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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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In the day we sweat it out on the streets of a runaway American dream
At night we ride through the mansions of glory in suicide machines
Sprung from cages out on highway 9,
Chrome wheeled, fuel injected,and steppin' out over the line
h-Oh, Baby this town rips the bones from your back
It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap
We gotta get out while we're young
`Cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run


@Cloud: good question. Not quite sure about Tina.

But its more of Des/Tom looking scum to me. And there's a lot of ways views can be bad.

  On 3/18/2014 at 2:40 PM, csarmi said:

Sent my list.


Was sad to hear that I cant put on the hydra twice.


Dude you have no idea how many times I praise the mafia gods that you never have any clout in games. Cause you are seriously so off base so many times it's just sad.


At least now that you're waffling on your role I think it's possible you could be scum after all, instead of another game of being inept townie.


We were vetted by Tina who is pretty much confirmed imo, and we have one of the best abilities in the game and have used it to give town a huge advantage in the game.


Continuing to try and come @ either of us is just tying your own noose at this point.


  On 3/18/2014 at 6:19 PM, csarmi said:



Suffice to say that sacrificing me is somewhat risky. Cause I'll be dead for a while.


So now it's a risk to sacrifice you even tho just YESTERDAY you were saying you were fine with it?




Puhlease man. Looks like you're scum after all.


My theory is that the scum know of how the revive mechanic works and have been relying on that this whole game to try and wifom town into losing somehow. First it was Dice, then Turin laid down for a lynch likely to activate his sacrificial altar ability, and now you start recanting about you being sacrificed at the 11th hour. Yall should have just focused on being WAAAAY less obvious.


So what happened? You talked to Darthe and found out you might not get revived immediately so started trying to rethink how you could slip away? Aint gonna work pally. You were our safest sacrifice by far, and if you revive and Darthe doesn't IMMEDIATELY clear you in his next post, I'm getting you speedlynched so fast your other teammate's heads will spin

  On 3/19/2014 at 7:09 AM, csarmi said:

Also I have a quite good success rate on being right. So there.


Kepp struggling tho.


Bahahahaha @ "struggling" :laugh:


And you have a TERRIBLE success rate when it comes to reading me dude. Every time you think I'm scum, I'm town. Every time I'm scum it seems you think I'm town. And I've seen you be crazy wrong in sooooo many other instances as well. I think you're most often right in the dead thread after you've learned everyone's alignments, and you've somehow fooled yourself into thinking you were still alive during some of those games.


We seriously need a scene tho. I'm hoping Darthe is just taking all this time because of all the complicated algorithms involved in this event or something.




Nah, Nicole had galbladder surgery today so I am taking care of her.  Thankfully I think it is time to get this scene done!


Sorry bout that Ithi :sad:


Lightproof a room and get cold water on your scalp as often as possible unless you're sleeping. Works well for my migraines.

  On 3/19/2014 at 7:26 AM, Ithillian said:

Actually - if Despo wants me Dead, then revive me.


I'll take more pills.



You're already dead lol. If anything I'm actually thinking youre right about sacrificing living to bring back the dead, and if that's the case we could get your double vote again. Of course, you might no longer be town, but I don't even wanna open that can of worms yet


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