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Medieval Mayhem (SCA and other medieval related chatter)


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Yup. It happened at a demo. Our Seneschal and I were fighting with different weapons to give the audience an idea of what we can recreate. When we started with two - handed weapons, I took it slow because it's not a style I work with very often. He attacked, I over-compensated and that was the end of that. We've been working on it since then but I got off lucky with no broken fingers or the like, just a huge bloody bruise beneath my fingernail.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i came across this thread by browsing a bit. If it's medieval clothing you'd like to look into, check the attachment i addad. 


I use this in my medieval reenactment group as a reference.


Should it not open, pm me if you like.




That's great!!!!!

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... an AoA also allows you to wear weapons in the presence of the Crown.

I've never heard that before but the Outlands is a little bit behind the times. Or maybe I just don't ask enough questions.



As I understand it, who may carry weapons into court depends on the traditions of the individual kingdoms. There is not a statement in Corpora (currently) regarding the practice of bearing weapons into court. I do know that Ansteorra does not have a rule pertaining to it in Kingdom Law (just looked to verify I was remembering correctly) , but that the tradition is that anyone may wear weapons into court as providing with the Corpora statement regarding live weapons at events, which says simply this. 


Section IV 

Section 4 : Weaponry

A. The privilege to bear period weapons at events in Ansteorra may not be infringed upon unless the 
site owner prohibits it or unless a subject is deemed unsafe by the ruling noble, knight marshal, a 
representative of the Crown, or the Crown.

Yes, I like documenting information. :wink:

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It's not really an issue for me, either way. :) I have no weapons to carry, anyway!


Meetings aren't usually fun, so yay, Ryrin! :-)


I have to plan to take my monsters to Red Tower next weekend. Luckily, there's no camping, we sleep in cabins!

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Yay!!! General clothes are pretty easy. When you get settled and start wanting clothes to fit your persona... That's when the trouble starts! Haha


I am seriously considering taking up rapier as well as archery. It looks like so much fun!

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