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Favorite Villain of all times?


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Mine is prolly Richard Wilkins, the mayor of Sunnydale in the TV show 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'. He's a family man with an aversion to swearing, he almost always wears a smile on his face and is obsessed with cleanliness. He's a very quirky and whimsical bad guy. 




Mayor Richard Wilkins III: There's more than one way to skin a cat. And I happen to know that's factually true. 



[after the Mayor eats the Gavrok spiders] 
Mayor Richard Wilkins: My god, what a feeling. The power of these creatures... It suffuses my being. I can feel the changes begin. My organs shifting, merging, making ready for the Ascension. Plus, these babies are high in fiber and what's the fun of becoming an immortal demon if you're not regular, am I right? 
Faith: Thanks, Sugar Daddy. 
Mayor Richard Wilkins: Now, Faith, I don't find that sort of thing amusing. I'm a family man. Now, let's kill your little friend. 


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I love the Goblin King! 

I'll also add Zankou from Charmed. Barbas (also from Charmed) also goes on the list. 


I can run with Barbas. His power was definitely impressive. Zankou is hot but not really that devious >.>

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The Joker and Loki and Eris (actually mythology, not the comics) followed by Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies, followed by Weeping Angels.


Honestly, I could probably keep going on forever, LOVE villains!

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Damon from Vampire diaries is pretty diabolic. It's just amazing to me that the guy is best friends with someone he killed at least twice, he has heart felt conversations with his gf's brother, who he also killed like twice... and he is still dating his gf despite trying to kill various people in her life... family... friends.... He's so lovable and at the same time deadly. Just a while ago he was sitting around with the sheriff of the town they live in. She was going through unresolved cases and he basically went through them one by one saying it was him and they just laughed it off. I mean the guy is a killer.... but we can put it aside and be best friends! LOL


<3 Damon. Really awesome character. And it doesn't hurt that he's smoking hot.

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I like the ambiguity, personally. I like bad guys that sometimes do the right thing. But still having their own agenda in mind. For instance Riddick from the trilogy is a good example. Guy is a killer. He kills without any remorse. But he would still do the right thing occasionally. He's a good villain too. 

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