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Willez, Welcome to the Black Tower!!!


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Hello and welcome to the madhouse!

I'm Nikon, leader of the light faction (Logain), here in the tower... Enjoy your stay here and feel free to spam to your hearts content! Our Lady Dragon shall request your access to our private boards soon but it can take a little time to get your keys made so until you have access to our private boards please feel free to have a look around the parts of our tower that you can see and feel free to ask our members any questions you may have.

While we wait for the others to get here and welcome you please feel free to tell us a bit about yourself, your favorite Ash'aman, your favorite weave, etc...



Almost forgot your tained treats...


have some tainted treats fresh from our Tainted Tavern.


Here are some strawberries dipped in tainted chocolate made by the best of both the light and shadow factions.



I have no idea


*wipes the chocolate around her mouth* :biggrin:




Hey Will, I'm the leader of the Shadow Faction (the M'hael). Welcome to the Black Tower!

Please don't tell Nikon i have stolen all the brownies :wink:


Welcome to the Black Tower!


I am the Lady Dragon, the leader of this Tainted bunch :biggrin:


*puts replenishing weave on the brownies*

Can't let them finish, can I?


Wow thanks all...only just seen this and the cookies looked amazing and the brownies are definately tainted by the looks of it, a slight 'erbal taste about them :D


As said before, I ain't ever gonna be Dragon like but Androl is the bloke, better to be the absolute best at something and poor at most others than your average joe!


but i thought that I was the one who could perfect my torture techniques on RTE




Welcome Willez!  Folks around here call me Tress, and the shadow may quake in their boots to find out that I've been newly re-appointed as a Storm Leader for the Light.  Rawr.


Be nice, or as Tina can attest, I may have to moderate the stuffing out of you.


(Once I get my mod powers back. :unsure:)


I'm not sure I can go to the dark yet, Taim hasn't twisted my mind yet.


That cake looked good, made me think, has anyone got good pics of WOT cakes?


Well if he wants to be just like Androl he must come to the light...


Brandon Sanderson on Androl - I went to Charleston, and we needed a new viewpoint character, specifically someone in the Black Tower—we hadn't had...we didn't have the right viewpoint character for the Black Tower—so I said, is there an Asha'man you guys think that I could take over, so to speak, and really flesh out and make into a more...you know, elevate a side character to a medium level character, which is something Robert Jordan frequently did in the series, and they came to the decision that Androl was the person that I should take, and I gave him the gateway Talent because I wanted to explore what happens with gateways. And so, right there....we are all on the same wavelength; it wasn't necessarily me trying to answer your question. It was me answering questions to myself as a young man reading the series, wondering a lot about gateways. And so, Androl was a lot of fun.
In fact, there's another story there. At one point, I'm working on the series, and I get in the mail this envelope—it's a manila envelope from Charleston, and in it are a bunch of photocopied pages, and Harriet has written on the front of them: "Jim planned to use this somewhere. Can you fit it in?" And what it was was a detailed explanation from the viewpoint of a leatherworker about how one goes about using leather, and leatherworking. And this is the sort of detail, craftsman-style sort of things that Robert Jordan really liked to find places for that sort of detail in the books, and meanwhile, I've been sitting here trying to build a character for Androl, and I'm like, "Okay! I've got a place for it." And that's how Androl became a leatherworker, is from that stack of pages from Robert Jordan; it was just a photocopy of a leatherworker talking about their work.


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