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Ghostbusters Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!

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Yes, good night, and sorry I haven't been able to come up with any analysis. I blame the internet and its many distractions! 


For the night lasting until 9:00PM the day after we lynch thing: YES


As for my activity, or lack thereof, I apologize. Yesterday was really busy at work and then my mothers cat went to the vet for respiratory issues so I went to wait with her.


Today I was stuck on my phone and not able to do much other than read.  Rather than doing lengthy explications of my +/- I can just skim and add them together on my end to save time and hopefully catch up so I can be of use to you in this game other than just placing my vote with majority consensus.  I did not remember that this was not a Lynch or random death game and figured I would rather try and help hammer someone most everyone found scummy, even being not townie (null/scum) on my list as far as I had gotten at that point.


If anyone would rather I explain my reads I can go back to the other method but, since there is about a day left until end of day I'd rather be of use to help out today or, if not, then during the next day phase.  I know my lack of material can be seen as scummy and I wouldn't blame you for voting me though I would rather we try to find the scum than waste a vote until I can prove myself.



As for the roles, does anyone else think there are too many power roles being claimed?

JAILER, COP, BOMB, STUMP, GOV & DOC... We know that Shad had kill & block but what could the remaining scum have to balance all our roles?  Or could one or two of those be a fake claim and, if so, which one(s)?

Forgive me for lack of knowing but half of these roles are new to me in this game so just trying to wrap my mind over them all if they are legitimate claims.


About 1/3 of the way through and going fast now that I've ignored the posts from the dead until I get caught up and am just assigning point values on my personal list and not needing to explain.... Should be caught up tonight but, if for some reason I am not, should be at least most of the way there... I hope.


Okay, to page 100 and about to take a quick break to make a sandwich and salad for dinner.


So far My reads list (Towniest to Scummiest) would be










I think the cop role is one which probably would exist (it has been in all of my games) so may just be a bad read on tsuki and willing to put them aside for now unless multiple people also see something off about their posts.  Kind of wondering if Jailkeeper + Doc would BOTH be valid roles since both are protectors and that seems a little strong unless mafia team has some other counter roles.


So I'd say probably Sooh and either Dice or Niniel are my best bets up to this point unless I'm completely reading people wrong or if there are some big changes in my reads in the next 60 pages.


That's the general feeling about Tsuki. He is town because of the uncc'd cop claim.


I haven't seen that much solve from him lately, but he's the cop so it's just annoying.


I don't see your activity level as scummy. You are catching up, and I like the work you're putting in when you get the chance.


I don't like your attitude towards being low on our lists. It feels like an excuse to not contribute. It doesn't seem to be one, but it bugged me.


You aren't as towny as some others, so you are in my poe. I didn't like your vote on Shad, but it's really your only bad mark right now. And your reason makes sense.


I've been wondering about the doc/jailkeeper thing too. We don't know what the scum has, so it might be balanced.


What it looked like for me with Shad's  flip is that all the scums might be JOAT-ish. I thought it looked like they had a list of actions to choose from each night and only had to decide who does what.


Sorry, fell asleep on the sofa :facepalm: after eating and just woke back up.  Got a great chunk of posts caught up and should be able to finish tomorrow at lunch, or worst case after work, if I remember to take my tablet or laptop with me.



I am wary of you having Tsuki at the bottom of your list despite his cop claim, though. The other person to do that was rte...


If the cop claim were fake I'd expect someone would be the real cop and would have come out with that fact so, as I said, I think the cop role is one which probably would exist, having been a role in all of my games, so probably just a bad read on Tsuki's posts and I'm willing to put them aside for now unless multiple people are also seeing something off about their posts and ranking them low on the list.


My list was just from how I read their posts and then the "gut instinct" comments I added after, such as those above, were added in.  Probably should have accounted for my gut instincts and updated the list, it would really only end up moving Tsuki up a few spots, above dice, but Sooh and Tsuki were the only negative reads, the other two (Dice and Niniel) were just low on the positive post reads so town feel but not really strong ones IMO.



Official Vote Count


Alanna (1): Turin

Nikon (1): Sooh

Turin (1): Alanna

Dice (3): Tsuki, Eldrick, Niniel

Niniel (1): Dice



Not Voting (1): Nikon



With 8 alive it takes 5 to Lynch



Day 4 Deadline is 9pm BST Wednesday 27 April - you can achieve a majority Lynch at any point before then.


End of Day 4


No Change. 14 ish hours till deadline


What it looked like for me with Shad's  flip is that all the scums might be JOAT-ish. I thought it looked like they had a list of actions to choose from each night and only had to decide who does what.


Possibly, if we end up catching one more of them today we can hopefully determine what roles the last member has. 


The deadline is around 2:00 or 3:00 my time tomorrow so if I can catch up during my lunch I think I will be able to vote comfortably.  I had forgotten that this was not a "lynch or random, no info, mod kill" game and know people have jumped on anyone not voting in those from my past experience... though also not sure about those joining in later in the game since this is the first time I have subbed in.


What it looked like for me with Shad's  flip is that all the scums might be JOAT-ish. I thought it looked like they had a list of actions to choose from each night and only had to decide who does what.

I concur.


I have a headache and i'm tired. I wil be going at this slowly, but I will be going at it.


First connection Shad had to Lenlo:




Really wanna see a reads list from you brother.

Off the cuff not thinking too hard about this




Lenlo -- I keep forgetting you're in this game dude, and I know you've been active.  I dunno if you're flying super under the radar or if it's just me.  Need to ISO but the fact that you haven't pinged me in the slightest is probably a good sign.



Consider the order fairly interchangeable in each of those groups.





His off the cuff reads list. Lenlo is the only one that has a detailed reason for the read. And it's a null reason for a town read: Keeps forgetting Lenlo is in the game. Wondering if he's flying under the radar. Hasn't pinged yet.








Dice probably the biggest move for me.  The focus on self-defense makes it a little harder to get a clear read on him--through no fault of his own--but when I think about Dragon Reborn and how... kind of obviously scummy he was there.  Not feeling that here.  I think if he's town then if he can get the pressure off his back it's going to show more clearly in time, and I think he's probably town.  Niniel was an incredibly easy read for me in DR, like within two serious posts she was my top villa for the entire phase.  It didn't strike me as obvious here on D1, but this phase she may very well be out of her scum range on shear quantity of content alone.  Granted I've only seen her wolf once, she was super lurky and I gathered that was the norm.  I dig it.  Lenlo is maintaining his swagger of late but still not really leaving much of an impact in my memory banks, and I don't know what to make of that, and lol ISOs maybe I'll get there some day.  BFG deserves a pass on inactivity.  I mean she just literally lost Eldrick's game for forgetting to submit her night kill.  But I'm not really impressed by what I've seen so far.  If you're town do that thing you do and I'll probably read you correctly.  [v]RTE[/v] can die today.




Same reason as before. Not remembering what Lenlo is doing. He hasn't mentioned anything bad about Lenlo. The 'no pings' reason for a townread still exists.


Yet now Lenlo is being moved down to town/null. Looks to me like scum trying to slide a teammate into his scum reads.


I went back to check to see if Sooh's thoughts and actions were making sense with each other. To me it looks like they do. I'm pretty much putting her in my town. 




Lenlo didn´t post after my iso so I read Sooh´s posts.


She voted RTE and said that his spot would have to be resolved. I don´t know if this is good or bad. Still don´t know how to analyze the trains on RTE. Did he know the mafia team? They they know about him? If so, would they bus. So I guess it´s null for me.


She questioned Rey´s claim when it happened which I understand. It was weird to get unvoted when he wanted to be the longest train. Anyway, that is solved now.


She says it´s a lot of roles and that it´s hard to trust claims. In #2401 she questions Hallia´s claim. 





I'd like to think that I can go into the game here and get reads as time goes by, but if you are going to force me to have a full reads list right now, then nope. 


I read Shad's ISO, because he was in POE for many people, or at least that was my impression.


Laine seems to be a bit in POE as well after her pushing for a Rey lynch ahead of an RTE one.


From Shad's ISO there's at least one post that might suggest the two of them are in cahoots, and I think that's about all we'll get from Shad, because he's an expert at setting it up so that we think people who aren't his partners might be when he's scum. So IF Shad is scum, Laine MIGHT be his partner, and that's where I'm at.


Hallia is pretty much confirmed to me now, as is Tsuki and by extension Eldrick. Dice's claim is not likely to be fake IMO, so he might be clear.


Turin could still be scum, but it would be very high risk to go out on a limb the way he did on D1, still, I wouldn't put it past a scum team to take that gamble. 


I have no idea where to put BFG/Nikon or Niniel at this point.


Just a question - how do you start with reading someone´s iso when you haven´t read the game? How does a person´s posts make sense?


Are you suspicious of Laine?


You said earlier that you had a hard time believing people´s claim, what made you change your mind? 

Events over night made me change my mind. RTE's flip and Tsuki/Hallia have sort of collaborating stories in that she says she protected him and he didn't die. In fact, nobody died N1. 


How do I read people's ISOs? Simple. I just do. I came in at a time when I was unable to devote a lot of time to this game, so I picked out RTE to read first. His slot was pretty much mechanically solved though. Most people have a tendency to quote what they are responding to as well, which makes reading an ISO easier. 


I am a little suspicious of Laine, yes, though I would prefer I think to resolve Shad first. 


I have put Zan, RTE and Rey on ignore and I'm reading the thread from the beginning now.




 I think the bolded parts show that her actions echo her thoughts and vice versa. 


Recap of her claimed jail actions:

N1- RTE : No one died but RTE confirmed not a killer.   Most likely Shad was the N1 killer and Hallia protected Tsuki from the kill. (This pretty much locks in Tsuki as town as well)


N2 Shad - Rey died but Tsuki got his view and Shad appears to have used his RB that night. Sooh comes out in one of her first posts of the day and states that Shad needs to be resolved. This jives with her action of Jailing Shad and there being no RB on the cop that night. 


N3 Alanna -  Hallia died and Tsuki view failed. On D3 Sooh was suspecting Alanna also. Her claim makes pretty good sense to me. 


...and that's all he has to say about Lenlo that I feel is relevant before Sooh subs in. There was a post where he was talking to Lenlo describing how mafia talk to people differently when they know the person they are talking to is mafia, but that's WIFOM and I didn't count it.


Dice, what does Tsuki potentially lying have to do with my being town or not?


Unless you think scums are exactly the two of us you should still believe that I am town if it is as you say.


part of what helps ure claim is tsuki saying he viewed laine. problem is he has done that earlier this game and then said later that he DIDNT view her that he viewed REY actually but because he got no result he lied about who he viewed. He got no result again so why, besides him being the worst cop ever, would i believe he viewed laine?



thinking further i have seen a scum variant and now you are suggesting that all the scum are JOATS    so jailing could be a choice for a JOAT   no im leaving you in the POE


Except that if I was lying about viewing Laine, (which I did because Turin started pointing fingers and I wanted to resolve that issue), why would I compound the lie and back Sooh's claim of Jailkeeping?

It would be most un-Town to do that...


as opposed to not viewing either RTE Turin or me N1 to sort out the major points of argument all that day?  LYING about who you DID view night one, STILL not viewing either Turin or myself  1 of who is a neighbour that inherently could be scum the other a stump that people were wanting to waste a lynch on to test the claim so you view eldrick  1 small piece of towniness there because eldrick tends to be hard to read but thats all   you still arnt sorting out major issues that have been ongoing.  Then you SAY you view laine but got no result corroborating what sooh said AFTER you tell us that you dont reveal who you viewed when u get no result but lie instead. And now you say you viewed her because Turin has been after her? WHY should i believe you?   How about viewing TURIN a guy claiming a role that can be MAFIA or town. Or view me! whichever!  How about actually trying to sort something out?? 


and all this on top of play that has EVERYONE saying the only reason ure not lynched is ure claim.


Worst Cop EVER!


Basically you can't say that she is lying but use a role definition different from what she gave to back that up. If she can only blow up her night killer then that in itself is a form of nerfed role.


My only concern about it is that u would have expected her to try to be as townie as possible to draw a kill. But I would have expected the same if you. Not for you to claim because you were annoyed at getting pressure.


Also, I haven't remotely cleared Eldrick. If you think I have you aren't reading the thread.


Yes I can. Heres a newsflash for you Turin Mafia team members??? they LIE!!!  shocking right?? Why would I believe her on the description when i dont believe the CLAIM??



You were the one who bought up naive cop after eldrick was viewed. yet ure not voting him despite seeming to have at l;east some disbelief in the cop    a disbelief u have expressed twice this game iirc    so i gotta believe you cleared eldrick as if you REALLY thought he was scum and tsuki was niave you would be voting him


It is actually sort of unfortunate that Tuski tried to view Alanna. If he had looked elsewhere then we would probably been able to deduce if Alanna were mafia or not based on if Tsuki's view had gone thru. (I am basing this on the assumption that each mafia can only perform one action each night. If only two left then the two actions most likely would have been a block and a kill)  It is still possible that they just blocked and killed Hallia to get rid of her tho. 


Alanna, After the actions of N1 with the blocked Tsuki kill you stated that it was likely due to a "inexperienced mafia team". I didn't think that much about it but I just saw the quote while looking at Sooh's posts. Upon knowing that shad was mafia, I think that debunks that idea. But I went a little farther as I was going to make my list for the day I looked at the player list. There really aren't any inexperienced players in the game so I am now really thinking that comment meant have been pure smokescreen. Try to remember who you were thinking could have been the inexperienced team?


It looks now like it was just a matter of fancy play and/or go big or go home.


Maybe the mafia got RBed and that's why no one died. To be frank, Tsukibana is only not lynched be cause of their claim. That's it. So I want their info before they die for one reason or another.


Ok. I'm starting to believe Sooh's claim.


This is right at the start of Day 2. We start the day with no kills. Lenlo's explanation of why there wasn't a kill isn't a lucky doc protect, but that mafia got RB'd.


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