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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/29/2014 at 11:07 PM, Misheru said:


  On 3/29/2014 at 4:05 PM, TGlems said:


  On 3/29/2014 at 3:44 PM, csarmi said:

What's your take on Mish?


I'm concerned that I answered her question about my role and you answered her question about being recruited and she didn't read the answers and kept asking the question again.  Then again, this game is ridic.



I was trying to bait Hallia by pretending to mistrust you. I do trust the both of you. I was seeing if she'd try to follow me.


  On 3/29/2014 at 9:09 PM, Ithillian said:

Dear Darthe,


I've been dead a good while now and never got my wishes or undeaded. Please can I have my votes back - or maybe just one - so I can get HALLIAX LYNCHED


I've never seen such a high level of procrastination.


CSarmi - do you think Hally is Town?

Mish - do you think Hally is Town?

TG - do you think Hally is Town?


Because I'm damn sure I don't - when I place her next to you three. I think you guys are Town so logically she must be mafia.


Because there can only be one left or the game would be over.


4 players


If there were 2 mafia left - the Town wouldn't be able to get a majority and the game would be over.


Nope, I do not.









It's a clearcut case that Hallia is lying. She said she saw Pral visit TG... But since TG and Pral was linked, she also should have seen him visit himself.



##vote Hallia




Darthe, a VC and a deadline would be great.


Oooh nice catch. That's also true. Two fibs in her made up role story lol

  On 3/21/2014 at 5:13 PM, WWWwombat said:

In the interests of transparency and speeding things up, I'm going to release a little tidbit that I had been planning on holding onto until everyone had checked in today.  But things are going kinda slow and idk when everyone will check in.


I used an ability last night that essentially nullified all night actions.  That's why no one died and why Tina didn't get a result.  Because nothing happened.  I figured that with Darthe confirming a cult, it was a good time to squeeze in an extra lynch.


Actually, strike my previous evidence on how Hallia's story doesn't add up.... N4 was the night Wombat blocked everyone. So even more clear she is lying.

  On 3/30/2014 at 12:49 AM, Misheru said:


  On 3/21/2014 at 5:13 PM, WWWwombat said:

In the interests of transparency and speeding things up, I'm going to release a little tidbit that I had been planning on holding onto until everyone had checked in today.  But things are going kinda slow and idk when everyone will check in.


I used an ability last night that essentially nullified all night actions.  That's why no one died and why Tina didn't get a result.  Because nothing happened.  I figured that with Darthe confirming a cult, it was a good time to squeeze in an extra lynch.


Actually, strike my previous evidence on how Hallia's story doesn't add up.... N4 was the night Wombat blocked everyone. So even more clear she is lying.




That's why I asked her to clarify, trying to catch her in an obvious lie on her clarification. With you spelling it out, that's not going to happen.


They chose a target.  One final selection from the four that would either win or lose this game for the group.  The weight of their decision could be seen in their eyes as they hesitated.  Alas, it was done.  


Hallia has been lynched.






The group smiled.  The game was over.  They looked behind them, back to the old man, but he was gone.  The edges of the world began to slowly collapse into a white nothing, an enveloping fog that gained speed until it washed over each of you and you could see no more of this world.  On your screens flashed a scoreboard complete with information.  It looked something like this.




Third Party QT: http://quicktopic.com/50/H/QhvvSLjme3K


Mason QT: http://quicktopic.com/50/H/KvkfyymQtLLh


haha for the sycophant


I had a secret theory about the "third party" having one player who knows all... and sometimes I theorized it'd be Ithi XD


But then she played too pro-town.




I just spotted Dap in the 3rd party thread lol





AJ SK jack the ripper and a total sweary mary



I still don't understand what happened and when. TURIN!


Figure it all out and tell me what happened.

  On 3/30/2014 at 6:56 PM, csarmi said:

haha for the sycophant


I had a secret theory about the "third party" having one player who knows all... and sometimes I theorized it'd be Ithi XD


But then she played too pro-town.

lol. I didn't do too bad at finding bad guys. Turin doesn't count as he pushed my buttons on purpose and totally played me. I do need him to figure out the mechanics and the deaths. I never really bother with them in games - is just distraction. Focus on the players I say.


totally OP for Town to have me able to keep posting.


Amega killed Dap and then revived him. During that action Dap got converted to 3rd party (it was the 25% chance amega talked about but he misread it apparently. Unfirtunately for the 3rd party both our motivator (which I worked very hard to bait into hammering me) and our extra killer got sacrificed immediately. Curses Random.org :angry:


Okay, so a few things.  Let's start with my mistakes in this game.  


I set up a series of obstacles in the game that would benefit the antitown faction because I assumed that the town was going to be EXTREMELY OP.  And they were.  However, in creating these beforehand I did not take much time to consider their impact in this particular game should events go awry.  This caused a few issues with my setup that I think skewed the overall results.  It is also why I decided to hold back on the Santa event which would have powered up the living players.  I also did not have the way that it would be powering up some of you fully fleshed out but that essentially required me to create a second mafia game that I won't be revealing... because I think I want to use it.


Des/Tom as a hydra submitted a role to me and I gave it to them.  However, in my notes I specifically wrote that they would only notice MAFIA, not THIRD PARTY.  When I sent them their role PM it said ANTITOWN instead of specifying a faction.  They viewed AJ Night 2 and were rightfully annoyed with me when we noticed my mistake later on, as town would have won this game before the moon event had events played out like that.  That was a mod error because it was misleading to them.


Two days in this game I have been gone.  Once for Nicoles' surgery and once for fraternal initiation.  While important to me some of you still had to wait inordinate amounts of time.  I'm counting it as mod mistakes.  


I will also state that I should have modkilled quite a few people instead of letting them live to late game and I think that replacing Hally into the situation that I did was unfair to her.


On to some general information.


BYOR like this can never be balanced and I was being crazy to attempt to do so =p  


The entire idea of this game is a town that is significantly impaired but individually powerful versus a scum team that doesn't know they're a team and slowly gains a lot of additional power if they can hold out.  


Without a team this town WRECKED the anti-town faction.  I was pretty impressed in how systematically they died.  Honestly, I think that both teams played well in a game with a lot of uncertainty but the third party ultimately struggled to use their abilities cohesively more than the town did because by the time they became a team they already had cast themselves in a particular light.  This is a really good game for examining the town structure.


Amega, TG and Aj are the three unluckiest people in the world.  The first randomly killed himself (which ironically helped the town win) and his one revival was converted, the second couldn't activate his ability all game and the third couldn't find a lady to kill if he was at a lesbian rights march.


This was my first game without coroners and my first with revival.  Both mechanics are very fun to play with but ultimately I don't think that they added a lot of value to play in this scenario.  They were simply necessary due to the way the game was structured.


Hidden game mechanics were my way of attempting to give the town a better chance of figuring out what was going on while struggling through a game where they were essentially told nothing.  Here they are:



Rule 1) People give no coroner on their first death unless specifically stated otherwise

Rule 2) The sycophant is revealed to the rest of the third party on night one

Rule 3) The five wards are sequential and come into play in a manner listed below.

Rule 4) Phase length is based on the number of posts in the previous day.

Rule 5) Second death comes with a full coroner and people cannot be brought back from a second death.

Rule 6) Death causes abilities to change.  The first life time is heavily town favored and the second life is heavily mafia favored.

Rule 7 ) Rules are hinted on thread a day after the previous one is discovered.


and here are the events:


Wise men fear:

A night with no moon. This summons a sacrificial altar, a place where five people may be selected.  Those five will die and five dead people will return for their second life.  This happens when 1/3 of the players are gone. 


Anger of a gentle man.   Select a person to get a coroner from each day phase, by vote. 


The sea in a storm.  This will happen with Avalon.  Allows the third party to pick a dead person to grant second death without coroner each night. 



Avalon: Third party gains a QT and learns of one another on the moonless night.  What questions I will answer is increased. 


History: A reference to the first game.  Santa comes and upgrades the abilities of the revived.  This happens when a third of the game is alive.  

  On 3/30/2014 at 7:13 PM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/30/2014 at 6:56 PM, csarmi said:

haha for the sycophant


I had a secret theory about the "third party" having one player who knows all... and sometimes I theorized it'd be Ithi XD


But then she played too pro-town.

lol. I didn't do too bad at finding bad guys. Turin doesn't count as he pushed my buttons on purpose and totally played me. I do need him to figure out the mechanics and the deaths. I never really bother with them in games - is just distraction. Focus on the players I say.


totally OP for Town to have me able to keep posting.


Totally. I was wondering if we final killed you if that would make you stop posting. but I didn't think so. It would only not let you vote again. I was fairly amazed that you didn't get revived by a town person.


I was so hoping that you would revive so I could get you to hammer me on my second lynch. I really think that Darthe should have let me pick who I converted from the lynch train. 



*pushes your buttons*  :laugh:  :wub:


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