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The Black Tower presents: One Power Tournament 2013


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BG's in - I'm a Dedicated, borderline Asha'man. I'll have to upgrade my stats before Friday. Don't know if I could make Asha'man by then... need to win another One Power battle ironically enough.




Hallia - I would love to give it a shot!  I'll upgrade my points when I get home from work, I believe I have enough to make soldier.



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I have just upgraded my points.. I almost have enough to become an Asha'man, lol. I just need to get myself into these OP battles.


Anyway I wanted to ask when the tournament will start because I will be leaving tomorrow to go to a festival and I will be back on monday.. so if the Soldier battles start then then I can still participate, but if they start this weekend then I'm afraid I have to step down :sad:

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I'm really not a fighter and my stats don't appear to be in range with anyone else's... again, I will if needed but it seems I'm too weak for the group except where I'm too strong.


can I hang out in the hot tub and watch?


I miss the hot tub...

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