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[Advanced] Mass Effect II mafia


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it's alright, same old things RL but nothing too bad. Getting up at 3:30 am sucks though. As for your flight: that is horrible. Why on earth do they delay the flight so long?


As for the game: i do doubt Maw would be a wolf here. I do hope that the NA's will clear a few people, or not. Time will tell. I hate nightphases.... 

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I'd rather stay up until 330am then wake that early. lol So, Apparently there was really bad weather in Atlanta, but I don't know how 11pm became 315am, then 348 am, then 7am. It's been clear weather since I got to this airport at 11pm. If I felt like renting a car, I could just drive home, but that's too much effort. 4 hour-ish drive.


I had him clear in my head but people are putting doubts there. I guess I will have to see when day comes.

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Hope you get home soon Alanna - that sucks.


Darthe - why did you put your vote on Ley? Even if you took it off he still would have gone down, so why do something like that in the first place if you didn't intend to keep it there.

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Sooh - no I haven't done an ISO but I did reread the thread and didn't pick up on that. But fluff doesn't make wolf nor town. I will check tonight if I get chance and maybe you too. I don't think you have done too much this game.

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Thanks Talya. I'm curled up in a ball on airport chairs atm.

Sooh - no I haven't done an ISO but I did reread the thread and didn't pick up on that. But fluff doesn't make wolf nor town. I will check tonight if I get chance and maybe you too. I don't think you have done too much this game.

. I think I remember Mawt fluff at the start, but more content as things picked up. As for sooh, I would have to check notes to remember any kind of play from her this game. Not sure if nothing stuck out or if she hasn't said much at all
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Sooh - no I haven't done an ISO but I did reread the thread and didn't pick up on that. But fluff doesn't make wolf nor town. I will check tonight if I get chance and maybe you too. I don't think you have done too much this game.

You're absolutely correct on me not doing much. I've been having a guilty conscience over mafia for the last several days. I ended up playing three games at the same time, which is too much for me. I decided to sub out in BFG's game seeing as it's such a huge game and focus my efforts on the two others.


As for Mawt I haven't convinced myself that he is mafia yet. I'm leaning that way, but far from convinced. I think we need to focus on other players entirely for a while and rather come back to Maw. I would like to see how he handles just regular gameplay with no pressure.

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Mafia might want to just kill me now before I get to look deeper at this game.



I just finished a really long day so.I'm going to sleep.


Thane, can you give me the case you have on The previous occupant if this slot? I'll read it in the morning.

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Shepard had known from the start that this trip to Illium was a very bad idea. Miranda Lawson, one of her companions, had asked the Commander to accompany her on a very personal mission. The woman was usually cold with Shepard as they didn’t share the same views about Cerberus, the human organization she was working for. But this time, she had shown real emotions when she had told the crew that she needed to leave the Normandy to protect her twin, a girl called Oriana.


Miranda's father was a very rich man who wanted to build a real dynasty: he had invested humongous amounts of money to create perfect beings as daughters. Every little features they had, were supposed to give them an edge. After nineteen years, Miranda had finally opened her eyes and had escaped, leaving the claws of her father. After a while, feeling guilty, she had come back from her sister. But while their father had stopped searching for Miranda, he had never stopped looking for Oriana.


Miranda had now received word from a contact claiming that their father had finally discovered Oriana and wanted to try to abduct her. Of course, she rushed to help and meet that contact, Niket, her only childhood friend.


"Niket, i missed you!" The woman hugged a friend with a smile. Shepard couldn't stop feeling anxious. Miranda's contact showing up so fast on the rendezvous point, the silence around them - something was off.


Niket sighed and looked around nervously. "Are you two alone?", he asked, eyeing the Commander.


"Of course, Niket! I did just like you asked. Could you tell me more about Oriana? I am so scared for her..." Shepard took Miranda's arm. "Something's wrong. I think we should discuss Oriana's situation elsewhere."


Miranda hesitated. Niket did look upset.


"Now, now, everybody step back! I want you hands were I can see them!” Blood Pack mercenaries seemed to appear from thin air. The leader, the one who had just talked, aimed her gun towards Niket with a smile. Shepard cursed feeling guilty for not having heard the mercenaries approach. Shepard raised her hands slowly, then nodded towards Miranda. Both women jumped to cover at the same time, Miranda pushing Niket beside her. The man grabbed the small gun he had been wearing at his belt but instead of attacking the mercenaries he shot his former friend... Her father must have paid very well to obtain Niket’s betrayal.


Miranda Lawson, Vanilla Town is dead.


"Shit. Shit. Shit." He kept running through the information center. 'I need to reach EDI', he thought. Screams. More screams. He just had time to hear someone say they'd protect him, when some sort of wave hit him and all went black. More screams. He saw some abomination grab him and he saw no more.


Joker, Vanilla Town is dead.


It was the first time that someone had managed to capture an intact Geth. Many had tried but none had managed. The robot-like creature looked asleep on the bench where Grunt had carried it. It was supposed to be alive, maybe too badly damaged to move or to communicate. Thanks to the ship AI a barrier made of lasers would make it impossible for the Geth to escape would he “wake up”.


Garrus came closer to Shepard “You should have left him on the battlefield”. The Commander shook her head. “I am sure that this one tried to help us. He did shoot at the Collectors, killed a couple of them. I want to interrogate it.”


“Geth were Sarren allies! To bring one on board is very dangerous… to keep one for interrogation may be suicide.” Garrus insisted, placing his hands on Shepard’s shoulders.


“Well Vakarian, I thought you liked danger”. Shepard grinned then hesitated. More than three quarters of her crew wanted to get rid off the Geth. Another part had no real opinion but would feel happier without the creature around. Only two scientists were really interested in keeping it alive… to “experiment”, they said.


“Shepard, trust me. Geth could have a hidden agenda. Or, it could be a mole! What if he manages to connect himself with the ship” The Commander shivered. She couldn’t take any chance with the Reapers, the Collectors, the Geth. She needed to save the Universe.


“Ok, Garrus, take care of him…”


Legion, Vanilla town, is dead.


Darthe - Miranda Lawson - Vanilla Town has been killed!

Thane - Joker - Vanilla Town has been killed!

Turin/Corvhin - Legion - Vanilla Town has been killed!


Kills are posted in order of player number. Scenes will be posted later. Scenes are for flavour only. No BAH posts allowed.


It is now Day-2. Deadline is Friday, 19:30 GMT (countdown below).


Hybrid hammer in effect: with 9 players alive, majority is 5. Majority of votes to lynch. If no majority, the player having the most votes gets lynched (ties are broken randomly).



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Seriously!!!..that is some list. I'm going to reread when I get back tonight. The only good thing (if you call of that - which really it isn't) is if there is a seer of some sort around they are still with us. I have not seen that many kills on one night in a game of this size. I could say something else but pg 13 prevents me.

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Updated the scenes. One of them is still under construction, but I felt you guys would like to know the result as soon as possible. My awesome Bondee is coming with her third scene later, I hope. 


:ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r: 

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I think Corv would have been an easy lynch to push through by the wolves, so that's why I think he might have been vigged.


Darthe would have been a tough lynch, so he's most likely a wolf kill. 


Thane could go either way really... PR hunt? SK? 

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Al crossed my mind or wolves had an extra shot, 2 big is an outside chance

Can you explain a bit more what you're thinking? I don't understand this post. 

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Sooh - no I haven't done an ISO but I did reread the thread and didn't pick up on that. But fluff doesn't make wolf nor town. I will check tonight if I get chance and maybe you too. I don't think you have done too much this game.

You're absolutely correct on me not doing much. I've been having a guilty conscience over mafia for the last several days. I ended up playing three games at the same time, which is too much for me. I decided to sub out in BFG's game seeing as it's such a huge game and focus my efforts on the two others.


As for Mawt I haven't convinced myself that he is mafia yet. I'm leaning that way, but far from convinced. I think we need to focus on other players entirely for a while and rather come back to Maw. I would like to see how he handles just regular gameplay with no pressure.



I'm not sure what you're saying here.

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