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For the love god people!

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There is no such thing as a "Tamyrlin Seat". It is NOT a male Amyrlin.


Lews Therin wore "The Ring of Tamyrlin", which was supposedly owned by Tamyrlin, the first channeler. No one knows if Tamyrlin was a man or a woman.  It was a symbol of how awesome he was, not of leadership.


Its right there in the expanded glossary in "Into the Blight", the second half of the YA edition of "The Eye of the World".


I swear to god, I will slap the eyebrows off the next person who makes that mistake.

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Unfortunately I don't have the "Into the Blight" book. But I have every other one. I can't find that one :(


Honestly I thought Tamyrlin was the title of the AS ruler during the Age of Legends, not a name of a person.


*whispers to Jhae* maybe I shouldn't have called her 'Mommy Dearest'? :-\

I thought this was something to do with a 'love god'... :o


Languages change over time and 'Tamyrlin' over 3 thousand years changing to 'Amyrlin' could have happened. It said LTT led the Hall and he wore the ring. So a logical extension of that would naturally be that before the Breaking, whoever led the Aes Sedai, male or female, was called the Tamyrlin.  Soashamed.jpg


Actually Lews Therin didn't wear Tamyrlin's ring. He wore the Ring of the Tamyrlin*, implying it was for a specific position. We currently have no evidence either for or against the Tamyrlin having a seat, though we do know that LTT was the leader of the Aes Sedai, and that he wore the ring of the Tamyrlin, so it would be logical to assume that at least that it is a good chance that the Tamyrlin was also the leader of the Aes Sedai, and that Amyrlin was for if it was female. We have no proof either way though. All we know for sure is that LTT was the leader, and that he wore the Ring of the Tamyrlin. Safe to assume anyway that the ring had some sort of status to attached to it.


*Page 32, The World of RJ's tWOT, US Version


*whispers back to Loreina*  No, I think she's okay with that.  Mine on the other hand...  Well, at least I brought some pudding...  ;D


But now it looks like we have a debate.  Different info from two WoT places...  :D


Actually, Lews Therin's title would have been First Amongst Servants.  Taken from Wikipedia, which isn't written in stone, but......


In Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time fantasy fiction series, the Hall of the Servants was the centre of Aes Sedai power in the Age of Legends, analogous to the White Tower in the Third Age. It's unclear if the name referred to the organisation of Aes Sedai as well their headquarters (as in Lews Therin Sedai of the Hall of Servants).


The Hall of the Servants was located in Paaran Disen, which was also the centre of world government at the end of the Second Age.


The leader of the Servants was known simply as the First Amongst Servants. He or she wore the ring of Tamyrlin as a symbol of their leadership. Tamyrlin was the first person to channel the One Power, and the ring may have been a construct of his, perhaps even the first angreal. Just before the War of Power, Lews Therin Telamon was First Amongst Servants. He was also said to have summoned the Nine Rods of Dominion, which were regional governors of the planet, making him similar in power to a global president. Given the attitude of Aes Sedai and non-channelers in the Third Age it is not likely that all leaders of the Hall of Servants could summon the Nine Rods, but that this power was linked to the individual's ability rather than his or her station as First Amongst Servants.


In the Age of Legends, Aes Sedai who sat as the "First Among Servants" (such as Lews Therin Telamon) were the equivalent of the modern-day Amyrlin Seat. These Firsts wore the ring of the Tamyrlin. "Amyrlin" is presumably a corruption of this Old Tongue word, though the likely reality is that it is a literary allusion to Merlyn the Magician, just as Tar Valon is an allusion to Avalon.



Based on this, I would surmise that the ring was just an angreal with no name so it was dubbed The Ring of the Tamyrlin.  I do think that since the First Among Servants all wore the ring, that people associated the First Among Servants with Tamyrlin.

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No, call her Kath...


*tiptoes away*


Do you see those on the floor there? Those aren't fuzzy caterpillars, those are your eyebrows.


And this is just something that drives me bonkers. I ran across yet ANOTHER WoT site last night with a "Tamyrlin Seat" and I flipped. The only thing that makes me crazier is people using "Sedai" incorrectly. That one makes me want to set fire to orphanages.


ok, I just gotta' ask.... (that and I like to see you go bonkers)


How can 'Sedai' be used incorrectly??


ok, I just gotta' ask.... (that and I like to see you go bonkers)


How can 'Sedai' be used incorrectly??


People use Sedai to describe the channelers when the correct usage is Aes Sedai.  Also Sedai is used to represent a person as an Aes Sedai.  Like Moiraine Sedai and Mystica Sedai. 

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It's "a group of Aes Sedai". Not "a group of Sedai".  Sedai is never, ever used by itself. It's either an honorific like "Kathana Sedai", or part of the title "Aes Sedai".


And note that in the most formal occasions, it would be "Kathana Trevalaer Aes Sedai".  The word is just not used properly on its own.


lol I still think Tamyrlin is acceptable.. but it is kind of a roundabout reason.



The leader of the Aes Sedai was called the First Among Servants, but his/her position was actually the High Seat!!!! This is confirmed by RJ in the BWB page 32!


So, kind of like saying the President occupies the Presidency.


Also, it was the Ring of the Tamyrlin. This is clear. Though Tam was the first channeler, his name was clearly made into some sort of position, because the ring refers to The Tamyrlin.


Considering that the possesor of The Ring of the Tamyrlin sat on the High Seat, it would not be far fetched to assume word of mouth over generations changed into the Tamyrlin sat on the High Seat. Soon, it could even be shortened to the Tamyrlin Seat.


Even if you don't believe Tamyrlin Seat is accurate, it is just as, if not more accurate than the Amyrlin seat ever was.


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