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I have made an amazing discovery.


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Let's have some fun.


250g nice biscuit = $1.99
400g nutella $5.04 (1.26/100g)
220g nutella $3.60 (1.64/100g)
750g Nutella $8.16 (1.09/100g)
60g(5) Ferrero $3.82 ($6.37/100g @ 12.0g per unit @ 5 units)
200g(16) Ferrero $11.99 ($6.00/100g @12.5g per unit @ 16 units)
375g(30) Ferrero $18.28 (4.87/100g @12.5g per unit @ 30 units)
12.4 grams avg
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Minimum spend to obtain Chocolatey Hazelnut goodness = $3.82.


That will get you 60g, or 5 Ferrero's! Not bad...




1 Pack of biscuits and the 220g jar of nutella comes to $5.59. That is a total of 470g, an increase in bulk of 410g, or an additional 33 Ferrero rocher's worth of deliciousness for only an extra $1.77.


Another way of looking at it, buying 5 Ferrero's worth at a time does not make sense economically speaking. A further investment of 46% will yield an additional 660% gain in stock.




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Incidentally, If you have $10.15 to blow right now, you can get 100.8 Units at less than ten cents a pop, compared to the Brand Name product at a cost of at least 61c each. 


The biscuits are 2 for 1, you see, proving once an for all the only real investment strategy is luck,

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That's all I saw. Because a biscuit IS a biscuit.







It is chocolate spread. It is caled Nutella to give the illusion of more healthiness - because it contains traces of hazlenuts.


My eldest would be VERY happy if he knew it existed.

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Welcome to the School of Sam Vimes' "Boots" theory of Economics, by the way.

I love that you've applied this to Nutella!


Not so happy bout the Icky Chocolate Ball of Icky Nuttness though, they are ick.


Will be trying chocci spread on biscuits though! We only have non-brand chocolate spread in at the mo, it's called Nut City.


Instead of singing the words 'we built this city, we built this city on rock an roll' we sing ' we eat Nut City, we eat Nut City on our toast'

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They even have a commercial that the mom calls out to everyone that she put nutella on their whole wheat toast for breakfast like it belonged in the same healthy food category. Very funny. but tasty 


Maybe you should let him know about it. get him back to the table. Even tell him it is good for him. :smile:

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