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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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Izabella - I find her scummy because there have been...er...well. 2 posts for nearly 30 pages period?  That's odd.

That's not scummy IMO. Scum often tend to be lurky but they know they have to maintain a certain level of activity to keep from being replaced/modkilled. This just shows that Bella doesn't commit to what she signs up for.



In other news, no one has tried guessing at my avi ever since I changed it...


*fishing for attention*

If people have no idea, then they won't hazard a guess.


Also, I really think we should either straight up policy lynch Izabella if she doesn't show up like tomorrow with a lot more to offer, or put in a joint plea for Time to replace or modkill her.


Two posts at this point of the game is just unacceptable.

Agreed. Why is Bella still part of the game? She really needs to get replaced.


I'm gonna vote AJ to pick up where I left off. I'm comfortable switching to Theo, Bella, or Hally if that's where a train goes.

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So your new Miro avi, Despo, is how I usually play - all over the place. So, to sum it up: Darthe and Rag, GoldenEyes then Ley. Where are Dap and Iz? Dap voting some Snow third train in the beginnning - still couldn't get it, now he is gone.




You got that quick! Noice! Was it too obvious of a pick? Just my favorite Miro. I LOVE Surrealism.

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So your new Miro avi, Despo, is how I usually play - all over the place. So, to sum it up: Darthe and Rag, GoldenEyes then Ley. Where are Dap and Iz? Dap voting some Snow third train in the beginnning - still couldn't get it, now he is gone.




You got that quick! Noice! Was it too obvious of a pick? Just my favorite Miro. I LOVE Surrealism.



Actually you didn't say *which* Miro so I'm keeping it for now



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Here you have it, from least scummy to most scummy. 







John Snow







Darthe - I initially had a town read from Talya, but upon reread the way she interacted early with the whole Wombat/Basel thing, and Darthe...I don't know, he's random, I have a hard time reading him.

Dap - Wayyyy more quiet than usual.  As I recall he's always been very active as town.

Izabella - I find her scummy because there have been...er...well. 2 posts for nearly 30 pages period?  That's odd.


Would you mind giving reasons too for why the other 11 people on your list are where they are?

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I also had a vote on Darthe. 


Will someone answer a couple questions I have?


Earlier Thea mentioned that in a game she had been a VT and then her character was tripped to become SK - is that possible that you don't know your character could do that? 


Also, if we have a set of lovers, and one gets killed, does the other lover always die, or could one become a SK? Do SK's have a scum or town alliance, or how does that role work?


I asked the second question because I was thinking about the show, and the characters in the game, and the whole SK idea. Some people talked earlier about Damon being a ripper (I can go back and find the quote if need be) but if there is a SK, and if Time made the characters of the game match the characters of the show/books, SK would fit Stefan (who Arez has claimed) much better. In the show/books, Damon would fit the vig role well, but he doesn't tend to lose his humanity in quite the way the Stefan does. He goes crazy and starts rampaging and has no control. I had Arez on my possible scum list, but this moves him into a position (for me at least) that we should surely watch. If Elena dies (and he doesn't die as well as Lover or whatever) I think it would be most likely that he would turn SK. Of course I really have no idea how anything works, which is why I asked all those questions. 


Also, I am Izabella's mentee at the WT - I know she is a single mom and really busy - sometimes we go quite a while without talking. I wouldn't be opposed to lynching her, or other inactive players, but to move my vote from Darthe I think we need to make fairly unanimous. I just didn't want you guys to get too "mad" I guess - I know she doesn't get on DM as often as I do, so I thought I would throw that out there. 

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What I'm was saying is that you and you mafia team could have elected to shoot Basel, who protected himself. At that point your "being blocked" claim would be irrelevant, as you claimed Vig to protect yourself from being lynched by your own admission. BTW your character has a tendency to turn off his humanity and becomes something called a "ripper" which is a SK if we're going to claim roles based on the show like Theo enjoys doing. So you very well could be a SK masquerading as a Vig. I can't be sure what you are and that makes me wary of you. 


Ah Theo, we're back to the old dance. This is like last game where you decided to accuse me for post upon post until I had to claim Cop. I stood up for you that game cause I got the feeling you were trying to scum hunt cause you spread your accusations around. This time, it comes off as contrived. Ewwwww, attempting to direct Aida's vote? Blech. 


Vote Theo

What was the first part? Directed to AJ/Damon? Actually, he is the "most controlled" of the bros in the series and Stefan is the Ripper so he goes berserk when he tastes human's blood. Since, I have to tell you about the series. This is being unprepaired, are you, GD?


And I am not directing anyone, Aida wasn't voting for me. I just wanted her to vote who she thinks is scummest, not propped by Despo and she did. I understand what it is your first Mafia game, so I tried to offer some help. If you see my older posts, I did say it was her first game and to let her take a breath. Enough sheeping on the easiest train. That doesn't help town.


Here is the quote - from GE I guess, that mentioned Damon as ripper - then Thea does correct that as Stefan. Like I said - I do think this is something to think about with Arez and his claimed role of Stefan.... 

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I also had a vote on Darthe. 


Will someone answer a couple questions I have?


Earlier Thea mentioned that in a game she had been a VT and then her character was tripped to become SK - is that possible that you don't know your character could do that? 


Also, if we have a set of lovers, and one gets killed, does the other lover always die, or could one become a SK? Do SK's have a scum or town alliance, or how does that role work?


I asked the second question because I was thinking about the show, and the characters in the game, and the whole SK idea. Some people talked earlier about Damon being a ripper (I can go back and find the quote if need be) but if there is a SK, and if Time made the characters of the game match the characters of the show/books, SK would fit Stefan (who Arez has claimed) much better. In the show/books, Damon would fit the vig role well, but he doesn't tend to lose his humanity in quite the way the Stefan does. He goes crazy and starts rampaging and has no control. I had Arez on my possible scum list, but this moves him into a position (for me at least) that we should surely watch. If Elena dies (and he doesn't die as well as Lover or whatever) I think it would be most likely that he would turn SK. Of course I really have no idea how anything works, which is why I asked all those questions. 


Also, I am Izabella's mentee at the WT - I know she is a single mom and really busy - sometimes we go quite a while without talking. I wouldn't be opposed to lynching her, or other inactive players, but to move my vote from Darthe I think we need to make fairly unanimous. I just didn't want you guys to get too "mad" I guess - I know she doesn't get on DM as often as I do, so I thought I would throw that out there. 


Some mods have things that your character can change without you knowing it beforehand. However, it is not done often. As it is an advanced game though, it is certainly not impossible.


Normally, the other lover always dies, but, again, it's an advanced game, so it would be possible to make an other, own-made role, where one becomes SK if the other dies. However, two things should be pointed out. First, if you're a lover, you're a lover, not a VT. Second, someone being town-aligned at first, but becoming SK when an other town dies... That's very hard to balance. It basically means you need to start looking for a serial killer halfway through the game, while you've already lynched two or three townies (which is pretty normal).


About the series and this game - Of course I cannot say anything defenitive, but it is very hard to put character changes from a series in a game, mostly because it's insanely hard to balance. I would expect most games that are that detailed to be called experimental and/or kitchen sink (aka role madness).


PS Not trying to game the mod or anything, just explaining.

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@Basel: What you think about Darthe? AJ seems like a weak vote since he already claimed imo (and a vettable role at that). It's still early, I'd rather pressure people who haven't claimed yet.


His claim could just as easily be mafia or SK telling a lie. I'm taking an ISO look at Darthe after dinner.

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sorry it took so long... was super busy today


Official Vote Count


Theodora (3/8): John Snow, Leyrann, Goldeneyes

Tina (1/8): AJ

Despo (1/8): Darthe

Goldeneyes (1/8): Theodora

Leyrann (1/8): Arez

Darthe (3/8): Aidanna, Tina, Despo

AJ (1/8): Basel


Deadline: Thursday December 12 20:00 EST  http://www.timeandda...ies Mafia Day 2


im contacting Izabella now...

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Talya's most interesting bit that leaps out for me was her vote on Womby. It was the second vote on him, Rags having been the first. The only other players with multiple votes at the time were myself and AJ. Since I have been feeling that AJ is scum, I'll start with what this vote means assuming that AJ is scum. Since I know that I am town, I think scum would want to divert attention from AJ's train. A scum-Talya would be wise to vote me, but scum should also avoid putting all their eggs in one basket. Thus, Talya could have voted for Womby to try and divert from AJ and gain town cred for starting competing trains. At that early point in the game, there's no reason why there should be only two trains to pick from. Voting me might also look like bandwagoning and opportunism.


And if AJ is town? I'd be remiss in examining the possibility that he is telling the truth, even if I don't believe it, since until he flips we can't be sure. Again, we have the goodness of competing trains. I think that then, with the two early trains both being town, that scum would want to let to let townies get a third train going rather than doing it themselves. If one of the three trains is scum then they can concentrate their efforts on AJ or me. If all three trains are town (which they would be with this scenario... AJ, Womby, and me), then scum can sit back and let town devour itself for D1, and maybe they can score a random lynch with the odds in their favor. I don't see why scum-Talya would vote Womby if AJ is town.


And since people have already let the possibility of AJ as SK hanging out there, I'm going to figure that this would go the same as if he were town, because mafia won't know that he is SK.


Darthe has posted a bunch of silly stuff, but at one point he said we should want to sheep him. This stood out for me... conventional wisdom says that sheeping in mafia is bad and it often tends to get suspicion. With so many newer players in this game, they might take his advice even if town, and create a bunch of confusing reads because of all the sheeping going on from too many players. Even if he thinks his reasoning is pure gold, he'd be better off as town wanting others to think for themselves. But this is small potatoes IMO, and most likely an attempt at humor.


So my read on Talya/Darthe is a slight scum read, dependent upon whatever AJ turns out to be.

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There are a few things that stand out to me in your post...


I don't understand why your scum read on Darthe is dependent on your read of how AJ flips. Regardless of AJ, shouldn't you have some thoughts on Darthe independently? I understand some scum tend to do buddy things and such, but this is still confusing to me. 


Also, I mentioned this, as well as Thea - if SK is a serious possibility, I think it would be likely to be the other brother - Stefan/Arez. Damon makes much more sense - to me at least - as a vig. I don't necessarily understand all the roles, so correct me if I am wrong, but the Vig is a more controlled role, which would be reflective of the character of Damon. SK is a more random role, which would really fit with the Ripper side of Stefan's character. 


Unless AJ is lying on his character role - I have to think the scum are going to be the group of Originals, specifically Klaus or Rebecca or any of the other brothers from their family - I have no idea how many will be in the game. Damon and Stefan are not Originals and usually work with to protect the people of Mystic Falls - again this is all my thoughts, using the books/shows as a basis for my thinking. I would be interested to see how both AJ and Arez would flip - but as I said earlier today, I think Arez would make the more likely SK. 


If my thoughts on the two roles of SK and Vig aren't correct, or if I'm obviously leaving something out, would someone please tell me - I don't know much about any roles. 


Someone may have said this earlier, but to isolate posts from a specific player, do I search this thread using that player's handle as my search query? I haven't had to do that before, and would like to look at a few people specifically later tonight. 

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There are a few things that stand out to me in your post...


I don't understand why your scum read on Darthe is dependent on your read of how AJ flips. Regardless of AJ, shouldn't you have some thoughts on Darthe independently? I understand some scum tend to do buddy things and such, but this is still confusing to me. 


Also, I mentioned this, as well as Thea - if SK is a serious possibility, I think it would be likely to be the other brother - Stefan/Arez. Damon makes much more sense - to me at least - as a vig. I don't necessarily understand all the roles, so correct me if I am wrong, but the Vig is a more controlled role, which would be reflective of the character of Damon. SK is a more random role, which would really fit with the Ripper side of Stefan's character. 


Unless AJ is lying on his character role - I have to think the scum are going to be the group of Originals, specifically Klaus or Rebecca or any of the other brothers from their family - I have no idea how many will be in the game. Damon and Stefan are not Originals and usually work with to protect the people of Mystic Falls - again this is all my thoughts, using the books/shows as a basis for my thinking. I would be interested to see how both AJ and Arez would flip - but as I said earlier today, I think Arez would make the more likely SK. 


If my thoughts on the two roles of SK and Vig aren't correct, or if I'm obviously leaving something out, would someone please tell me - I don't know much about any roles. 


Someone may have said this earlier, but to isolate posts from a specific player, do I search this thread using that player's handle as my search query? I haven't had to do that before, and would like to look at a few people specifically later tonight.

Aida: IMO AJ has been acting scummier than Arez has. As to how Darthe's read would be dependent on AJ, AJ was toward the front of the pack at the time Talya placed her vote. The lynch on Womby gives us information that we need to analyze to see whether there are any indications as to who is scum based on the voting. If Talya was mafia, I think she would be more likely to have voted the way she did if AJ was her teammate.

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@Basel: What you think about Darthe? AJ seems like a weak vote since he already claimed imo (and a vettable role at that). It's still early, I'd rather pressure people who haven't claimed yet.




Why is inactivity scummy?


Because it means no one can case you.


Meh. I think inactivity in general should be handled by the Mod. Pushing for inactive lynches usually only serves to distract Town. IMO, posting fluff instead of adding thoughts to the collect pool is more scummy than not posting at all.


I also had a vote on Darthe. 


Will someone answer a couple questions I have?


Earlier Thea mentioned that in a game she had been a VT and then her character was tripped to become SK - is that possible that you don't know your character could do that? 


Also, if we have a set of lovers, and one gets killed, does the other lover always die, or could one become a SK? Do SK's have a scum or town alliance, or how does that role work?


I asked the second question because I was thinking about the show, and the characters in the game, and the whole SK idea. Some people talked earlier about Damon being a ripper (I can go back and find the quote if need be) but if there is a SK, and if Time made the characters of the game match the characters of the show/books, SK would fit Stefan (who Arez has claimed) much better. In the show/books, Damon would fit the vig role well, but he doesn't tend to lose his humanity in quite the way the Stefan does. He goes crazy and starts rampaging and has no control. I had Arez on my possible scum list, but this moves him into a position (for me at least) that we should surely watch. If Elena dies (and he doesn't die as well as Lover or whatever) I think it would be most likely that he would turn SK. Of course I really have no idea how anything works, which is why I asked all those questions. 


Also, I am Izabella's mentee at the WT - I know she is a single mom and really busy - sometimes we go quite a while without talking. I wouldn't be opposed to lynching her, or other inactive players, but to move my vote from Darthe I think we need to make fairly unanimous. I just didn't want you guys to get too "mad" I guess - I know she doesn't get on DM as often as I do, so I thought I would throw that out there. 


The SK trigger I set in my game that Theo is talking about was purely for flavor when it came to that particular theme. I wouldn't say that SK triggers are fairly common in most set-ups. To answer your other questions, yes, Lovers will die if the other does. Lovers aren't guaranteed to be a Town combo though, it is pretty common that a Lover pair will have a Townie and Mafia member. SKs are 3rd party aligned, they have a solo win condition so typically it is in their interest to just eliminate as many players as possible.


In the scenario you are speaking of, it is possible that Stefan is set up as a triggered SK, but considering the opening scene of the game it seems very likely that the typical good guys in the series/books are here in the game as well. Time made it very clear that the central group is joining together in order to fight the Originals. So no, as far as I'm concerned since Arez claimed to be Stefan and I am Damon and Town aligned that he would be as well.




@Basel: What you think about Darthe? AJ seems like a weak vote since he already claimed imo (and a vettable role at that). It's still early, I'd rather pressure people who haven't claimed yet.


His claim could just as easily be mafia or SK telling a lie. I'm taking an ISO look at Darthe after dinner.



SK maybe, Mafia is doubtful. The only thing I can confirm is that I have a killing ability, now whether I am a Vig as claimed or a SK is up to you to decide.


I thimk SK rather than mafia

SK fits. Mafia means one of the brothers is mafia and that seems odd


Are you completely excluding that I could be Town?



There are a few things that stand out to me in your post...


I don't understand why your scum read on Darthe is dependent on your read of how AJ flips. Regardless of AJ, shouldn't you have some thoughts on Darthe independently? I understand some scum tend to do buddy things and such, but this is still confusing to me. 


Also, I mentioned this, as well as Thea - if SK is a serious possibility, I think it would be likely to be the other brother - Stefan/Arez. Damon makes much more sense - to me at least - as a vig. I don't necessarily understand all the roles, so correct me if I am wrong, but the Vig is a more controlled role, which would be reflective of the character of Damon. SK is a more random role, which would really fit with the Ripper side of Stefan's character. 


Unless AJ is lying on his character role - I have to think the scum are going to be the group of Originals, specifically Klaus or Rebecca or any of the other brothers from their family - I have no idea how many will be in the game. Damon and Stefan are not Originals and usually work with to protect the people of Mystic Falls - again this is all my thoughts, using the books/shows as a basis for my thinking. I would be interested to see how both AJ and Arez would flip - but as I said earlier today, I think Arez would make the more likely SK. 


If my thoughts on the two roles of SK and Vig aren't correct, or if I'm obviously leaving something out, would someone please tell me - I don't know much about any roles. 


Someone may have said this earlier, but to isolate posts from a specific player, do I search this thread using that player's handle as my search query? I haven't had to do that before, and would like to look at a few people specifically later tonight.

Aida: IMO AJ has been acting scummier than Arez has. As to how Darthe's read would be dependent on AJ, AJ was toward the front of the pack at the time Talya placed her vote. The lynch on Womby gives us information that we need to analyze to see whether there are any indications as to who is scum based on the voting. If Talya was mafia, I think she would be more likely to have voted the way she did if AJ was her teammate.



Aida - If Basel wasn't conf-Town with his Doc claim than I would consider him putting his read on Darthe dependent of my flip as linking. It still is to a certain extent, but obviously not scum motivated in this instance. As far as Vigs and SKs go they are similar in that they both have killing abilities. The difference is that one is Town aligned (Vigs) and the other wins on a solo-condition; meaning they win as the last player standing. Both roles are voluntary, so they can elect to holster during the Night phases is they choose to. As far as my character claim goes, if I were lying about being Damon, why haven't I been CC'd? Same with Arez. As I pointed out earlier, Time made it apparent that the brothers along with Elena and their friends are facing the Originals. With that in mind I think that Arez is Town and I know that I am.


Basel - I'm not ruling out that Darthe could be mafia. But given the information that we have to today with my claim as Damon and a Vig with no CC, I don't see where you're getting this angle. I have not been CC'd as a prominent character to the series. Additionally, the SK/Vig argument will always come up with that claim but to me it doesn't fit if I was actually mafia. 

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