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9 - 5 Mafia - Day 3 - GAME OVER! MAFIA WINS!


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People asking me for advice on how to read Tina: can't really explain this one like I can with dice because we have much more of a personal meta and I think I just sort of understand how she thinks. I don't think she's particularly easy to read for most people, but she just happens to be on my general wavelength more often than not


tl;dr - short answer no long answer noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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I really need to go back and read, and will do that over the next couple of hours, but there are a couple of things I'm curious about.


1. I'm still unsure about Tina and her alignment. I really can't read her that well yet. I've been rereading my two games with her, and I see a pretty similar posting pattern there as here. I'm really going to have to rely on other people's meta here unless I can find something really glaring in her posts.


2. I don't like that Cory and Clov are not on the same page here, and that means I have to figure out which one to trust more. Good that several have mentioned looking at them more as we go along. As of right now I don't know who I'm more willing to believe, and that's no good for me. 


3. I'm inclined so far to think that Darthe is Town this game, because he keeps pointing out things I have been noticing too. 


4. Monstr seems town enough for now.


5. Zander and seph... honestly I don't know what to believe, but there might be mafia there in one or both. 


I really hope morning will come with better answers. 


I have been reading Sooh´s post. Most posts look okay but I´m a bit unsure. 


Sooh: What kind of things does you agree with Darthe on? What have Monstr done to make you consider him town? 

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This is my lynch pool:


Turin, Zander, Darthe



Got just a few minutes. I find this odd as Darthe and zander were my top 2 mafia suspects on D1. Yates. You are now number two. I am wondering if you are trying to slide me in with your teammates. And suddenly make.me your top choice later in the day.

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Tina tress gave me some good advice early on. Don't be quiet and don't be afraid to be wrong as townie s are usually wrong early on. The mafia has more info than you.

your motivations clearly seem of town intention as well as sincere. After tress iso on you and bfg we we came to that conclusion, and tress did a alot of work there for me.

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Cory is dice town This game? I suck at reading the new him


im not cory but i am town




Official Vote Count


Darthe (4/7) - Turin, Ley, Tina


Ley (7/7) - Cory, Sooh, Seph, Dice, Clov, Darthe, Zander


Seph (1/7) - Manbat


Not Voting: Yates, BFG


With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. 


That's a lynch! Scene incoming!



Thought I should give my thoughts on this as well. Ley was town, I´m town and I think Turin is as well. There was noone who was willing to move to Darthe from Ley. Because he is mafia and mafia were on Ley? We know Clov and Seph were town. 



This could be worth looking into.  I know these three blues are town. 2 flipped that way and i cant be wrong on the third one lol


im leaning towards zander here  am not at all sure on sooh am pretty sure cory is town and still think darthe may be town. not one hunndredd percent sold tho



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Tina tress gave me some good advice early on. Don't be quiet and don't be afraid to be wrong as townie s are usually wrong early on. The mafia has more info than you.

your motivations clearly seem of town intention as well as sincere. After tress iso on you and bfg we we came to that conclusion, and tress did a alot of work there for me.






Cory is dice town This game? I suck at reading the new him


im not cory but i am town




Official Vote Count


Darthe (4/7) - Turin, Ley, Tina


Ley (7/7) - Cory, Sooh, Seph, Dice, Clov, Darthe, Zander


Seph (1/7) - Manbat


Not Voting: Yates, BFG


With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. 


That's a lynch! Scene incoming!



Thought I should give my thoughts on this as well. Ley was town, I´m town and I think Turin is as well. There was noone who was willing to move to Darthe from Ley. Because he is mafia and mafia were on Ley? We know Clov and Seph were town. 



This could be worth looking into.  I know these three blues are town. 2 flipped that way and i cant be wrong on the third one lol


im leaning towards zander here  am not at all sure on sooh am pretty sure cory is town and still think darthe may be town. not one hunndredd percent sold tho





Tell me about Corya and Darthe. 








Pretty sure Tina is a villager


If I'm cop, Manbat is also a villager


Why is Manbat a villager? Try to be concrete when explaining.



Not +EV to discuss this ATM






Okay, now I´m going to bed. lol 

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say hi to Freja for me tina!



Cory i think has been pretty obvious all game.


Darthe boils down to I think he's too obvious to be mafia. As mafia darthe can be subtle and downright sly. As town he says weird stuff and gets lots of heat. Im nbot TOTALLY discounting him as mafia but i dont think its  likely

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Tina's eyes only:




If I die and flip cop that's my view


If I don't I still think he's a villager based on a skim, but he's just someone I read on a very personal level so I can't really give you more than that. Remember WITD where I was absurdly confident he was a villager? One of those "just take Cory's word for it" kind of things. There are things he just doesn't do as a wolf or forgets to do that are major components of his villager game. Make sense?




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Darthe boils down to I think he's too obvious to be mafia. As mafia darthe can be subtle and downright sly. As town he says weird stuff and gets lots of heat. Im nbot TOTALLY discounting him as mafia but i dont think its  likely


My only tinfoil is that he ABUSED the hell out of "TWTBAW" in this game recently:




He was SK, not Mafia, but he basically acted overtly wolfy all game and NEVER got pushed basically because he was "too obvious" to be a werewolf


Going to look through that game again (I wasn't in it, but I specced it and remember it well enough) to see if maybe he's added a new thing to his bag of Derff tricks

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I was a bit confused darthe can you explain your posts between the vote and the shot me part?

I'm confused as to what you're asking about.




This is my lynch pool:


Turin, Zander, Darthe



Oddly narrow imo


You think? How wide should it be? I feel like at least 1/3 is scum. That works for a day 2 scum pool.


That's fair, I thought you were listing your three and didn't think that list would make much sense together.




Pretty sure Tina is a villager


If I'm cop, Manbat is also a villager

Getting townier on Tina.  Manbat is obv villa this game imo.  No way you viewed him but you prob viewed Zander if cop.







slots I'm having the most trouble with ATM


I think if I had to pick ONE villager from here it would be Sooh but I sort of really want Darthe to be a villager because if he isn't there's going to be a lot of laughter at my expense in DT and my fragile ego can't take that right now

You're not really having trouble with Sooh and me dude.  You can't get past my D1 TurIthi crap but that's just me being me.  If it messed you up (like it did so many) remove it and where do you stand?  



This is my lynch pool:


Turin, Zander, Darthe



Got just a few minutes. I find this odd as Darthe and zander were my top 2 mafia suspects on D1. Yates. You are now number two. I am wondering if you are trying to slide me in with your teammates. And suddenly make.me your top choice later in the day.


Wolf wolfin wolflike



Cory is dice town This game? I suck at reading the new him


im not cory but i am town



Makes sense to me.  


say hi to Freja for me tina!



Cory i think has been pretty obvious all game.


Darthe boils down to I think he's too obvious to be mafia. As mafia darthe can be subtle and downright sly. As town he says weird stuff and gets lots of heat. Im nbot TOTALLY discounting him as mafia but i dont think its  likely

Crap read Dice.  I've only done one questionable thing and it's something you've seen me do in the past as town or mafia a half dozen times.  Des and I always hated on Turin and Ithi for their interplay and it constantly screws things up.   Objective truth that most of you don't like rubbed in your faces because it isn't nice and it can be abused.  


Darthe is TOD on VS for reference

And I'm basically a god there compared to this weak mortal form.



If I have this right I expect the wolves to concede today.  I've reviewed and am sitting at:


Cory, Manbat, clear town


Tina, Dice, Yates


BFG, Sooh


Zander, Turin clear wolves


Those are all in order with the exception of BFG/Sooh being interchangable.  Zander took a while to get to but makes sense to me.  Tina threw me off with her early posts but Clov pointed out that it matched up to a previous game of hers and that makes sense + can trust his opinion now so there's a lot less WIFOM at this point.  

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Maybe knock Turin up one tier and Yates down one tier and that's basically where I am


It feels dirty to be on the same page with you though


Real dirty

My process requires that I destroy everything before I can create a scene that makes any sense.  Think Polick but without renown.

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Cluster 1

AJ, can you do me a solid? Make me a list of all the players in this format.

Turin is town.
Thane is mafia

Continue with your reads on everyone. No.need for reasons.

Thane, would you do the same please.



AJ, I'm not that into lynching either RTE or Dawn today. Thane would be a reasonable choice to me. I still think you are the best bet for finding mafia but I can wait for more people to bring their opinions. 



Why do you think that Hallia would be more likely to vote you over Thane? if she is thinking you are maf-maf then either should be amenable. That line of thought would only really be applicable if she and Thane were were a team together.  



Hallia, why aren't you voting one of them if you think they are both mafia? 




Yes I think Dice was the mafia kill. I pointed this out earlier with the differences in the cut scenes. Chae's death sounds very much like a Vig compared to Dice.

Dice could've been killed to make me look bad, that's possible. Not putting a ton of weight in it though. I read him correctly as town, his top 3 were me, Thane and Dawn. I think his kill came more so from the confidence of his posting style. This is bordering meta territory but I think someone on the scum team saw Dice's confidence and thought perhaps he was a PR.


Oh yes. I had forgotten the flavor of the night scene. Yes the heart removal is very much the action of the evil queen (from the wiki)


IIRC the other kill was basically that Chae was shot with an arrow. Do you think that Chae was more likely a vig kill or a SK? I read her as more middle of the pack and therefore not very likely as a vig shot. (unless it was Tommy again, lol) My take would be more likely that it is a SK out there. I would have expected Thane to be the most likely vig shot TBH. 





Cluster 2




Tommy, can you and Despo post at the same time? it looks like you are taking the game in shifts. I am trying to remember if you have interacted at all in real time on the thread. Maybe you guys are Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 




Turin, you're digging yourself a deeper hole with the circular reasoning of Tommy seems like mafia -> that means Des is mafia -> wait Des seems like mafia -> that means Tommy is mafia!

It's like watching Alex Jones talk about gun control.

DM has TOO MUCH TALKING. My eyes gloss over any post more than a paragraph because it could all be said in one or two sentences yet you guys trump up your ideas to sound more impressive than they are. Stop it. Just because you are fans of fantasy novels doesn't mean you need to be writing fan fiction ITT.

I saw one post worth responding to. CHOCOLATE CROISSANTS?!

You both seem like mafia. so you both are mafia. you are wolves of different shades is all. I know all I need to know about gun control. use both hands if possible. Only point at anything you are willing to kill. treat any gun like it is loaded. 


Darthe can I have a gun? 


Now Despo is rubbing off on you. Going about telling people how to post. How to play. soon you will be making huge MQ posts and saying turrible. 






Good grief DM

i also never said that that previous post was my reason for voting him.

Dice states clearly and out in the open that the things he puts in his posts when he votes are not the reasons for voting them.


Also @ Despo - I decline to acquiesce to your request at this time. Play your own game.

Asking lots of questions of people to make you seem like Town Intelligence Gatherer is doing you no favours in my book.



First of all- your point against Dice in this post didn't really make sense to me. Only way it does is if Dice had not previously mentioned seeing Turin as possibly scum, but I think he did. If someone has already stated they find someone scummy, then voting them later doesn't always have to have their original reasoning.


Second- I'm not trying to be a Town Intelligence Gatherer. I'm trying to see if this is town on town or what. Haven't read Dice's reaction yet, but there is nothing protown about refusing to answer questions of mine. Right now you're tunneling on Dice, and might be experiencing severe confirmation bias. I want to see if this is the case, if you are right and that Dice is scum, or if you're scum trying to lead town off a cliff (I highly doubt the last one, fwiw).


No reason at all to respond hostilely to that kind of request.


This is pretty blatant defense of dice who you list as one of your top 4 choices for mafia. Do you know that he put me down as a mafia read prior to voting me? if not then you are putting it out there in hopes no one will later check.



You are definitely attempting to put yourself out as TOWN LEADER when you are NOT confirmed TOWN as yet. This is another Tommy trait when mafia. I think that you are rubbing off on each other so to speak.  Your attitude is that Ithi is "tunneling" on dice. This is a joke. You know better than most here that Ithi is tenacious when she gets her teeth into someone that she thinks is mafia. Then you follow up with "confirmation bias". On Dice? or are you implying that it is over defense of me? Now that can't really be because you clerly come out to say that you don't think she is mafia (you certainly don't want to have to deal with her looking at you as there is no way to brush that off since she likely DOES have enough clout to see you lynched)






Turin cluster 3




Vote RTE


That whole line about lynching or modkilling is a bit much. not town like behavior. 


Pral is absent but we have some time still to achieve a lynch. I didn't have him as mafia yesterday. but he does need to step it up some with regards to opinions and posts.


Will try to read during the games today and see if I find anything interesting. 



just wanted to post the VC at the time of the following post


Vote count


Pralaya (2): NotBob, RTE


Talya (1): Via


Dice (2): Csarmi, Talya


Csarmi (1): Turin 


RTE (2):  Lenlo, Clloud


Cloud (2): Pralaya, Ley





Not voting: Dice,  Ed,  Des


With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline is Wednesday 9 PM CET. That is in 34 hours and 42 minutes. 





I think it's also worth noting that cloud poped up after the case against him, but would have thought he had time to catch up by now.


I noticed that as well. 


This is very slow, I haven't been able to get on until now from last night and a page! wow! 


So these are the top people being voted at the moment. what are peoples views on these players?


Pralaya (2): NotBob, RTE
Dice (2): Csarmi, Talya
RTE (2):  Lenlo, Cloud
Cloud (2): Pralaya, Ley

I will start.


Pral: I don't think Pral has said that much still, although I did like his post on Cloud. I voted for him to get him posting, rather than thinking he was scum. He is probably the lowest on my list of these 4. however I would still like to hear more about other people than just Cloud


Dice: he has made comments throughout the game (though still a low poster) but I don't think I have seen any good quality scum hunting posts from him. I know he is a low poster, but his posts still give me the feeling he is hiding under the radar. He was quick to condemn the Pral vote as quick lynch, I think he was trying to push for that but instead it came back on him. 


RTE: There was a comment on day 1 about Ley's defensiveness, he said he was getting a town vibe from him, and then Ley claimed cop, looked like buddying to me. He has talked a lot about modkilling etc, this in itself doesn't prove anything in my eyes. (Is it me or are they a few people in this game that keep telling everyone how to post and things we shouldn't say - just seems worse than normal). Back to RTE, it was his vote on Pral which seemed very opportune to me. He then later says that he thought that Pral was scummy. infact when he voted for him he said that he wouldn't get replaced and just modkilled. Very odd statement, added to the fact he is now saying he thought Pral was scummy all along. Why not just admit he voted for him to get him to post, if that was the real reason. that is grating


Cloud: Didn't like his voting on day one after Pral produced his findings. He has explained that and it wasn't a bad explanation, I still feel it may have been because he knew Basel was town and believed he was VT - you might think someone is Town, but would you assume he was VT (I know that acronym  :smile: ). He then said he is usually one of the "Most vocal players" (his words). Then says he was out at the weekend. Fair point about the weekend, but that doesn't explain last week. Still on only 18 posts, so to me he still feels like another trying to slip under the radar, this time by not posting as much and not being as vocal.


Dice and RTE are coming across as most summy to be at present, Cloud is behind them followed by Pral. 


I think RTE's last post makes him pop up above Dice now:






All of the people in your group are at 2 votes. You and Csarmi were at 1 vote each at the time. I can see that you would not need to say anything about yourself as you would just say that you know you are town. Why leave Csarmi out of it? at this point one vote or two is not much difference. 


What do you think of Csarmi?


As to the others:


RTE: viewed town by the claimed cop. So I will step back from him for now.


Pral: biggest knock against him is he has been quiet. He says he is trying to catch up now so I will give him some time. 


Dice: has also been quiet and has said a few odd things. I find this happens too frequently with dice. I remember a game that he was town and kept putting his foot in his mouth. I believed his claim based on info I had and had to work hard to keep him alive. That said I don't have any special info this game so he looks more suspicious as the game has gone on.


Cloud: I can see Cloud believing that someone would be VT if thinking they are town. As I have been consistent about my belief that in this Basic game there will not be a lot of Power Roles out there so chances are if someone is town they are vanilla. The voting thing didn't really stand out to me. In fact I'm trying to think of anything that has stood out to me in regard to Cloud. I don't know how I feel about that.


Talya: I don't like the above list leaving yourself and Csarmi off. there seems to be a few times when you have looked to be working together. He is my strongest mafia read right now. The fact that you and him are the two you left off makes me more suspicious.


Csarmi: You ping me more and more. the comments about the RB and the cheerleading of a lynch both strike me as off. maybe it is just me. The Cindy claim doesn't make me any more comfortable with you. personally I would kind of not expect Cindy to be in the game. but that is sort of gaming the mod so I will not advocate based on that. 




Ed and Despo... please come out and gives us your thoughts for this day and also maybe a vote?



Ley, your point that there were plenty of other people to look at is just what I am saying. Say you think player X and player Y are both possible mafia. X pings more but comes out with a "can't be viewed" claim. Which one you more likely to pick now? I would think Y. Mafia lives another day. That is their mission. To stay alive. By any means necessary.

RTE, can you say anything that doesn't ping? No wonder you got lynched already  :laugh:







In one of these Turin is town, in one he is 3p and in one he is mafia.  Can anyone tell me which is which based on three posts?  I know that will be a bit tough without a lot of other factors usually used but it may be worthwhile.  It'd be nice if you didn't cheat and look up the games.

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I think I was confused all together. Could you just 're explain the vote for me. I have been having trouble with turin all game.

I believe that he is a wolf based on various factors and my interpretation of his performance thus far.

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Darthe boils down to I think he's too obvious to be mafia. As mafia darthe can be subtle and downright sly. As town he says weird stuff and gets lots of heat. Im nbot TOTALLY discounting him as mafia but i dont think its  likely


My only tinfoil is that he ABUSED the hell out of "TWTBAW" in this game recently:




He was SK, not Mafia, but he basically acted overtly wolfy all game and NEVER got pushed basically because he was "too obvious" to be a werewolf


Going to look through that game again (I wasn't in it, but I specced it and remember it well enough) to see if maybe he's added a new thing to his bag of Derff tricks


I forgot that I won as an SK once!

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