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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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I would like some more info from them if possible as well (AJ and Des), or if they have questions.


Otherwise,  I am quite ready to lynch mafia - Ley seems scummiest and Hallia, I want to see some more from the rest. Ley is ill and I am not sure what his state in the game is (replacement or not) but I hope he gets well quicklier for the holidays.


Bye, Basel. :(


I do not know what to think of Aida - quite emotional and then (maybe mentored behaviour), quite pro-town.


I can bet whatever that Ley is scum though. I gave multiple reasons, they haven't changed.


And where is Mr Snow?

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Well, that sucks. So losing a Doc, what does that mean for Town?


I am ready to vote Ley - he has always been my second top scum read. And I don't think anything has changed there. 


I still thinking scum of Rags, and need to read everything over again. Hallia made me wonder when she waited for Dap's read before she would vote for  anyone. 


If Thea is right, we could possibly still have 4 left, which would mean they are closing a gap on us - how many people are there now still playing?


So for sure Ley for me - possibly Rag after that, Hally.


I still don't know what to think of Arez or AJ - Other than myself and them, they are the only ones to claim, and I just don't know if they are really who they say they are at this point. 


I will go back and read through everything later - my youngest was throwing a fit last night, and she headbutted me in the jaw so hard, I can't really move, so I will do my reading later. 

vote Ley

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Okay so might as well get this out of the way.


Full disclosure: I am not a Cop. Inb4 anyone goes "OH NOES! It was all a gambit! Lynch him!" I did what I did for the following reasons:


I knew Darthe's "cop" claim was bogus the instant I saw it. I questioned it openly during the night for a multitude of reasons, the primary ones being that I wanted to keep the real cop (if there is one) from CC'ing, and because I wanted to try and draw the NK. Unfortunately, Tina questioned it as well, so she got the NK instead that night.


Then when I saw Darthe had hinted that he had viewed me, it completely confirmed for me how full of it he was. Because, you see, I am actually a 3 shot Commuter. I intended to draw the NK the night Tina died, in which case the scum would have lost their NK and I could have revealed and announced that the scum team tried to kill me so Darthe obviously must not be the Cop. However, since they didn't target me and Darthe said he "viewed" me as scum, I knew that revealing myself to be a Commuter would look like a scum trying to escape the noose, so I fake CC'ed Darthe instead. It ended up working in the end, thank God for Dap's casing which prob helped convince the last couple of peeps.


Having only used up one of my Commuter shots at that point, I instructed the Doc to not protect me and self-protect (in Basel's case) or protect someone else instead (likely AJ). Unfortunately, Basel must have mistook this as wifom for the scum team, unless he did self-protect but was blocked somehow (I find this unlikely). So, we lost the Doc, and may have lost it partially on my account. For that I apologize. However, his death still gives us some info.


We now know Basel was the Doc, and yet the scum team chose not to kill him until the Cop was "outed". To me, this pretty much tells us there is no mafia RB'er, or other similar role disruptor type ability. There's obviously some wifom there, but as of now that's the assumption I'm going with. So that might make some question AJ since he says he was blocked, and while that is still possible, I find that unlikely. It would have been a good move for a town RB'er to block AJ that night as a way to see if he was lying. Moreover, the fact that AJ claims to have been told by the mod that he was blocked is strange, as that is not the norm for most mods. I think if AJ is scum he wouldn't have put that bit in as it would have made him seem more questionable imo. Add to that that AJ's play has seemed protown to me for a while.


If Arez was scum, I don't think he would have come forth to corroborate AJ's character claim. I skimmed most of the setup talk, but if either of the brothers had questionable alignment in the show, Arez coming forth to save a scumbuddy wouldn't make sense, and neither would it make sense for scum Arez to come forward to help "clear" town AJ. So leaving him alone for now.


Strong town reads on Dap and Aidanna. Which leaves us John Snow, Hallia, Rags, Theo, Ley/Turin, and GE.


Personally, I don't know why Snow hasn't just been MK'ed yet. I asked Time for a status check on him, and received no answer. He last posted in here like 5-6 days ago or so. But as I mentioned before, from what I did find on him, he don't look too good. As for GE, I need to check out his iso. Don't remember all that much from him this game, and considering his somewhat high-profile play of late, that kinda worries me. Anyhoo.


I could easily see the rest of the scum sitting between Ley/Turin, Hallia, Theo, and Rags (hoping Snow just gets MK'ed). Feel bad for Turin, he really replaced into a bad situation, as Ley looks like definite scum to me. The way he nudged other's fosing of me for questioning Darthe's cop claim, his wild overdefensiveness yesterday and eagerness for being able to have "something to defend against" would be good enough really, but the big ol post which made it look like he was gonna iso both me and Darthe to "figure out" who was Doc, and then completely focusing on me and ignoring Darthe, makes it easy peasy today.


Vote Turin.


Still wanna check the iso on GE tonight, and reread the thread to see how the votes progressed throughout the days. In the meantime however, I think it would be a good idea for the town RB'er to come forward. I don't like anything approaching mass claim concepts, and generally don't encourage PR's to "out" themselves, but the way I see it, town could use a little help in eliminating people from the lynch pool today. And since Basel flipped as full Doc, and I'm a 3 shot Commuter, I highly doubt our RB'er is a full kind, it's much more likely that they have a limited amount of shots like myself.


And look! Yall made it through this probably unnecessarily long post of mine! You should feel proud!



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And I guess I might as well give this a try again:


@Time: Can we get a status check on the John Snow situation please? He last posted in here days ago, including multiple game phases, and in general hasn't been active this game. Obviously however you might want to resolve that situation is completely up to your discretion, however if you wanted to know player preference at all, I personally would rather just have his slot Modkilled instead of replaced

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Good grief. I have never even heard of a role commuter or whatever... What is this role?


I am seriously shaking my head now. I don't even know what to think. 


That said - Do I need to revamp my vote? It said Ley earlier, but just so Time knows what I mean...



unvote vote Turin

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Mafiascum looks like it's down unfortunately, here's the link however: Commuter

Essentially I can phase myself out at night on the nights I use my ability, and any actions directed towards me fail since their target has been removed. Sort of like making a spell fizzle out in MtG by removing the spell's target hehe.

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Because of it's utility, it's almost always town. And I've never seen it where it's ability wasn't limited in some way, either by making it X shot or having it where it can't use it's ability in consecutive nights (kinda like how some docs can't protect same target in consecutive nights)

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