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GAME ON - The search for the Holy Angreal


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The last battle is getting closer and you all want to be prepared for it in the best possible way. You have heard a myth about a powerful angreal, a golden goblet, that would give it´s owner powers beyond what you can imagine. Just recently you were told that this goblet is not just a myth, it´s real and it´s hidden somewhere in the Black Tower. You decide to bring a friend and go search for it. The problem is not only to find it. Others are searching too and if you find it you need a good place to hide it in - a place where no one else could find it and take it away from you. Let the Search for the Holy Angreal begin...



How to play:



:wheel: When we start I will hide the Angreal in a BT thread. All boards and threads are allowed except Staff board, Asha´man board, Light board, Shadow board, The Library and the 100.000 thread. The post, in which I hide the Angreal, must be from this year (although the thread might have started last year). Your job is to find it.


:wheel: As soon as the first team finds the Angreal they will post in the game thread where they have found it. Write what board, thread and post is it in. They will then send a PM to me and Turin, saying where they want to hide it next. We will then move it to that thread.


:wheel: It can be hard to search through all threads and that is why you can ask the teams that hides the Angreal one question each day, starting 12 hours after the Angreal is hidden (second question after 36 hours). You can ask any question except what thread it is hidden in. Be careful how you word your question because the other teams will also be able to see the answer. The teams that hides the Angreal must answer the question as soon as they see it. If I or Turin see it first we will answer it instead.


:wheel: The team that finds the Angreal will get 30 game points. For every hour the team manage to keep it they will get one additional point. You need to hold on to it for 60 minutes to get another point - 59 minutes does not count as an hour. If no one has found it after 48 hours I will take it and hide it again. (That means you can get 78 game points each time you hold the Angreal.) Time starts when the Angreal has been hidden by me or Turin.Time stops when someone has find the Angreal.


:wheel: You have to be active to succeed in this game. If you don´t hurry someone else will find the Angreal before you do. I think this game will be going for 10 days. Depending on activity that might change.


:wheel: At the end every contestant will be given BT points. The teams that have most game points will of course get extra BT points as well.


:wheel: If I notice that the game doesn´t work the way it´s intended I might change the rules.





1. Brave Vesperia (Lenlo and Razen) - 65 points

2. Dá Loken (Arez and Darthe)

3. Leelou and Verbal - 30 points

4. Les Llamananacorns (Roo and Nya)

5. Tuatha DéDanann (Wild Taltos and Valic) - 304 points

6. Chiaroscuro (Tress and Dice) - 60 points

7. Bananasaurus (Smiley and Ayla) - 224 points



The angreal you are looking for looks like this:



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And it´s game on. Since I want the game to get going I will give you a clue - it´s not hidden on the main board. Good luck!


RL Teacher Tina: Put away that phone and concentrate on your studies!


DM Tina: Yeh, boring class are boring. BT points are fun. :baalzamon:


Found it! It's in the Chess Tournament #2 thread on the Sports Ground board, in post #3.


Dang Razen, that was fast! Well good thing im out of class now.


Student Len: But class is boring and I am already passing it! ((Plus its a computer class :P))


DM Len: But class is boring and I am already passing it! ((Plus its a computer class :D))


Team Bananasaurus? Can I get a peanut butter sandwich with bananas on it? I wish to taunt our opponents.


Walking through the Sports Ground, Razen saw something glowing. Curiously he went to check it out and to his surprise it was the angreal they were looking for! He picked it up and headed towards Lenlo´s room when he suddenly spotted a figure coming towards him. No! Not the teacher! He had to hide it quickly. Later on he could tell Lenlo where he had hidden it. Now it was best to run...


The Angreal has been hidden! If no one has found it in 12 hours you may ask Razen and Lenlo one question/team in this thread. Razen and Lenlo have to answer as soon as they see the questions.


Good luck!


Is this it?


Discussion That's Not Really A Discussion But Is

Thread. Link here!


It is in Locke's post:

Posted 20 March 2012 - 02:38 AM


Edit: Arrrgh that link is not working! But that thread is on page 3 of the main board. It is definitely there!

  On 4/26/2012 at 1:11 AM, WildTaltos said:

Is this it?


Discussion That's Not Really A Discussion But Is

Thread. Link here!


It is in Locke's post:

Posted 20 March 2012 - 02:38 AM


Edit: Arrrgh that link is not working! But that thread is on page 3 of the main board. It is definitely there!


You mean here, yes?


When I find it i'mma hide it someplace really obvious where you won't even think to look for it.


Like on top of your head. :wink:

  On 4/26/2012 at 2:06 AM, Razen said:

You weren't supposed to find it that easily...


It was not easy! I looked through every thread up unto that point just to find it!


What laugh? All I hear is the sweet sound of victory calling mine and Lenlo's names!


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