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Posts posted by mistborn82

  1. For the same reason the Tylin situation with Mat will probably be dropped if it gets that far, this will as well. Just as it needed to be pointed out multiple times before I realized what Tylin did was rape, I didn't consider Myrelle and Lan. With twitter and everything now both the Tylin situation and Myrelle with Lan will be dropped. This series isn't GoT and therefore won't go for controversial rape scenes. Another reason to drop the Tylin situation is that Elayne and Nyneave don't come off too well either. My guess is you'll have Moiraine pass the bond to Nyneave directly before Finnland or the bond passed and not snapped.

  2. Right now I'm 1/3 of the way through tGH and so far there's less material than this far into EotW. Visiting Fain, the battle in Fal Dara and the prophecy need to be kept. The whole Liandrin thing I think can be dropped, as well as Rand hiding, and possibly the rehealing of Mat after fain steals the dagger. I think the whole Doman in Illian relevant parts can be told during first voyage as the seal is the only important thing, the male angreal serves no purpose as it never appears again and then all you really need is having Doman meet Turak and give him the seal. Ingtar's journey can told in flashes, not the bloody chapter it takes and I don't know what you do with the flicker as it serves no purpose but if you enhance Fain's role, you might want to keep that.

  3. @JagloverYou're absolutely right, transgender is a fad and I'm sure the people who are transgender only do it so they can be harassed, thrown out of their homes by so-called christian parents, likened to sexual predators by political figures or killed.

    The producers are making the show their way and all the so-called fans who disagree with their direction on some form of bigoted grounds, can get up the money, buy the rights and recast everyone as a WASP.

  4. True Lan needed purpose but he needed to live first. Moiraine held Lan's bond and she wasn't going to pass it to an Accepted. I'm pretty she knew full well what Myrelle would do and knew Lan would need something until Nyneave. You are correct, we would need Lan's POV to know if Myrelle's way was the only way to prevent him suiciding in the blight.

  5. To topic, I'm glad of Logain and if you increase Eliada's role then you have to change the later story because for one, you can't just vanish someone you've spent seasons transforming into a supervillian. If they change Elaida, then they either have to make her BA, a better arc might to have her gentle Logain in Caemlyn in view of Rand, Elayne and probably, lead the rebellion against Suian and be killed by Mesaana so no one onscreen knows. A better whitecloak to expand is Pedron Nial and possibly Byar as well because Geofram just dies to soon. I think Elyas could go either way but he's easier to cut as he's a warder and a Malkeri and his story really goes nowhere. A character they could expand or have him take another role is Be

    lal, being one of the three surviving generals who turned from the light. In the story all he's there for is to get killed by Moiraine with Balefire.

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