hand them out.  :laugh:


My laziness is the stuff of legends, yo.


I'm so lazy I'll not even bother t



I was in it for the long con here.....I couldn't even bother finishing a post, I'm so lazy.


My genius is underappreciated.





Talking about doing stuff, Verbal, any chance you can add a like button to this site? I want to be able to like posts like Tress'.


It's been talking about a ton, and the answer is no.  And that doesn't come from me, btw.....the consensus is it'll cause more problems than it'll solve (which it actually won't solve anything, lol).

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That's okay, I just figured I'd throw it out here because there's another forum that does have a like button (no dislike button though) where I come a lot, and I sometimes find my mouse moving towards the like button before realizing DM doesn't have it.


Regarding you not finishing your post... Yeah. We noticed.

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