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Posts posted by flinn

  1. 50 minutes ago, TheDreadReader said:


    Book Moiraine acts like she trusts the pattern to weave things in a specific way.  Just look at how quickly she accepts Egwene coming with them when they leave the Two Rivers.   She basically just says "Okay.  The wheel weaves as it weaves." and carries on. 


    As for why Moiraine wouldn't just sit back and relax, that is kind of a chicken and egg thing.  Would the pattern allow her to sit back and relax?   Or, would it guide her to the two rivers at the right time?   You can never be quite certain either way in a semi- or fully-deterministic environment.


    As for the whole female dragon thing, I think that is a something of a red herring.   I do think that it is going to have a plot consequence but not the negative one that many seem to expect.   You could easily see Liandrin making that very argument based on her introduction scene and it fits nicely with the events of the "vileness", Owyn, and Thom's backstory.



     I think in the books, her ready acceptance of both Egwene, followed by Nynaeve is because she can tell how powerful they are and wants to get them back to the white tower. It is not just a "wheel" thing, bringing in strong channelers gives advantages to her ajah.

  2.  This really isnt the line I draw in the sand. I dont like they made Mat a thief, but it isnt a deal breaker.


     But come on now... how anyone can see Mat doing it as honorable is beyond me.


     Rand said he "lost count" of how much Mat lost... he only needed 1 mark from Fain to get the lanterns...


     I guess we now can say Rand cant count past 1?


     or lets go with the simple thing... they made Mat into a thief.


    it really only bothers me because Mat (who is one of my all time favorite characters in any genre) was always a really good person, no matter what his mouth said. He may grumble and complain and say "I would never do such a thing", but when push comes to shove, he always ALWAYS did the right thing.


     that is no longer Mat.

  3. 59 minutes ago, JenniferL said:

    Okay, but just because we, the audience, know he doesn’t go home doesn’t mean Mat isn’t thinking about it. And we know he’s incapable of giving up the dagger. If the change doesn’t work for you, then it doesn’t work for you. But it’s not a plot hole. 

     well, I for one never said it was a "plot hole". I do not like they made Mat a thief, and to call it "honorable" is kinda dishonest.



     Perrin: "How much did he lose this time"

     Rand: "I dont know, I lost count"


     After losing his money he looks over at the girl with the gold bracelet, smiles and goes after her. There is not one single thing honorable about what he did.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Harad the White said:

    No. The Amazon series allows gender-changing in reborning, independently of the dark lord.

     But it doesnt make sense.. unless the previous dragon was a female and the female one power gets tainted, then the re-born could be a female. So I can go along with it being able to change over the course of the wheel turning, but for it to work, it has to be the same sex when they make the patch and then the next dragon seals it. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, JenniferL said:

    He was gambling to try to get enough money to buy his sisters lanterns and other Bel Tine treats. He’s robbing the corpse to get money to get back to his family with a safer, faster route than wandering through the woods. Robbing a corpse might not be something he’d consider before picking up the dagger, but he’s still justifying it to himself as being for the benefit of his sisters. This is all consistent with being Chaotic Good. 

     Well sure, he is grave robbing because he wants to get back to his sisters.. except we know that doesnt happen.


     Let's also not forget he just swiped a pretty nifty dagger with a big ruby in the hilt, I bet that would be enough to get him home to his sisters.

  6.  I actually love all this "running from a girl with a sword" talk. Are you kidding me? Piss off a woman, hand her a sword that is razor sharp (it was Tam's sword she was carrying) and show me how you just take it away from her. I want a video of it. Neither Mat nor Rand are trained sword fighters to disarm her, and I am willing to bet even with training any of you saying that stuff would get sliced to all hell if a "girl" had a razor sharp sword with the will and intent to use it.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Harad the White said:

    Nits of the day, a selection for your amusement.


    Perrin has a wife whom he kills? Perrin was a mystical blacksmith in the book. In what way does this nit change his story arc? No identifiable way, taking into account the fact that the story has hardly started.


    Matt is now a thief. Not even a change unless your version of WoT left that part out.


    Abell Cauthon a womanizer? The only reason to include this is to shape Matt's character. How does this lead to a non-Matt Matt?


    Let me know if the rest of the nits should be laid to rest in a continuing series.

     I can only hope you never experience becoming a widow to see just how out of touch your comment is.


     I love you Layla.. oh damn I killed you Layla... oh I love you Faile in a matter of months... please man.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Harad the White said:

    Since many bring up GoT, a comment on the HBO series.  When it started it was not the huge blockbuster it became. The first season was nearly ignored, at least until the last episode. It took a couple of years to reach its now revered status. Also, don't hold WoT to the GoT standard. The books are different and the series also should be.


    Tossing Bran out of the window in ep 1 was a hook. Everyone wanted to see Jaime/Cersei get theirs for it. Then we basically go into travelogue mode and the book (and the show) were kind of boring until Ned gets his head chopped off, then we are back to "I cant wait to see them get theirs" mode. Books 2 and 3 were good, 4 and 5 are average at best.

  9. 12 hours ago, DaddyFinn said:

    The song is perfect with Rand standing there and listening. Makes me cry.





    I just dont get it, I think it was OK at best. In fact, I think Mat and the group singing Weep for Manetheren was just as talented as his singing. None of them are "Master" Gleeman and former Court Bards either. You can see his performance repeated any time after 12am on a Saturday night at the local bar with a karaoke machine.

  10. 13 minutes ago, TheDreadReader said:


    This is the biggest miss in my mind too.   That seems like a far bigger miss than say not having Fain's speech, a worried village council and mayor, or any other early village talk.


    Next, two misses on the list for me would be no Rand bringing Tam to the village and no badger or ghost hound jokes.   I think that we'll get the Rand/Tam stuff later in flashback though.




     Yep, when the trailer came out, I thought... well when we see the Fade following Rand then Lan's entrance will make a lot more sense. Seems Rafe is set on making Lan look like a moron.

  11. 8 minutes ago, WhiteVeils said:

    I bet we get an encounter between Fain and Mat later on in the series that brings out a few more things.

     I am thinking when we get to Padan Fain, there will be a flashback sequence of him sneaking into Shadar Logoth and getting "possessed" by mashadar and then leading Mat to get the dagger to take out of Shadar Logoth for him. I think we will also learn about Layla from Padan Fain, being the DF that gave her orders.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Jaysen Gore said:

    IMO The only way to possibly save this is to show that she was a Darkfriend, she tricked him into marrying her under orders, she was trying to kill him, and his Ta'veren status (ie luck) acted to keep his thread from being cut from the Pattern.  And have him believe it.  And be damned if I know how they pull that off.

     There is no doubt she had her weapon pulled back over her head in what appears to be a swing and Perrin appears to be the only likely target. I expect to find out she was a darkfriend with orders to keep close to him (even marrying him) to watch him and be ready to kill him when the attack came. Even still, he killed his wife.

  13. ^ I agree. To me there was never any mystery. You read the prologue, then the prophecy and then boom, we are inside Rand's head. Never a thought that it would be anyone else to me.


     I agree with most of what Brandon Sanderson said. When it comes to Perrin, there is no way he could recover from that trauma in the time frame of the books. He meets Faile when Rand is on the run, so what is that? 6 months at most from the time he left Two Rivers.. So he is supposed to get over killing his wife and fall in love, head over heels (I might add), with Faile? It was too much and I dont like it at all. I can see now throughout the series I will be saying... but he killed his wife.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Jaysen Gore said:

    Episode 1 comment that I haven't seen anywhere:


    What are the odds that we do in fact know the name of the poor young man who was taken by the Reds at the very beginning?


    "A young man, who had revealed the talent, and I was not there to help him; by the time I was, it was too late"


      Hide contents

    Thom's nephew, Owyn


     Interesting. We dont know the trim frame of that happening. I have often wondered how Moirraine knew the names of all the Aes Sedai involved to give Thom the list of names. In the show, she was watching it happen. It also appears she gentled/executed him there on the spot instead of taking him back to Tar Valon.

  15.  Overall I am not bothered by the feminism. One aspect that does really bother me is Nynaeve sneaking up to Lan to the point of putting a knife to his throat. In the books she managed to sneak up to listening distance to hide behind a tree. That was so amazing that Lan twitched an eyebrow in response. Meaning any normal person would have fallen into a dead faint. To make Nynaeve look better, I feel like they lessened Lan. Lan has spent every day of his life training. Every day of his life, from the time he was big enough to walk, he was training. While clearly Nynaeve has had tracking training, and she apparently excels at it, it is not something she does every day of her life. Lan is legitimately one of the greatest warriors in fantasy, period. Not only has he trained to be one of the greatest, but with the bond he has a boost. The warders are supposed to be the best of the best and Lan is head and shoulders better than the 2nd best warder, but a villager who had some training in tracking was able to put a knife to his throat. Seriously, this dude goes camping in the blight when he has vacation time. Throw in a few other "changes" to Lan and he is not the Lan from the books, and considering how great he was in the books, that is a disservice.

  16. 49 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    what's not believable about that scene?

    you think a girl wouldn't be able to kill two men with a sword? you don't need any kind of "skill" to hit somebody unarmed with a stick. if the stick is sharp, you also don't need all that much strenght to deal serious damage. nothing ever hints that she would be capable with a weapon. she was armed, and they weren't, and that's enough.

    why would close quarters knife play work better? actually, that would require more skill; a knife is short enough that the opponent can parry by blocking your arm, can grab your wrist and disarm you; you have little reach, you must get close to hit and that exposes you. With a sword, you have a good meter of reach over your opponent. you hit, and they can't parry a sword with their arm. and why would a woman wielding a knife with skill be believable, but a woman using a sword would not?


    or perhaps it's ridiculous that she's running? that dress seemed large enough to allow movement. and the boys are tired and malnourished from many days alone on the wilderness.


    i am amazed that someone could see an armed woman as not a threat

     Not only that. Dana has lived in that town all of her life and is known by everyone. If someone did notice her chasing two strangers from her tavern with a sword, they would most likely immediately take her side and assume the two strangers had done something to deserve it.

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