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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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It's so cute when mafia panic


Vote Des


Gonna write another wall of text to try and wriggle yourself out of it? Had you been town, you shouldn't need so many words to justify yourself.


It's like a university assignment, where you're supposed to submit your work which is limited to a maximum of two pages. Only unintelligent people need 50 pages to write what should be doable with 2.

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@Ley: Youare quite scummy to me - ISO-ing you brings a seriees of post where you reveal nothing as reads,; say you don't go to extremes (well a person is either mafia or town, what is a person nnot going to extremes doing here?);  try to sound like the good guy, giving some newbie advices, then this is your quote:


Ley: "I know this all too well. This has happened to me time and time again in the past. I have to defend so much I don't get to remember other people's actions, and even if they do, they're all about me anyways. And then I get accused for not scumhunting. Oh well. Let's see if I can do better this game."


Then your great scumhunting continues with voting me with an opinion: that I was not defending too well, in fact it was so bad, that I should be gone. It has been pointed out to you that not giving clear reads is not great scum-hunting and while ISO-ing the pattern forms in my mind about you: you have been on the 3 of every opportunistic trains this game has, asap. (Wombat, AJ (as soon as it was formed), mine). My defence follows:




1. 3 games are not enough in order to create meta on me, you yourself said this is not a steady opinion to vote me on. Sometimes I am emotional, sometimes, more reserved, that is my character in RL like most people.

2. I was asked to claim and so, I did - The mother of the Originals is a witch not an Original or a vampire and she wants them dead more than anything else, like a redemption act. I was given this character and if you don't like what characters are included, you could complan to the Mod after the game is over. I have a controversal charcater and I would not pick this one if it was a fake claim.

3. I am expressing different opinions, asking questions, ISO-ing, so I could check irregularities in the behaviour and so Darthe, Despo, Ley and Rag seem strange. Hall, we need something more from you, Rag, Arez, Snow.


Despo - you come overdefensive, just the opposite of Darthe. And Darthe, let's take it you are the actual cop, why viewing Rag since he had said almost nothing and not looking at more controversial players like AJ, Ley, GD, or myself?


Despo and Darthe, I have to agree with Hallia but full claim seems a dirty word for you both and I wonder why. But let's see what this "war of the cops" will bring us.


So many mistakes in this post.


First, I don't go into extremes of people who are alive, because I simply don't know which alignment they are. I will say "I think it's very likely this person is town/mafia", but NEVER, except if I'm a cop in a basic game "I am sure this person is town/mafia".


Next, I voted you because you didn't do ANYTHING real to save your skin. Maybe it's my opinion, but opinions, mostly those from the target, are often more useful in scumhunting than facts. For example, at the top of this page, I replied to Desp calling me out on saying facts. Namely that he apparently goes for a claimed cop (which is a fact: It's scummy that he does it. Not that I mention it), and that I honestly explain that cops can decide for themselves wheter they share their viewings.


Third, the trains: Wombat was a consolidation vote to avoid the random, as we had like 3 or 4 hours left to deadline, and it was the last time I was online. He already had 7 votes, while the second largest (that I was on) had 4. It's hard to get 5 votes in that time, even with a mafia view from a cop. The AJ train... Apart from it not being a train, he wasn't looking too well. Still isn't, with the Vig claim. There's always the possiblity of an SK. And yours... I think I already explained that enough.


Lastly, stop going on about character claims. Some mods totally mess around good and evil characters. Don't be surprised if you once find a game where the Forsaken are the town and Rand, Mat and Perrin are mafia.


Will do the ISOing of Darthe and Des now. Sorry for delaying it all day guys. I have had a headache for two days already, and it makes me constantly delay everything with even a bit of weight.

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(doing Desp first, then Darthe, but in the same post)


First off, what I really don't like about Desp, is how he goes on Aida all the time, when to me it just looks like a first timer (which she is). Next, I don't like this, at all. You're not going to be able to convince me you can INTENTIONALLY do scummy things without doing it too much or too little. The amount of buddying to Dap, as next point, is also interesting, to say the least. Of course, we don't know the alignment of either Desp or Dap, but there's a lot of buddying going in from Desp side's at day 1. And here we get the first of a bunch of posts that I - again - don't like. Three or four times, Desp calls me out on basically saying "we should take as much time for scumhunting as we can". Now, of course, we took too much at day 2, I won't deny that, but come on man. Don't lynch someone in 24 hours if you can do it in 60 hours, which would give you 36 hours more to find other scummy people, without mafia really getting anything from it. And I repeat (because you keep calling me out on this point), that I am NOT saying we should lynch a minute before deadline or something like that. But lynching more than 24 hours before deadline is generally a bad idea. In 24 hours, every player of the game can - and should, in my opinion - get online at least once. Then this: "Darthe and Wombat are obvious scum teammates." You were wrong about Wombat already. Of course only god knows wheter you are about Darthe, but they for sure are not SCUM teammates. In that same post also "Gives himself [Wombat] a nice out if he got me lynched (since I'd flip town)." Where's the need to say this? Saying you're town isn't really worth anything. Interesting too that you say (again in that same post) "WTL either Wombat, Darthe or Arez", yet since your last summary of reads, where Arez was a "neutral" read with Aida, Rags and AJ as scum reads, you haven't even mentioned Arez ONCE. "although judging from Wombat's recent posts I think it is fairly obvious he'll flip town." Considering you are the second vote on Wombat and pushed a lot of his train on your own, this is a really interesting statement... Forgetting a deadline on who I believe to be one of the scummiest players? I can't call that anything but weak. It's easy to check deadline times in case you are not sure. I don't want to put too much into character claims, but this just sounds bad imo. Why wouldn't you claim if that'd probably make you live a bit longer? Heck, I'd do it as either town or scum if it might make me live another day. Right here you're allowing a LOT of Dap, saying things like "yeah, it's bad, but I still think he's town". Why is that? Buddying? Trying to take him with you when you die and flip mafia? I can't, to be honest, find any reason why you'd act like this if you were town. For the rest, I like part of that post, but other parts I don't like at all. For example saying that Darthe could backtrack after saying "Des is scum". You really think he would be able to do that? You're one of the most experienced players on DM, you should know noone gets away with something like that. Interesting how Arez has changed to town read by the way. You haven't been mentioning him in between anywhere that I remember.


Now, onto Darthe. First thought: A lot less to read. He's generally being trolly. He too is suspect of Aidanna, while it's far more likely it's just her being new to the game. Good job on improving this fast by the way Aida. He hasn't really hunted, but on the other hand he isn't doing really scummy things either, like Des with attacking Aida hard all through day one (compared to Darthe just one post), him constantly buddying up to Dap while I can't see anything he'd get from it if he were town, backtracking from Wombats train (yeah, of course he is town) when it's too late to back off, yet telling Aida that doing so is bad, forgetting a deadline (man, you're supposed to be a million times better than me at mafia, but just let me tell you I NEVER forget deadlines), your extremistic stance on character claiming, and of course you seemingly random juggling around with your opinion on Arez without bothering to mention him in between. When I started this post, I actually thought Darthe was less believeble, but that certainly changed...


vote Des

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Darn, what do I do now.. If Ley's voting Des, he's probably not scum.. But Darthe viewed him as scum..


Who's most likely to be cop.. WIFOMWIFOM, I haven't heard that expression in awhile btw? Daaaaaaarthe is so puuuuuushhhyy.. But Des is so wallofteeeexty... 

God damn scum doing your god damn gambits. So either we nail mafia on the first go, or we kill our own cop first...


Meh, my favour goes to Darthe. Because when he claimed cop, Des didn't counterclaim him immediately, he waited until Darthe revealed his viewing.

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Darn, what do I do now.. If Ley's voting Des, he's probably not scum.. But Darthe viewed him as scum..


Who's most likely to be cop.. WIFOMWIFOM, I haven't heard that expression in awhile btw? Daaaaaaarthe is so puuuuuushhhyy.. But Des is so wallofteeeexty... 

God damn scum doing your god damn gambits. So either we nail mafia on the first go, or we kill our own cop first...


Meh, my favour goes to Darthe. Because when he claimed cop, Des didn't counterclaim him immediately, he waited until Darthe revealed his viewing.

That's what it's coming down to for me.  Plus Des is trying to slide pressure on targets he thinks may have a chance of going over him.  Seems very desperate.


##vote Des

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You say to stop going on about them, but all of the ones we've had thus far have directly correlated, so you can't say 'some mods go off of it' when all of them have been spot on?


What are you replying to?



Dude, it's pretty obvious she's talking about character claims.


While claims have been fairly spot on, do you (Hallia and anyone else who has an opinion on this) think it's a good move to make game decisions based on a character claim? Cause e.g. whether Damon or Stefan is the brother, the argument is always still, is a vig claim a just a masked SK? Should I make a determination on whether or not he's a vig/sk based on the brother that was claimed. By the same logic, do I then vote for the brothers if Elena dies based on the likelihood there's a game mechanic that switches on of them to an SK (In WD Shane became an SK when Lori died)? I'm of a similar opinion to Des'- character claims are usually bs. The only thing I think they're good for is identifying a fake claim. If Darthe character claims Sheriff Forbes and someone has that as their character, then there would be 2 people CC'ing him and we'd know who the liar is. That's why I have a problem with Des' decision to "teach everyone a lesson" and refuse to character claim. Obviously Des is flailing and a bunch of what he says is rubbish, but I'm not sure I get a scum read off of him. I think he's doing what he's supposed to do and freaking out as a town player to avoid getting mislynched.


I'm frustrated right now cause I finished reading Darthe and I was prepared to vote against him, then I ran into Des' string of posts and I find it hard not to vote Des. 

I have a lot of problems with Darthe just on principle. Power roles should be guarded, yes, but they should also be used to guide the town to the correct conclusions. If you are our cop, you need to step up your game a LOT. My issue with Darthe is based on general disinterested gameplay and I really don't like his lack of candor since his reveal. 


Des/Darthe, I have issues with a couple of things. Feel free to respond cause it will help me make a decision here.


1- I REALLY don't like your focus (Des) on semantics in the next two quotes

"Notice how Darthe says I'm scum, but doesn't actually say he viewed me?"

 "He never says "I'm the Cop". I pointed this out before, that he might have been purposefully unclear so that he couldn't be LD'ed, or mebbe even keep from being CC'ed.


I think it's fairly obvious what he means here. Everyone believes he was claiming cop and he is claiming he viewed you as scum. Darthe has confirmed both thoughts since. How does focusing on these seeming nitpicking things help prove your case? 


2- "Im gonna do yall a favor- Im NOT going to character claim. For one, I don't remember my character's name and am meh about checking again for that, but more importantly I wanna help yall break some bad habits."- Des

I made my case for why a character claim in THIS case would be a good idea. Do you disagree?


3- "I haven't gotten any guilty viewings. Why would I want to endanger townie's lives by revealing that sort of thing on thread? If I think I might die soon, I'll get those reads out, don't worry."-Des

No issue here, I just agree with this point. I revealed someone as town when I claimed cop in my last game and they got NK'd immediately.


4- "So lets get moving here. Nobody has asked who I viewed which is disheartening but I supoose it waits for morning."-Darthe

I don't get why you would antagonize mafia at night. What do you gain by tempting them to NK you like this?  It looks like you already know you're not getting lynched here

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Is number four a real point?  The other three seem directed to Des so correct me if I am wrong for ignoring them.  To answer: Once I am revealed mafia needs no incentive to attempt to kill me, I am already a priority target.  Any WIFOM or antagonization or instigation that I can use to cause a slip or push out unusual reactions is valuable.  Case in point would be the Des push for my lynch in the night.  Not exactly a reliable method but I needed quick results after being outted so quickly.  My thought on the NK is that Des realized what he had done afterwards and so NK'ed Tina to both attempt to push his angle more and to make himself look better.  I am already trying to figure out who was a skiddish enough teammate to reign him in from trying to get either Basel or myself killed.  We have some good potential targets and his flip will confirm me forcing their hand pretty quickly.  

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Can't believe yall are about to lynch your Cop and one of the best scumhunters in this game because of the lazy pile of crap Darthe is pushing forward.


I would rage more, but honestly I think most of the train on me atm is scum, so meh. Apparently most of you didn't even read most of the points I made. Town deserves to lose if it's members don't care enough to read all the arguments in order to figure out the situation.


And the sad thing is, this really is quite simple.


Darthe had an awful claim while being rung up (Just said "Cop"). Tina and I call the claim bullshanks. Tina is NK'ed, both cause scum prob thought she was the real cop and because she was one of Darthe's biggest destractors. Then he says I'm scum, one of his other biggest detractors. Doesn't say he viewed me, just that he's scum. Then. after I bring a multitude of points against him, he responds with this:


I'm not trying to barrel over this game but I am the cop and I found mafia. If you kill me I fant find anyone else. Know that Rag is town. It won't make much difference what order we go in though with an outted doc :/ Had really high hopes of sliding through the day more D2. Des IS mafia and he is CCing cop after I caught him. If you aren't voting that then you are wrong, no matter what he weasels.


This is some of the laziest most apathetic scum play I've ever seen from Darthe, and yet he's apparently fooling some of you (whoever is on my train that isn't scum).


Really just disappointing.


Des. Your point on why darthe and basel wetent killed hinges on the fact that AJ is telling the truth

im not sure enough on that.
He could still be a SK or even mafia trying to sew wifom (unlikely i know but possible)

Ill clean this up tomorroe . Right now im a little drunk and its 4am after an anus of a shifr at work
yiu can all just enjoy this mess a lirtke while longer


Yes, this is true. However that's only one of many points against Darthe that I raised. In fact I only noticed this after someone... can't remember who (AJ himself mebbe?) pointed out that the Doc was outed.


And even if you discount AJ's claim of being blocked, still consider that the mafia didn't attempt to kill either the claimed doc, or the claimed cop, but instead for someone who questioned the claimed cop. Looks like scum thought she was the real cop, doesn't it?


As a huge fan of the show, I think an actual character claim would help.


This is a mafia game. It's themed with the Vampire Diaries, but at the end of the day it's still a mafia game. You shouldn't need to rely on character claims to make your decision.



Forgot Doc was "outed" already. If anything, this just confirms for me that both Basel and Darthe are definite scum together. I believe that AJ was blocked, so why wouldn't Basel have been blocked and killed by now? Why wouldn't they have blocked Basel and killed Darthe last night? Or, even if they don't have a blocker, why not target Basel last night in the hopes he'd be protecting the "claimed cop".

There's just way too much stuff that doesn't make sense with that whole shebang. Tina being NK'ed illustrates that scum apparently didn't "buy" Darthe's claim imo. They knew he wasn't Cop cause how could he be scum and Cop at the same time?


1. Des, this is scummy. First off, I don't see how scum would have more than one RB a night. For them to block me would mean exposing themselves to a potential NK on one of their own from AJ. That strikes me as good enough reason to not block the doc.

2. Secondly, AJ is also still alive this day. Since there was no kill attempt on either the claimed cop or doc, by your logic, we must both be scum. So why are you willing to give AJ a free pass? Is it because he claimed Damon, and Damon is a character unlikely to be scum? Oh, wait... you've been discounting the importance of character claims all this time and refusing to give your character. Therefore, AJ's character claim should be meaningless. His survival should make him look scummy by your argument.

3. Third, I'm feeling that Darthe and me were left alive (at least partially) precisely to open up room for the very argument you are making about us still being alive. "Let's leave them in the game, people will assume scum should have shot at one of them if they're both town." And here you are questioning why we are both alive to carry out the plan.


Wifom, wifom, wifom. What an incredibly wifomy post. I even edited out the first part which was directed at AJ which had even more wifom.


1. Oh come on now. You REALLY think the best move for mafia would be to RB a Vig instead of block and kill a Doc? Dude, you're better than this. You know a mafia team's first priority is to kill the Doc if it's outed. Keeps any of their kills from being stuffed, gets rid of a pretty much confirmed townie, and lets them plan NK's after that MUCH easier. A vig on the other hand can kill town as easily as mafia. On that note, why not block AJ, kill you, and hope Darthe doesn't view any of em? That isn't even close to a good enough reason to not block the Doc.


2. AJ still also has wifom surrounding him (potential SK). Why NK him when you can get town to lynch him for you? So NO, by my logic he isn't scum. Doc is a much bigger threat to the mafia team than a claimed vig. And I never said I gave AJ a free pass, or that I thought him town because of his character claim. I haven't paid one lick of attention to all the character claim crap. I have a town read on him because even after people sort of half-accepted his claim, he still stayed around and kept trying to scumhunt. Scum AJ would have laid low more after that I feel. And I don't think Arez is town because of his character claim either. I figure he's prob town cause if he was scum, he could have never character claimed, making AJ's claim look a little weaker. And in general he seems more like an unknowing townie instead of scum trying to manipulate.


AJ surviving doesn't tell me at all that he's def scum. If I was mafia, I'd let a claimed vig hang themselves.


3. This is the wifomiest part of your post. There were three claimed town PR's yesterday. NONE OF THEM were NK'ed. Instead, one of the people questioning Darthe's cop claim was killed. You REALLY think if I was scum I wouldn't have let Tina live to hope that she would support my argument, and take out one of the other PR's?! Come on bro.


Despo - you come overdefensive, just the opposite of Darthe. And Darthe, let's take it you are the actual cop, why viewing Rag since he had said almost nothing and not looking at more controversial players like AJ, Ley, GD, or myself?


Despo and Darthe, I have to agree with Hallia but full claim seems a dirty word for you both and I wonder why. But let's see what this "war of the cops" will bring us.


Overdefensive = buzzword. I'm not overdefensive. I post a lot cause I always do. And I AM an emotional player. But I caught someone lying, and then that person lies some more the next day to try and get me lynched. You really think I'm gonna take that lying down as a town PR?


It's so cute when mafia panic


Vote Des


Gonna write another wall of text to try and wriggle yourself out of it? Had you been town, you shouldn't need so many words to justify yourself.


It's like a university assignment, where you're supposed to submit your work which is limited to a maximum of two pages. Only unintelligent people need 50 pages to write what should be doable with 2.


This vote disappoints me the most.


Arez, you do not know me ONE BIT apparently, for you to put out that crap about me. I write wall of texts no matter what my alignment is. I'm a writer. Brevity is a foreign word to me. And I make a point of trying to draw attention to as many things I see that show myself to be town as possible, or to show someone else as scum. Just because others "scumhunt" with one line posts doesn't mean I have to. I like to be thorough.


Des, everything you wrote is tl;dr.


EAD, scum.


(doing Desp first, then Darthe, but in the same post)


First off, what I really don't like about Desp, is how he goes on Aida all the time, when to me it just looks like a first timer (which she is). Next, I don't like this, at all. You're not going to be able to convince me you can INTENTIONALLY do scummy things without doing it too much or too little. The amount of buddying to Dap, as next point, is also interesting, to say the least. Of course, we don't know the alignment of either Desp or Dap, but there's a lot of buddying going in from Desp side's at day 1. And here we get the first of a bunch of posts that I - again - don't like. Three or four times, Desp calls me out on basically saying "we should take as much time for scumhunting as we can". Now, of course, we took too much at day 2, I won't deny that, but come on man. Don't lynch someone in 24 hours if you can do it in 60 hours, which would give you 36 hours more to find other scummy people, without mafia really getting anything from it. And I repeat (because you keep calling me out on this point), that I am NOT saying we should lynch a minute before deadline or something like that. But lynching more than 24 hours before deadline is generally a bad idea. In 24 hours, every player of the game can - and should, in my opinion - get online at least once. Then this: "Darthe and Wombat are obvious scum teammates." You were wrong about Wombat already. Of course only god knows wheter you are about Darthe, but they for sure are not SCUM teammates. In that same post also "Gives himself [Wombat] a nice out if he got me lynched (since I'd flip town)." Where's the need to say this? Saying you're town isn't really worth anything. Interesting too that you say (again in that same post) "WTL either Wombat, Darthe or Arez", yet since your last summary of reads, where Arez was a "neutral" read with Aida, Rags and AJ as scum reads, you haven't even mentioned Arez ONCE. "although judging from Wombat's recent posts I think it is fairly obvious he'll flip town." Considering you are the second vote on Wombat and pushed a lot of his train on your own, this is a really interesting statement... Forgetting a deadline on who I believe to be one of the scummiest players? I can't call that anything but weak. It's easy to check deadline times in case you are not sure. I don't want to put too much into character claims, but this just sounds bad imo. Why wouldn't you claim if that'd probably make you live a bit longer? Heck, I'd do it as either town or scum if it might make me live another day. Right here you're allowing a LOT of Dap, saying things like "yeah, it's bad, but I still think he's town". Why is that? Buddying? Trying to take him with you when you die and flip mafia? I can't, to be honest, find any reason why you'd act like this if you were town. For the rest, I like part of that post, but other parts I don't like at all. For example saying that Darthe could backtrack after saying "Des is scum". You really think he would be able to do that? You're one of the most experienced players on DM, you should know noone gets away with something like that. Interesting how Arez has changed to town read by the way. You haven't been mentioning him in between anywhere that I remember.


Now, onto Darthe. First thought: A lot less to read. He's generally being trolly. He too is suspect of Aidanna, while it's far more likely it's just her being new to the game. Good job on improving this fast by the way Aida. He hasn't really hunted, but on the other hand he isn't doing really scummy things either, like Des with attacking Aida hard all through day one (compared to Darthe just one post), him constantly buddying up to Dap while I can't see anything he'd get from it if he were town, backtracking from Wombats train (yeah, of course he is town) when it's too late to back off, yet telling Aida that doing so is bad, forgetting a deadline (man, you're supposed to be a million times better than me at mafia, but just let me tell you I NEVER forget deadlines), your extremistic stance on character claiming, and of course you seemingly random juggling around with your opinion on Arez without bothering to mention him in between. When I started this post, I actually thought Darthe was less believeble, but that certainly changed...


vote Des


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Isos me for a huge paragraph, then says he is gonna start isoing Darthe... yet continues to focus on me pretty much the entirety of the paragraph!!!!!


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Ley, you are so obviously scummy here it's ridiculous. You already knew who you were voting for before you "iso'd" me and Darthe.


I thought about picking your post apart, but honestly it's filled with so much misrepresentation, stuff taken out of context, and outright bs lies, that I'm not even going to expose myself to it's filth. There's like 23 things you try bringing against me, most of it BS, and like 1 thing you say about Darthe. Really sad that I'm really about to be lynched with this kind of crap against me.


This isn't even questionable. The person I cop viewed went "nuh uh I'm the cop and yoire lying" as if that was going to work. Why is des not dead yet? You've got confirmed scum. Kill it.




Dude, I called out your claim for the BS it was WELL before you "viewed me." You're so full of it.


Darn, what do I do now.. If Ley's voting Des, he's probably not scum.. But Darthe viewed him as scum..


Who's most likely to be cop.. WIFOMWIFOM, I haven't heard that expression in awhile btw? Daaaaaaarthe is so puuuuuushhhyy.. But Des is so wallofteeeexty... 

God damn scum doing your god damn gambits. So either we nail mafia on the first go, or we kill our own cop first...


Meh, my favour goes to Darthe. Because when he claimed cop, Des didn't counterclaim him immediately, he waited until Darthe revealed his viewing.


Why would I CC at night? To give the scum team a surefire chance to block or kill me? I obviously wouldn't have been able to get him lynched during the night, when I showed up he had already claimed and it went to random. CC'ing there would have been a terrible idea.



Darn, what do I do now.. If Ley's voting Des, he's probably not scum.. But Darthe viewed him as scum..


Who's most likely to be cop.. WIFOMWIFOM, I haven't heard that expression in awhile btw? Daaaaaaarthe is so puuuuuushhhyy.. But Des is so wallofteeeexty... 

God damn scum doing your god damn gambits. So either we nail mafia on the first go, or we kill our own cop first...


Meh, my favour goes to Darthe. Because when he claimed cop, Des didn't counterclaim him immediately, he waited until Darthe revealed his viewing.

That's what it's coming down to for me.  Plus Des is trying to slide pressure on targets he thinks may have a chance of going over him.  Seems very desperate.


##vote Des



Hmmmmm. Is that so, Rag?


Good rule of thumb is to not ask for or give out information in the thread during night time.  Exceptions to every rule, but that one is a solid choice to follow until you get experience.


COMPLETE contradiction from your post during the night. So don't give out information at night time, yet I'm somehow scummy for not CC'ing immediately?




You're full of it as well.


Darthe, Basel, Ley, and Rags = scum. Going all out to try and get me lynched. 

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1- I REALLY don't like your focus (Des) on semantics in the next two quotes

"Notice how Darthe says I'm scum, but doesn't actually say he viewed me?"

 "He never says "I'm the Cop". I pointed this out before, that he might have been purposefully unclear so that he couldn't be LD'ed, or mebbe even keep from being CC'ed.


I think it's fairly obvious what he means here. Everyone believes he was claiming cop and he is claiming he viewed you as scum. Darthe has confirmed both thoughts since. How does focusing on these seeming nitpicking things help prove your case? 


2- "Im gonna do yall a favor- Im NOT going to character claim. For one, I don't remember my character's name and am meh about checking again for that, but more importantly I wanna help yall break some bad habits."- Des

I made my case for why a character claim in THIS case would be a good idea. Do you disagree?


3- "I haven't gotten any guilty viewings. Why would I want to endanger townie's lives by revealing that sort of thing on thread? If I think I might die soon, I'll get those reads out, don't worry."-Des

No issue here, I just agree with this point. I revealed someone as town when I claimed cop in my last game and they got NK'd immediately.


4- "So lets get moving here. Nobody has asked who I viewed which is disheartening but I supoose it waits for morning."-Darthe

I don't get why you would antagonize mafia at night. What do you gain by tempting them to NK you like this?  It looks like you already know you're not getting lynched here



1. Everyone believed that Darthe was saying he viewed me... without him actually saying it. Say I got speedlynched. Then afterwards he can say he never viewed me but thought me to be scum for sure so implied that he viewed me. And I'm not sure if you're aware of the Lie Detector role, but it can look at a statement and see if it's a lie or not. Darthe was purposefully vague with his "claim" in part because he didn't want to be LD'ed, or CC'ed immediately.


2. Yes, I disagree. In general, I HATE using character claims to try and scumhunt. It's a cheap move, it's not using gameplay or sorting through NA's to find scum, it's trying to find out if the mod gave the mafia safe claims or not. It's also not guaranteed to be effective, BECAUSE the mod might have given safe fake claims to the mafia team. But most importantly, I have seen WAY too much energy and focus on characters and theme and setup in this game, at the cost of having more ACTUAL SCUMHUNTING. All that character claim crap is just a distraction.


3. Okay


4. Actually, it looks more like Darthe already knew he wasn't getting NK'ed, not lynched. Cause he's scum.


Is number four a real point?  The other three seem directed to Des so correct me if I am wrong for ignoring them.  To answer: Once I am revealed mafia needs no incentive to attempt to kill me, I am already a priority target.  Any WIFOM or antagonization or instigation that I can use to cause a slip or push out unusual reactions is valuable.  Case in point would be the Des push for my lynch in the night.  Not exactly a reliable method but I needed quick results after being outted so quickly.  My thought on the NK is that Des realized what he had done afterwards and so NK'ed Tina to both attempt to push his angle more and to make himself look better.  I am already trying to figure out who was a skiddish enough teammate to reign him in from trying to get either Basel or myself killed.  We have some good potential targets and his flip will confirm me forcing their hand pretty quickly.  


Lol, at least you're starting to actually try. You were apathetic before cause you thought you'd die easily as scum. Now that you're actually close to getting the Cop lynched you suddenly care more.




And tell me this, everyone. What do you think is more likely?


1. That I'm scum and I questioned Darthe's cop claim openly, drawing a ton of attention my way, and then killed one of the few people who might have supported me in an effort to make Darthe look bad, meanwhile letting THREE town PR's live,




2. Scum team killed Tina cause they thought she might be the actual Cop after she questioned the claim as well, and because she was one of Darthe's biggest detractors?

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One more thing- has anyone noticed how many issues Darthe is ducking here? Namely, the whole character claim thing. He hasn't even bothered responding to requests for his character. I on the other hand, have made it quite clear WHY I am not revealing my character.


It would be the simplest thing in the world for him, if he were truly the cop, to claim his character, and thus make me look worse for NOT character claiming. Yet he hasn't...


Munch on that. And don't let Darthe wiggle himself out of this if you do end up actually lynching me. I'll flip town, he'll try to make up some bs about multiple cops or being redirected, or being an insane cop or something. DON'T accept that bs.


Despo out.

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1- Nope, hadn't heard about the lie detector. That answers my question

2- I agree with the concept but disagree with you not character claiming in this instance. If I had my druthers you'd both claim so we can see if someone has a duplicate claim 

I do think it's kind of bs to accuse Darthe for not character claiming and saying you're cool cause you explained why you didn't

4-Darthe, you hit my point, though I expressed it poorly. You flaunted your role at night, you didn't try to create a wifom situation with Basel to throw scum off. It may be a personal play thing, but I would have tried something to create a little doubt should scum try and target you.

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Des I'm not gonna lie. I skimmed like the last half of your post... if you're Town then I'm with you bro.


And for those wondering, I holstered last night. Tina was a potential target but she flipped as Town. I was contemplating GE as well, but his posts today seem okay to me. Aida is Town IMO. I like her posts. I'd be fine with shooting Rags just because it seems he refuses to take a hard stance.

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1- Nope, hadn't heard about the lie detector. That answers my question

2- I agree with the concept but disagree with you not character claiming in this instance. If I had my druthers you'd both claim so we can see if someone has a duplicate claim 

I do think it's kind of bs to accuse Darthe for not character claiming and saying you're cool cause you explained why you didn't

4-Darthe, you hit my point, though I expressed it poorly. You flaunted your role at night, you didn't try to create a wifom situation with Basel to throw scum off. It may be a personal play thing, but I would have tried something to create a little doubt should scum try and target you.


I'm with GE here. You keep refusing to hard claim your character Despo. I understand your stance here on changing the site's meta when relying on character reveals, but having a name would certainly help.

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 I agree with the concept but disagree with you not character claiming in this instance. If I had my druthers you'd both claim so we can see if someone has a duplicate claim 

I do think it's kind of bs to accuse Darthe for not character claiming and saying you're cool cause you explained why you didn't


I'm not saying that I'm cool because I explained why I'm not claiming. I understand if it still prickles others that I won't. I know I'm somewhat in the minority about this issue.


However I did at least address it. Darthe has ignored it completely. Just like he ignored almost everything I brought against him.


Which looks worse to you?

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I'm with GE here. You keep refusing to hard claim your character Despo. I understand your stance here on changing the site's meta when relying on character reveals, but having a name would certainly help.


Eh if I go down because I'm being stubborn about this issue, so be it. I wear my heart on my sleeve, as everyone knows, and right now I feel too passionately about this issue to give any ground.


The best piece of advice I think I've gotten in mafia was when someone told me to ignore theme and setup stuff and focus on gameplay. I had come back after a semi-long hiatus, and didn't seem to be quite as good as I was before, and after following this advice I returned back to old form. I wanna try and do my part to help others realize that focusing on character claims, speculating about setup and theme, all that stuff just really prevents you from being the best scumhunter you can be.


Granted, I'm prob not doing myself any favors in this mission by being so pushy about this, but meh it is what it is. As I said, I wear my heart on my sleeve.

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Can't believe yall are about to lynch your Cop and one of the best scumhunters in this game because of the lazy pile of crap Darthe is pushing forward.

Honestly...I've seen you post giant walls of text and that's it.  if you are one of the better scumhunters on DM, that's just sad because you have nothing to brag about from what I've seen.

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