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Posts posted by mistborn82

  1. I think alot of the characters will have their development smoothed out. Like Nyneave goes back and forth, Faile does the same and they'll probably drop her manipulation of Loial because the audience will hate her forever otherwise.

    Perrin will be more even and not all shoved into TOM.

    Elayne vascilates from responsible to self brat so that will be smoothed.

    If they get that far, my guess is Beslin will just be king of Ebu Dar as going anywhere near Tylin is just asking for trouble because getting her right would require an impossible number of changes, some of which Randland isn't built for.

  2. Well Be'lal and Lews Therin were the first swordmasters and Sean Bean has had plenty of practice with them.

    Moggy and Nyneave could have another fight and Nyn severs her as she really serves no purpose after she breaks Nyn's block and you won't get an actress to stick around after that.

    I think you have to do something special with Ishamael though to show that he's special

  3. @deathgatepeople are saying possibly cut Caemlyn because apparently the Trakands won't be in season one but I personally think there's enough without them. You meet Loial there and I don't think you could move him, you run into whitecloaks, perpetual antagonists and it will be very important later.

    @Wolfbrother31I like that idea, an LOTR type prologue with a battle, then Tigraine staggering away and giving birth on dragonmount and then a blurred shadow, so you can't tell it's Tam, comes to stand over her, with Gitara's voiceover prophecy.

  4. What you can do for the forsaken is adjust their storylines so they're killed. Like Moghedien, after she breaks Nyneave's block there's no need for her, same for others. Ishamael, kill and change to Moridin, Lanfear, don't change into Cyndane, too interesting as a psycho, Semirahague, Demandred, obviously, Mesaana, don't know when you'd bring her, as for the rest, give them their story roles or adjust and kill them. Belal would be a great place for a WOT fan actor or Sean Bean, because he's contractually obligated to die in fantasy series.

    Have Aginor replace Ishamael in EotW, possibly with allusions to Ishy

    Balhamel not sure but killed before Arangar

    Belal, kill in tDR

    Sammael, stay and die as normal

    Moggy, from when she appears to have Nyneave kill her after the block breaks

    Rahvin, killed as normal

    Greandal, not sure

    Asmodean, killed as normal

  5. @BorderlanderI don't think why Moraine went there beyond she heard a story of someone find a baby on dragonmount. We'd presumably have gotten the answer in the prequel trilogy which RJ never finished but I like your thoughts on making the reason clearer.

    Whether your guess is right I think has to do with how important the actress is. I've never heard of her but that's not saying much. The more important, the bigger her role.

    I heard a theory that they have Perrin born outside of the two rivers so no knows who Moraine is looking for. I think that would solve a few problems, especially given Perrin reason to go. Layla could be like Tam, in that she's not a blood relation to her son.

  6. I don't see anyone dying in Season 1 because it wouldn't hurt. I don't see a high body count of secondary and tertiary characters just because the audience will notice if you create named backgrounds just for the purpose of killing them and you don't want to waste too much time building up others for no reason. Also, I don't see them killing characters that would force radical change; like killing Gawyn in the tower fighting wouldn't do that but killing Elayne would. They're already expanding Logain, Elaida and probably others, you don't want to build up a whole new character in the middle of your series.

  7. If they merge Gawyn and Galad, that will make @Elder_Hamanhappy, personally I think they'll kill Gawyn as I think that more sense for story reasons.

    As for merging, I think Ingtar and Agelmar as A appears at the end of EOTW, beginning of tGH and then not again until the very end. Also having a good friend of Lan and Moiraine turn out to be a DF would be good for the story. For how dangerous and slippery they're built up as, there aren't enough DF good guys, well who we thought were, there's Ingtar and then Verin at the very end. There have to be more, like in the LOTR movies Aragorn didn't accept his destiny until the third film, WOT has to be more complex than the books. I can't tell if it's a joke but I don't see Bryne+Rahvin, I could see Rahvin killing Bryne instead of inventing a whole new lord, compulsion or not. Obviously, you have Taimandred, how it was supposed to be, you probably combine Wise Ones, AS and BA, respectively, I don't know about Kin and Seafolk because I'm not sure if they'll be included.

  8. Another way I think the Andoran storyline will change besides killing Gawyn is maybe make the fact that Rand is a prince of Andor more important. In a book you can get away with the you two will fall in love because the oracle said so but a general audience show will probably need a reason. Even though men can't inherit in Andor, the current heir marrying the prince of the last house would provide a suitable instant relationship reason.

    Really though, most of the romances will have to be worked on because almost all of them are the instant kind and because taveren won't stretch as far on TV.

  9. I'm pretty Elayne, Galad and Elaida will make it too the end, Gawyn won't, just a matter of when he's killed or is he combined with Galad, I personally don't think combined. Bayle will likely be a one off or unnamed ship captain. As much as I like him, I don't see an actor much less a studio, making an eight season cameo role. I think you keep the ship journey for the background world building if nothing else.

    I guess that's a longwinded way of saying, unlike the Highlander, there will be more than one but I think a thread about what characters to keep would be interesting.

  10. Gawyn is a prince of Andor, he'll never be some random dude who dies. You also give Elayne a personal reason for going to Salidar, Elaida killed her the brother she liked, to her mind at least. Besides, as I said earlier, it'd take too many rewrites to make Gawyn relevant after the coup, whenever that takes place. I also don't understand what Morgase has to do a reason for him dying.

  11. @johnnysdlike someone said in relation to Marvel, Nick Fury was always depicted a certain way but for most, he'll Samuel L. Jackson now. For me, I'm legally-blind so appearances aren't my thing but I'll have  to get used to different voices for the characters, as for me, Michael and Kate, the audiobook narrators are the voices.

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