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Posts posted by mistborn82

  1. My guess is taveren will be toned down alot because you'll lose you're viewers if deus ex machina comes to the rescue every time. As I've said many times, the whole 'because plot' element will most likely be removed and plausible reasons are given and motivations shown. I'm sure weird and inexplicable stuff will still happen but it'll be kept to a minimum.

    I would use the differences between LOTR the book and the movies as a guide. Not the Hobbit

  2. I'm just going on the fact, like I said, that they cast people for the whole family and from what I gather accomplished actors too. Now they could just be who they appear but why pay actors and not just extras. Also there is that weird Lanfear/Els crossover that never really went anywhere.

  3. Personally, I think we have seen Forsaken cast because they cast actual good actors, apparently, for the Grinwells. I don't think they needed to cast anyone for essentially a cameo so I think either one or both of them, possibly all three are forsaken, either all along or killed and replaced after Rand and Mat visit.

  4. Thing is though, unlike a book where you can create locations with words, in TVland, it takes money. I know Bezos is a mega-billionaire and we should be getting real shadowspawn and all the bells and whistles, we just aren't. Maybe someone can convert Bezos into a superfan but until then, we have to make do.

    Along with @Elder_Hamanlist of cities, we also know we're getting Tar Valon.

  5. @redgiantI think Four Kings or some combo of Four Kings/Whitebridge will be there, too much happens at those places. I think another reason Whitebridge is omitted is because the Thom incident is never made clear and is accepted as early bookism. I wish Baerlon could be included because of the line dancing scene. They're trying to keep the Dragon mysterious so no Eliada. Unlike books, you have to get people to play roles and that's basically a blink and you miss it scene. Big difference about Bree is Aragon stays with them whereas no one from Caemlyn becomes an MC, at that point.

  6. If we get any dreams in season 1 it might be one where they stay in one room and maybe just a voice with flaming eyes. Frankly, I think the dreams were for the WOT trilogy, not the full story, like Egwene and Perrin almost understanding the Old Tongue and a million other things.

    @ThrasymachusMin and the whitecloaks are critical story elements, and see above for what I think the dreams are.

  7. Harriet, Brandon and Maria are consulting, Rafe is a fan and Sarah is the book consultant, they'll try but this show is primarily not for fans, same with GOT. Now I won't get into a big long explanation because I realize most of this is about race but finding all sorts of other reasons to dislike it so as not to bring down the wrath of the mods. When the show premieres Dragonmount and other sites will probably gets lots of new members but they may not stay here because a vocal minority can't get over the fact that fictional characters can be other than white. I like being here and discussing news and stuff but it's getting tiring ignoring the complaints from the same people that boil down to I can't stand that X,Y,Z are black, asian etc. However, I have to invent other reasons.

    Why ruin it for everyone else here? Those 'fans' will never accept diversity so why do you stay?


  8. The original three books were different from the others since there weren't originally supposed to be anymore. In this turning of the wheel, they're a little older, Perrin is taller than Rand, Moraine is 5'8 and not 5'4 and other changes. There will always be the books, this show is not being made for us fans and I wouldn't even like a word for word screen adaption.

  9. Rand wasn't any kind of antagonist, except to Cadsuane and maybe other AS but the biggest argument for interweaving the plots from various books is that from Books 4-14 the timelines are all screwed up. I don't see Rafe or anyone following that because not only do major characters disappear but you'll confuse audiences. As an aside, I remember when first listening to the series, I never hated the Slog books but I came in at KOD so I never had the 'pleasure' of waiting years for very little movement.

    @BeidomonI saw it on Reading the Pattern and it made sense because one major character doesn't really have much to do in those books and a few other things. It wouldn't upset me if 2 and 3 are seperate seasons but if that happens the S2 finale will be adjusted so Ishy isn't stabbed or it's another foresaken.

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