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[Harry Potter Week] Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Mafia - GAME OVER - TOWN WINS


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@Clov: I had not intended my vote to be last minute. I was in the process of going through the game and finding the post of RTE's that didn't sit well with me when I saw how close it was to deadline. As a post explaining why I voted RTE would have taken me much longer to type than I had, I thought it best to vote then, and if I lived through the night, explain myself at that point. I didn't vote RTE when I unvoted because I was uncertain of who to vote for and was reading through the thread

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Not voting (11): Clov, Razen, Laine, Taborline, Hallia, RTE, BFG, Rhea, Sooh, Kronos, Lessa


Deadline for Day 2 is Friday, July 31st at 9:00 PM MST/midnight EDT:



Mod note: Let me know if this is terribly inconvenient for most of you - it can be changed to 12 hours later (Saturday at noon EDT) if the majority prefer.

I'd rather 5pm than 5am (i.e. the later deadline)

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@Clov: I had not intended my vote to be last minute. I was in the process of going through the game and finding the post of RTE's that didn't sit well with me when I saw how close it was to deadline. As a post explaining why I voted RTE would have taken me much longer to type than I had, I thought it best to vote then, and if I lived through the night, explain myself at that point. I didn't vote RTE when I unvoted because I was uncertain of who to vote for and was reading through the thread

So is there more of an explanation than this?

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These are most of Dice's posts, but I missed ones that seemed like obvious jokes.





vote clov Bunyan told me to vote Cairos first and you messed it up!



hi folks!

thought it was kinda null really. Clovs vote didnt have anything that was making it obvious that it was a joke so asking is fair enuff imo. especially coming from someone that is basically a noob



CLOV are you talking about my "unlike someone else" post? cause thats a dig at laine based off the belicheck game

Okay. Who are you saying was okay? And more importantly, since it's a dig based on another game... was there any truth to it, or were you just making a joke?


I thought Cairos reply was null. It seemed fair enuff thing to say. he wasnt agressive he wasnt playing the injured party. he just asked why. And you HADNT given a reason so again fair enuff



and the statement was based on something totally true lol. I voted laine with a joke vote there she responded in a way i didnt like.. My vote sat there for 2 days cause I jumped on her reply. she flipped mafia on D2 hence the dig at her and hence her saying shes ignoring me now in response.


@Clov you didnt exactly make that crystal clear.


I have no problem with Laines tone this game so far. Thats why i have no problem with her vote on me as I read it as what it is a revenge vote for last game not meant seriously








Good morning!


And welcome, Sooh! I hate balloons too, they're the spawn of the Devil.


Why did Jagen leave us? Normally I would wonder if it's not because they had a special role, and therefore Sooh has it too, otherwise why quit so quickly? If you're vanilla town, you could just ride it out, check in from time to time, but if you needed to be active then you might throw in the towel right away knowing it's not fair to whichever team you're on.

Really bad post. Was thinking of voting then realised she is new so decided to let it go esp as people all jumped on it



Good morning!


And welcome, Sooh! I hate balloons too, they're the spawn of the Devil.


Why did Jagen leave us? Normally I would wonder if it's not because they had a special role, and therefore Sooh has it too, otherwise why quit so quickly? If you're vanilla town, you could just ride it out, check in from time to time, but if you needed to be active then you might throw in the towel right away knowing it's not fair to whichever team you're on.

Sometimes being scum in your first game is intimidating


Like this. Laine to be clear are you insinuating Tab is scum or is this a general comment or is this an injoke? Im reading it as the first


I'm totes gonna make everything a huge deal. I'm going to overreact to everything, BFG is going to nitpick, Sooh is going to be helpful, and Clov is gonna be Clov. At some point in the game Razen and/or Dice will try to lynch me after Clov creates a case on me out of nothing and I judge him harshly.


Oh wait, Hallia's in this game? If Hallia gets too friendly, she's probably scum.


Right now her joke:serious ratio is good.

I can vote you now and beat the rush if you really want me too....



Hello Rhea! I'm Laine! I was AJ until Andrej started playing mafia and I've been booted from the spot. You can call me Alanna if you like, Laine is just a RL nickname because apparently Alanna is too many syllables. :tongue:


A/B scenario was showing my thought process as to why I voted Taborline. I don't see how, as town, she would go straight to assuming Jagen's role that Sooh subbed in to would be a PR and not scum unless she was scum herself and knew that the Jagen/Sooh slot is already town. That combined with the role-fishing earns a vote from me.

OOC RL story my ex boss is named alanna but she says it as al ANN a. For nine months i was saying it never getting picked up on the fact I was saying it wrong. Then 3 days before she leaves she blasts me for it! go figure


I think Tambourline's blunder is a noob one, and one very indicative of her noobness at mafia and nothing else. I will be looking closely at people who take the opportunity to build a train on her based on it.

Defense of Tab noted Fos noted as stinky.





BFG how can it be either absurdly pro town or pro mafia? haha I feel like those are two extremes

Pro town because you try to draw attention away from the potential PR hunt, by focusing on the mafia side of it. Pro mafia because you're extending a conversation that could get 'dangerous'. Doubt you'd do something that risky as mafia though, so leaning town (bolstered from yesterday)


I guess that makes sense. But that's also not what bothers me. In a game where we're hunting for scum, why not mention scum and why say "special roles"? It's not necessarily the fishing that's bothering me, but her leaving out what should be the focus of a town member (finding scum).


Because I'm new to this game here and "Special Roles" is the term we use on my other forum as an all-encompassing term, that was all that was about.


You know how above I let her have some rope cause shes a noob? I think the noob card just got torn up. @Taborline have you played mafia on other sites before this?






Were you asking me to explain, BFG? The only reason I brought it up was that it seemed like a clue, something to take into account as we move forward. And there being more scum than special town roles, that could be even more of a hint.

Lol ok. Why did you draw attention to the other potential PR when Laine said about mafia goons?


When I said about not wanting to lynch someone who was potentially the good role? Just as another side of why it would be interesting to know that Sooh had something, it can be beneficial for town as well.


BFG is right about this. Unless you thought town!Sooh was going to be mislynched, there's no benefit to town to outing her role (be it vanilla OR cop)


I wasn't trying to out her as a cop, I was trying to out her as possible scum (but mentioning that we should be careful as she could be a special town).


Now backtracks





I want to hear answers to my Qs from RTE and Taborline please


unvote forgot to do it earlier


Taborline got an answer for me?





Taborline (2): Laine, Lessa

RTE (3): Clov, Kronos, Hallia

Lessa (1): Razen


Not Voting (7): Taborline, BFG, RTE, Rhea, Sooh, Cairos, Dice








I forgot to put Laine down the bottom. Feel free to sue me. As for Taborline I said what i mean I want to hear from her.


and if you are gonna type out my "narrative hows about you usae the correct words instead of your interpretation? I dont care if she has votes. If I wanna vote her I will vote her. Thats it. What i want is an ANSWER from her. Is she or is she not a newbie? the answer decides how i read her.



you said this is the second time i was concerned....where was the first?


and what am i gonna ask RTE? His FOS stinks and i noted that i think it stinks. Why would i ask anything?





im not gonna be here at DL thats like 1am my time or something. Will be here a couple more hours but right now Im thinking no lynch actually. I have a couple people I think are good bets for town but thats it. Im not getting why Lessa has ANY votes think i missed something

Bolded is interesting. At that point, votes look locked on RTE and Tabor, Dice probably isn't getting lynched yesterday. So why this about Lessa? Given that the lynch makes Razen likely town, this looks pretty bad for Lessa.


yeah sorry about that RTE. seems like i completely screwed that post up. asked you but not laine. my bad

dammit i just lost everything!



BFG I vote where and when i want. that vote is often controlled by my gut jumping at something that stands out to it. Here whats stood out more then anything is some people i think are town at this point.


i get lynched for being quiet on a regular basis. thing is im quiet TOWN as often as i am quiet MAFIA. It most often comes because nothing stood out for me to grab hold of. Taborline stood out a little but it didnt ping me like Laine did last game for eg. Then theres the fact that shes a noob apparently. Im not a complete bastard i do try to give newbies a go.


first time you were concerned was when you didn't vote Cairos because Clov already was, important No. Indicative of a way of thinking, maybe.


vote clov Bunyan told me to vote Cairos first and you messed it up!



hi folks!

this what ure talking about? its called a joke vote. You will notice I mentioned my Band warhorse? Well i was gonna vote Cairos cause Bunyan told me too initially.



ou're also being closed now; you have town reads/leans, but reading through your ISO I have no idea who; if I had to guess I'd say Laine and Cairos.


Has anybody asked? and my leans are Laine and you actually.



oh and BFG?? you want me to vote whereever I please? here


vote no lynch I DONT see this as bad. Odds are that we mislynch a townie today. No lynch means 1 less townie dies we still have the info gathered today tomorrow


with that im off to bed and wont be back for DL as told earlier






Taborline (2): Laine, Lessa

RTE (3): Clov, Kronos, Hallia

Lessa (1): Razen

Rhea (1): RTE

Dice (1): BFG

No Lynch (1): Dice


Not Voting (4): Taborline, Rhea, Sooh, Cairos





no Sooh I think their town. Laines tone bantering with both me and BFG was really good. relaxed and carefree


BFGs tone with laine has been much the same. Then she starts her Wots again on me as usual lol but this time? I dont have to worry about them. thats pure Town BFG

really gone now night




Ok Dice didn't have much interaction with many people. The most important quote is the long MQ in the middle, because it's the one he did 'for himself', pretty much everything else was either a joke or in response to someone else.


I STILL think that Dice was gearing up to a vote on Tabor, if so, that would 'clear her'. I appreciate that might seem a stretch though.


And I think the vote trains look good for RTE as well. When Dice voted No Lynch, RTE was the front runner AND momentum was shifting his way. Dice made no move to help RTE out.


He mixed up RTE and Laine. I don't really want to get into what that means for their alignments.


Having just come out of that game with Dice I understood exactly what he meant when talking with Clov early game, don't think that conversation means much for either of them.


His mention of Lessa (when she was being voted) looks ~bad for her, but I'm not going to condemn someone because of WIFOM from flipped mafia. Basically he doesn't understand why she has votes, but doesn't include her in his town leans??? If Lessa flipped mafia, this would look ~good for Laine. Given Razen is likely town after the trains yesterday this is pretty interesting.




RTE and Tabor both look good imo

Lessa looks not good


Above should be taken with a pinch of salt, mafia spew isn't my strong point

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I agree with BFG  that the later EOD is the better one (Saturday noon MST)


RTE's train looks pure in my opinion. I can't clear RTE off of it, but I already thought he was town yesterday, so I'm going to continue having him as a town lean for now. 


I think that Lessa's vote all the way at the end there looks pretty terrible, and I'll be looking into her a lot today. You better bring it :wink:


Voting analysis isn't my strongest point, but I'm going to look into it. 

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I agree with BFG  that the later EOD is the better one (Saturday noon MST)


RTE's train looks pure in my opinion. I can't clear RTE off of it, but I already thought he was town yesterday, so I'm going to continue having him as a town lean for now. 


I think that Lessa's vote all the way at the end there looks pretty terrible, and I'll be looking into her a lot today. You better bring it :wink:


Voting analysis isn't my strongest point, but I'm going to look into it.

:laugh: do I need to worry?

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:laugh: do I need to worry?


I woke up 5 minutes ago :tongue: 


Also I claim temporary insanity.


Yeah no...


I agree with BFG  that the later EOD is the better one (Saturday noon MST)


DICE's train looks pure in my opinion. I can't clear RTE off of it, but I already thought he was town yesterday, so I'm going to continue having him as a town lean for now. 


I think that Lessa's vote all the way at the end there looks pretty terrible, and I'll be looking into her a lot today. You better bring it :wink:


Voting analysis isn't my strongest point, but I'm going to look into it. 


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:laugh: do I need to worry?

I woke up 5 minutes ago :tongue: 


Also I claim temporary insanity.


Yeah no...


I agree with BFG  that the later EOD is the better one (Saturday noon MST)


DICE's train looks pure in my opinion. I can't clear RTE off of it, but I already thought he was town yesterday, so I'm going to continue having him as a town lean for now. 


I think that Lessa's vote all the way at the end there looks pretty terrible, and I'll be looking into her a lot today. You better bring it :wink:


Voting analysis isn't my strongest point, but I'm going to look into it.



<3 I know and pre analysis I agree.

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Lol why you voting for me Clov!



I'm just curious Alannalyn.



Thanks Razen! Last minute studying before the exam! Ugh so this weekend I was busy at work and then of course we get held over. Oh yeah I work on the ambulance and here was a lot of emergencies!



My reaction was that it's funny for somebody to vote on another without a reason. Yes this is mafia and yes we can vote for whoever we want. I was asking Clov why he voted for me. Also as Dice said i have played mafia in a while so I'm a bit rusty.



Good morning y'all! So much reading to do!


I don't have any reads on anybody at the moment.


Welcome Sooh! Yay!



I'm totally confused. As a noob I've been trying to figure out what's going on lol. Sorry for being quiet. I didn't know this game would be so quick. I don't know who to choose!



I know from my time in playing actual mafia in person, to throw off the town they would vote for somebody that's mafia right. It's to get everybody off track. I mean how do you vote. Vote for somebody with the majority vote or no one! Ugh so hard



Well if you guys think Dice is mafia I'll help. It was my gut feeling that dice was mafia.





This is pretty much every time he mentions a player or posts something that's game play related.


I don't see any reason in there for him to be killed except as a clear townie with a good gut instinct :wub:


A little hoky but Cairos is only cleared town if RTE is town here...


It's possibly worth noting that Cairos wouldn't necessarily have immediately dismissed everyone on the train as town

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Maybe Cairos was one they were worried was sliding under the radar as a cop. I don't know. It would be strange if the night kill wasn't a cop hunt. It's just weird to me that he doesn't have anyone he has cleared completely, or even hinted remotely solidly is town. 

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Maybe Cairos was one they were worried was sliding under the radar as a cop. I don't know. It would be strange if the night kill wasn't a cop hunt. It's just weird to me that he doesn't have anyone he has cleared completely, or even hinted remotely solidly is town.

You're probably right, but in that case there's nothing more to be said yet.

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I swear I saw Potter and that Granger girl head down this hallway, he thought.  They told us it was off limits, but I am going to find out what they're up to.


He heard voices ahead, and a deep, terrifying growl.  


Maybe following them isn't such a great idea.  As he rounded the corner into the room from which he'd heard the voices, Draco Malfoy was faced with a massive and furious three-headed dog.


Dice - Draco Malfoy, mafia goon - has been lynched by virtue of random.org tiebreaker.




If anyone needs a confirmation of how bad my reads are d1, it's above. Really good job BFG. I know I'm going to be under scrutiny now, I'll do my best to look at the EOD and respond to the things I missed.


I really have no excuse for missing DL, I was way sleeping and almost missed work. :dry:


Cairos - Peeves the poltergeist, Vanilla Town - has been killed.

No-information NK? I'm thinking they chose a kill that would give us little info (based on his content thus far) or they thought he was a low lying PR.


Anyways, catching up now, if anyone wants to talk to me

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There's the Town!Clov I was expecting.


Some very nice compilation work by Clov and BFG. Interesting interactions between Laine and Dice but I feel like Laine's alignment will sort itself out given enough time, and I wouldn't put her particularly high on my scum reads.


One thing that went horribly wrong for the scum team was chance via random.org. Nice try though.


[v] Lessa [/v]

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Looks like Clov and BFG did a lot of the work already so I'll respond to what's there then look back over EOD and the lynch trains. Liking Clov's posts 672/673, just gonna respond to a few things:

Yes I had playful banter with Dice, I was town reading him; gut feels. Gut feels were as wrong as they could be, obviously. I'm not going to get caught up in it though, I'll kick myself more after the game. lol

I think Taborline still looks bad, I'd like to go over her posts from d1 and interactions with Dice to fully see how she interacted with him.

Lessa does really look the worst on that train though, I agree there. She'll need some pressure today; I'm not sure she had a lot of content on d1 though

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