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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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So that puts me at L-2.


It looks like some of you guys are willing to let me get lynched before we know what was triggered today. FTR: one of those voting me I voted today in the hopes they'd die. So fingers crossed with the whole 'getting ill' thing.


These are my votes thus far. 



Vote AJ


Could also vote Aemon


Vote AJ


Oops hit post early.

Vote: Andrej


I like NotBob's dead people talking post.


Vote: AJ


Ill roll with this as well. Telling for Verb and NB and Leelou, lets see what shakes free.






Yeah, I'll admit that I missed Leelou voting for you when I posted that.  If it makes me look bad, so be it.



Reason for that vote, Krak...?


Seriously people, votes with reasons, it's a good thing! For town at least. When did everyone get so goddamn lazy.


November 11, 2012.


Vote AJ.



Verb, Ishy, and Krak are probably scum. Ishy for his continual flippant comments and now for throwing down a vote on a second Town train, mine specifically with lots of speed going up. Krak for slipping that one in there and other things I posted earlier. Moon's play in itself was pretty suspect, let's not forget he filled that slot. Verb is more gut than anything. 

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Why, because I eschewed traditional voting norms?



I didn't slip it in, it's bolded and coloured red.




Reason for that vote, Krak...?


Seriously people, votes with reasons, it's a good thing! For town at least. When did everyone get so goddamn lazy?


Same reasons as yesterday.  Add onto that the fact now that the vote is going against him, he is backing down on his NotBob read.

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Why, because I eschewed traditional voting norms?



I didn't slip it in, it's bolded and coloured red.




Reason for that vote, Krak...?


Seriously people, votes with reasons, it's a good thing! For town at least. When did everyone get so goddamn lazy?


Same reasons as yesterday.  Add onto that the fact now that the vote is going against him, he is backing down on his NotBob read.


Reads are fluid Krak. I'm allowed to change my opinion on players. IMO it's more telling on your part that you can be so sure for yourself. I'll be absolved soon enough and then you can answer up.

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  • Club Leader

Vote Count:


AJ (7) – Not Bob, Leelou, Verb, Yates, Darthe, Krak, Ishy

Not Bob (1) - Aemon

Dap (1) – AJ

Krak (1) – Salami

Aemon (1) - Cloud


With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch

Deadline – Friday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST.


Not voting – Mish, Dap, Hallia, Tress, Kat, Lenlo

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Vote Count:


AJ (6) – Not Bob, Leelou, Verb, Yates, Darthe, Krak, Ishy

Not Bob (1) - Aemon

Dap (1) – AJ

Krak (1) – Salami

Aemon (1) - Cloud


With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch

Deadline – Friday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST.


Not voting – Mish, Dap, Hallia, Tress, Kat, Lenlo


Was that intentional?

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Haha ok another great line from AJ

"FTR: one of those voting me I voted today in the hopes they'd die. So fingers crossed with the whole 'getting ill' thing."

So you voted for someone expecting something bad to happen to them. But the last trigger was good (someone received a Vig shot)

Why were you so sure that today's trigger was bad?


QFT as you say

Also, everyone, on your role PM, send me the name of who you would like to receive today's event. The most votes gets the event. Remember, it could be good or bad. You have no way to know.


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Haha ok another great line from AJ

"FTR: one of those voting me I voted today in the hopes they'd die. So fingers crossed with the whole 'getting ill' thing."

So you voted for someone expecting something bad to happen to them. But the last trigger was good (someone received a Vig shot)

Why were you so sure that today's trigger was bad?


QFT as you say

Also, everyone, on your role PM, send me the name of who you would like to receive today's event. The most votes gets the event. Remember, it could be good or bad. You have no way to know.



You suck Dap. How does me saying that I 'hoped' they would die mean that I am sure something negative would happen with today's trigger?

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You said you hoped they would die.

That's basically the worst thing that can happen to a player out of the bad options.

So not only did you hope it was one of the bad triggers, but also that it was the worst.


So if we assume you are town, just for a sec, we can also assume you voted for someone you thought was mafia(as you wanted them dead)

Now what if that person got the exact opposite of death, whatever the best of the good things is (for the purpose of this ill assume BPV)

You would of given the best thing to the most likely mafia (in your opinion)


Now look at when you revealed this hope for death, only after lily posted about someone being ill.

It looks like you are trying to gain cred by saying you voted for something that is turning out like you planned even though you had no way of knowing what the outcome would be.


It's not logical play


(Also dont reveal who it was, I think you already overstepped that slightly but just enough to be within the law, and we aren't meant to say who we voted)

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You said you hoped they would die.

That's basically the worst thing that can happen to a player out of the bad options.

So not only did you hope it was one of the bad triggers, but also that it was the worst.


So if we assume you are town, just for a sec, we can also assume you voted for someone you thought was mafia(as you wanted them dead)

Now what if that person got the exact opposite of death, whatever the best of the good things is (for the purpose of this ill assume BPV)

You would of given the best thing to the most likely mafia (in your opinion)


Now look at when you revealed this hope for death, only after lily posted about someone being ill.

It looks like you are trying to gain cred by saying you voted for something that is turning out like you planned even though you had no way of knowing what the outcome would be.


It's not logical play


(Also dont reveal who it was, I think you already overstepped that slightly but just enough to be within the law, and we aren't meant to say who we voted)


That's a pretty good argument actually. I chose to say something about only because Lily came out with the message involving it, but noted on the cred point. I'm going to get lynched anyway, so at this point I'm not too worried about how I look. I will be absolved with my flip.


But yes, at the core of it: I voted for someone who I thought happened to be scum and hoped that we'd get lucky and they would die. Extreme? Sure.

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Not lurking, dap. I've already said my piece extensively. Fwiw, I get a town read off AJ. NBC has my vote. He has contributed less than nothing to the Town and the way his lynch stalled at 7 when the other trains were far behind reeks of scum refusing to consolidate a lunch on one of their own. They would have been just as happy to see a random.

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NotBob's play is coming across as more town in general today with the analysis he's been doing, although as Aemon also pointed out, I am not entirely comfortable with how his train stalled out and dissipated -- without any sort of claim on his part and ending with a townie lynch.

I went back and re-read Aemon's posts (good grief, THANK YOU CSARMI FOR FIGURING OUT HOW TO DO THIS)... I think the thing that had me a little unsettled was Despo's case on him, but I re-read his responses to Despo and Cloud more carefully and I think he defended himself fairly well. Leaning more town on him.

Ishy has been uncharacteristically quiet. This isn't giving me a scum read on him; generally as scum he's charming and chatty... but it is giving me a sad. :sad:

Mish has made some good points on Krak. I'm curious how she feels about Aemon and AJ today, though, after this post.

I think AJ is overselling the "I'm going to flip town" thing, but I need to sleep on his arguments and consider my vote. He's very close to lynch and we have well over a day left until deadline.

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So I don't believe there was any chance of D1 going random. There have been lots of players active and around, a couple of trains and almost all players having a meaningful vote.


I didn't get why Mish was on about that yesterday (why start trains late and such) and I don't get Aemon's point today either.

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Okay, I finally had a chance to go back and look at Mish's posts and I'll actually explain what I've seen as her defending AJ.
Here is Mish's post when she moves off of NotBob and to Pral.  


I'm conflicted about NotBob. On one hand he usually plays weird, at least the first few days of a game. On the other, he's being even weirder than normal now. However, it does give me more of a town vibe on him honestly, I feel like he's vanilla townie trying to stir the pot; I can't remember right now if I've seen him as mafia before, but I can't see how he'd play like that if he was mafia, when you're bound to get even more attention then... But we're too close to deadline to get another successful lynch I'm afraid; wich is partially my own fautl for not being online enough yesterday to post this then. I'll be around to switch my vote before deadline, but I think we would be better off switching to another train to be honest, if we can get enough folks online. I think Aemon, or one of AJ/Pral would be good lynches; Aemon, well look back at the cases done against him, and AJ/Pral for the fact that both have had a few soft pings and they've gone against each other so much. My gut feel says that at least one of them is mafia, I'm leaning more towards both doing some serious distancing from the get-go to get the one who doesn't get lynched first some town cred.


For now, I'll unvote vote Pral because he has the most votes of the two, and because he's given me more pings lately than AJ. But I'll be around to consolidate if needed.


I'd like to point out that this was the vote count right before that. Notice Pral has one more vote than AJ. 


Vote Count:


Not Bob (7) – RTE, Aemon, Leelou, Mish, Hallia, AJ, Tress

Cloud (2) – Dap, Kat

Pral (2) – Darthe, Cloud

Andrej (1) – Pral

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Moon (1) – Salami

Hallia (1) – Lenlo

Leelou (1) – Not Bob



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans)


Not voting – Ishy, Verb, Krak





Here she is now scolding people voting for AJ when he was being found more scummy to people than Pral (yet it was okay for her to vote for who she thought was more scummy). Also, I'd like to refer to the post above where she said she would be ok with an AJ lynch and would consolidate if need be. 


I can't people all those who decided to jump over on the AJ train... You had one big train, one semi-big train, and one non-existant. Krak, big FoS for being the first on that. Small chance of a complete lynch now. And FoS on Csarmi for his jumping on the NotBob train at the tming he did.


At the time of her post this is the vote count: 





Vote Count:


Not Bob (6) – RTE, Aemon, Hallia, AJ, Tress, Salami

Pral (4) – Darthe, Cloud, Mish, Ishy

Andrej (4) – Pral, Krak, Leelou, Not Bob

Cloud (2) – Dap, Kat

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Hallia (1) – Lenlo



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans) That's just over 8 hours, folks. 


Not voting – Verb




So...why scold everyone and not switch to the AJ lynch? Looks like you were trying to stall it out and have everyone go over to Pral. 


I'm not defending him; I haven't said a word to that sort, thank you very much. I've said that I found either of them a good lynch, but I'm questioning the timing of votes. Why now, so very close to deadline, start a third train? We have random lynch in the game rules.



Defense doesn't necessarily mean that you are saying he is town, more that you were trying to manipulate people out of voting him. The timing of the votes doesn't mean anything, there was more than enough time to achieve a lynch. You looked like you were trying to stall out his lynch. 



Day 2. 


Votes were starting to pile on AJ and Mish then starts with being hesitant to vote. 

Oh look at that lovely OMGUS action here.



I'm hesitant to place a vote before we see the result of the hidden voting.



Who were you again?


I have a feeling Mish's costume is probably pretty scantily clad as well.


What! :tongue: Well I never!


Then she throws out some fear mongering about not wanting to accidentally lynch someone if we vote. 



OMGUS from whom?

Almost-omgus, my bad, I read the last page a bit too fast. Not Bob saying he could vote Aemon right after Aemon had voted for him.




Also people, what happened to giving reason for your votes?


Why are you hesitant to place a vote, Mish?


Because for all we know, the trigger is something akin to "need only half of majoritty votes to be lynched" or some other vote-messing, and I don't want to risk us lynching someone by accident, if that makes sense.




Mish still seems to be protecting AJ.


Ok this needs to stop. I said clearly several times yesterday that AJ had nothing to do with it. If you're gonna accuse me of defending anyone, it should be NotBob; that I could have understood. But AJ? It had nothing to do with WHOM the votes where placed on for the third train, it was the timing of it. I said that I would be fine with either a Pral or AJ lynch, considering how they had linked each other, but I chose Pral because he had two votes, not just 1. I would have reacted the exact same way if the third train had started on Dap or you or whoever else. We had under 10 hours left to deadline, and Krak chose to start a third train, with 10 needed to lynch, and you and someone else I can't remember right away decided to follow on that isntead of focusing to secure a lynch. The fact remains that that is a scummy move, and you won't get away from that fact jsut because you keep trying to push a made-up defense from me on AJ.


I call bull on this, if you were fine with an AJ lynch then you would have switched. There was plenty of time and the votes on Pral and AJ were even. 



Here is what I had to say: 




Mish still seems to be protecting AJ.

I feel that by you pushing hard on the Mish is protecting Andrej angle that it's actually a roundabout way of you attempting to protect Andrej.

She seems to be throwing caution into the wind and it just seemed conveniently timed after AJ's train was picking up. She responded to the question from salami with slight fear mongering about the action for today and I'm not sure about her answer to me yet, I want to go back and look at her posts from yesterday. I think AJ is a good lynch still.


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Leelou, I have said all I have to say on that subject, end of story. You don't like it? Not my problem. It was very little time left to deadline, one 6-ish votes train, one 3-vote trains, and Krak decided to start a third train. I will FoS on that as much as I like. It's not my problem if it makes you uncomfortable considering you were the second person to hop on that. Krak looks decidedly worse for it, but if he flips mafia, I know who I'll be looking at next.




NotBob's play is coming across as more town in general today with the analysis he's been doing, although as Aemon also pointed out, I am not entirely comfortable with how his train stalled out and dissipated -- without any sort of claim on his part and ending with a townie lynch.

I went back and re-read Aemon's posts (good grief, THANK YOU CSARMI FOR FIGURING OUT HOW TO DO THIS)... I think the thing that had me a little unsettled was Despo's case on him, but I re-read his responses to Despo and Cloud more carefully and I think he defended himself fairly well. Leaning more town on him.

Ishy has been uncharacteristically quiet. This isn't giving me a scum read on him; generally as scum he's charming and chatty... but it is giving me a sad. :sad:

Mish has made some good points on Krak. I'm curious how she feels about Aemon and AJ today, though, after this post.

I think AJ is overselling the "I'm going to flip town" thing, but I need to sleep on his arguments and consider my vote. He's very close to lynch and we have well over a day left until deadline.


Aemon I'm back to no good read on; his play has been better and more consistent as far as I can remember today than D1. AJ, I don't know. I think he'll be a god lynch for info; looking at those who's been pushing for him, who's been pushing the "Mish has been defending AJ"-angle (thus working very hard to tie me to him). If he flips mafia, I'm pretty sure either Ishy (first one to bring up the "defending") or Leelou is teammates with him. If he's town, I feel a bit better about those two, but I'll be very interested in who started pushing his train yesterday and who kept pushing it now. And first and foremost amongst those are Krak. But I have no proper read on AJ, no, it's more about all the pieces around him.

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