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The next books...

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  • 3 weeks later...

What is this encyclopedia anyway? I hear it often, yet have no idea what the contents of it are going to be. Is it going to be illustrated? Extra info.?


Is all that info still under wraps?


A better and much longer anticipated explanation is with Thom's Best or Second Best Knives and daggers and the blue lightning in White Bridge before he reached the Fade.  We were told wait and RAFO...I really believed with Thom sitting guarding the entrance to the Pit of Doom we would see them in play.


Will there be anyone taking this world and these characters and telling the next stories?


Star Wars has continued in a lot of different mediums. Successfully so. Here's hoping. Anyone know if there are plans?


I wouldn't mind if this happened either.  It is a huge world, easily the best as far as fantasy is concerned.

  • 2 weeks later...

This is what the encyclopaedia site tells about the encyclopedia::


The Official Wheel of Time Encyclopedia

Harriet MacDougal has contracted to write the official Wheel of Time Encyclopedia with the assistance of the Team Jordan folks. Work on the Encyclopedia is currently underway. A rough estimate is that it will be published about a year after A Memory of Light.

The page::




The term "encyclopedia" seems to imply that the entries would consist of these::







That term seems to also imply that every entry would be sorted alphabetically.


The term seems to also imply that there would be history and/or definitions in the entries.


Those 3 comments are only guesses.


I always thought that the WoT Encyclopedia was basicly going to be an extended version of the glossary found at the end of each book, but maybe with a bit more detail than was previously given.


Robert Jordan was very clear in that he did not want a shared world / expanded universe scenario with the Wheel of Time, and Harriet (editor, wife, and holder of the rights to the series) and the publisher have also made it clear they want to follow his wishes. It wasn't until just before his death that RJ decided he'd be comfortable with another author just finishing the series -- he originally claimed/joked that if he died before it was finished all the notes should be burned. I'm content with what we have.



Does it mean that we get an explanation of why the Seanchan do what they do?


In regards to what?


Where did the head shaving and the nail painting start? Do we get an explanation of these confusing customs-like the nail spitting raising you to the Blood? Where did the term Blood come from?


I'm aware of the how behind it. I want to know what made them use the term blood. They could've use descendents. Hell, they could've used chosen... It probably doesn't help that every time I see the term all I can think of is Anne Bishop's Black Jeweled series...


I'm aware of the how behind it. I want to know what made them use the term blood.


Because they are the "blood" of Luthair and the armies that first came over....that is what sets them apart.

Will there be anyone taking this world and these characters and telling the next stories?


Yes. There will be a little rest of course but they will continue the story.


It wasn't until just before his death that RJ decided he'd be comfortable with another author just finishing the series


This is not true, please, don't spread false information:




Rigney reports that with the help of the Mayo Clinic, he is keeping things under control.

"My numbers are still good, in the normal range. We will be going back up to the Mayo in about a month and we'll see what the status is. Now I just have to get my foot healed up so I have a chance of getting out of this wheelchair. Strange to think that my foot, of all things, would be giving me the most trouble. It's getting better, but unfortunately the amyloidosis makes healing go very slowly.


"When I get the foot better then I can start on the process of walking again. I hope to do this in another two or three months."

While there has been no improvement in heart function and no change in his overall prognosis as of June, Rigney says improvement remains possible. And he's determined.


"I've got promises to keep."



Will there be anyone taking this world and these characters and telling the next stories?


Yes. There will be a little rest of course but they will continue the story.


It wasn't until just before his death that RJ decided he'd be comfortable with another author just finishing the series


This is not true, please, don't spread false information:




Rigney reports that with the help of the Mayo Clinic, he is keeping things under control.

"My numbers are still good, in the normal range. We will be going back up to the Mayo in about a month and we'll see what the status is. Now I just have to get my foot healed up so I have a chance of getting out of this wheelchair. Strange to think that my foot, of all things, would be giving me the most trouble. It's getting better, but unfortunately the amyloidosis makes healing go very slowly.


"When I get the foot better then I can start on the process of walking again. I hope to do this in another two or three months."

While there has been no improvement in heart function and no change in his overall prognosis as of June, Rigney says improvement remains possible. And he's determined.


"I've got promises to keep."



Harriet, Tor and Team Jordan have been quite clear there will be no more stories per RJ's wishes. He was very much against any type of "shared world" scenario so "please don't spread false information".


As for the rest  Agitel is absolutely correct:


Brandon Sanderson

He was very—I mean, if you guys read the interviews—it was only like the last minutes that he changed his mind on even having the series finished by someone else. For years, he was gonna...what was it, burn his hard drives, and things like that...




Humorous tone set aside, I see something in these responses. Inside, I think the concept of anyone else working on the Wheel of Time was very painful for Mr. Jordan. I really think that early on, he was against the idea of anyone else finishing the last book, should he die.

However, Harriet has talked to me of the last days before his death, and I also have transcripts of the final dictations he made. Transcripts that talk about what should happen, how people should end up, and how the ending should be written. The tone of these writings and of what Harriet talked about is very different from his earlier comments. It's humbling to see how he changed, instead becoming determined—insistent, even—that the last book be finished after he passed away. Harriet mentioned to me that he didn't want to select someone himself. That thought was too hard for him. I can understand why.



Will there be anyone taking this world and these characters and telling the next stories?


Yes. There will be a little rest of course but they will continue the story.


It wasn't until just before his death that RJ decided he'd be comfortable with another author just finishing the series


This is not true, please, don't spread false information:




Rigney reports that with the help of the Mayo Clinic, he is keeping things under control.

"My numbers are still good, in the normal range. We will be going back up to the Mayo in about a month and we'll see what the status is. Now I just have to get my foot healed up so I have a chance of getting out of this wheelchair. Strange to think that my foot, of all things, would be giving me the most trouble. It's getting better, but unfortunately the amyloidosis makes healing go very slowly.


"When I get the foot better then I can start on the process of walking again. I hope to do this in another two or three months."

While there has been no improvement in heart function and no change in his overall prognosis as of June, Rigney says improvement remains possible. And he's determined.


"I've got promises to keep."


FYI, the link you posted is very old and unfortunately untrue. 

The term "encyclopedia" seems to imply that the entries would consist of these::







That term seems to also imply that every entry would be sorted alphabetically.


The term seems to also imply that there would be history and/or definitions in the entries.


Those 3 comments are only guesses.


other guesses::

-The encyclopedia very likely including at least info from the series.

-Info from the current guide probably also be included.

-Possibly info from the notes being included.

Again, these are only guesses.


It was RJ's wish that no one take his books and add to them. 


It was only weeks before he died that he even gave his blessing for someone to even finish the series.  But, no there will never be any more books in the series. 


I would love to have seen a Tam prequel though, going from him leaving the two rivers to him returning with Rand and Kari. 


While I hope they respect the wishes of RJ, I would love to see the stories continue. There are so many more details I would love to know...to see characters/worlds grow and change as one's own life and world develop. It is a world of never ending possibilities, I can imagine my own futures but seeing other ideas I never thought of would be interesting. Although with RJ being gone the purity of further plot lines is suspect (although many Star Wars novels do a great job). It wouldn't be the first time someone came back to an old story line after a good bit of time has passed. We do live in an age where there sometimes appears to be a lack of original ideas (in the book and movie fields). But for now, I'll treasure the books I did get to read and imagine the possible futures...and bid farewell to the characters I grew to love - until we meet again (since I can always re-read and find things I've missed before).


I would rather that no more WoT-world books be written.  The last couple have left such a bad taste in my mouth that I realized it was not the WoT world I enjoyed; it was RJ's writing and his characters in his world.  Without RJ, there is only fan fiction using the rules he set forth in his books.


Got the following page from this post.


from that page::



Are there any characters in Wheel of Time that you could see having their own series?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, because Robert Jordan was going to write a series about them. We call them the Outriggers. You can Google what the Outriggers were going to be about. However Harriet can tell you the future of this series.

Harriet McDougal

They won't happen. Well, the reason is, he left only two sentences. And you can't build a trilogy from two sentences. It would be purely the work of someone else. And Robert Jordan had a horror of that happening. He didn't want it, so it won't happen. I mean, he would have loved to write them, but he didn't want another person, even Brandon, turned loose in his universe. So it's not going to happen.



From that quote, the Outriggers for sure would not be written.  The page told nothing about the prequels; so there might be some chance for the prequels.

Guest awotfan

I do not know if this has been answered but I couldn't find it.


Has anyone tried to write other series based on the wheel of time? The forgotten realms is a good example of what I mean. Other series could be the first, second, third(pre al'thor)and fourth ages. Parallel worlds through the portal stones, seanchan, hawkwing, trolloc wars, manetheren, etc etc etc. There is so much that could be written it seems a shame if it will not be allowed, or hasnt been looked into.


Thanks in advance for any info.


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