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Disney Month: W3- Which Disney Princess are you?


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Alright, let's have some fun with this one! 



First, I don't care if you're a girl or not. LOL Play along because it's always fun that way! ;)



Second, I want to know who you THINK you're most like and then who Disney thinks you're most like. 





So, without further ado... The Quiz! 

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*laughs*  So, I'm the only one who likes a good nap around here, huh??  ;)




Nolder, did you get Belle because the questions were obvious? 

Some of them were but I still tried to pick the ones that I felt suited me best. 

For example I picked castle in the mountains because I felt it made the most sense strategically.

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I got Aurora too. I have to say that I can't disagree, though the wishful part of me would rather be Jasmine.  :wink:


I do think if they added Rapunzel to it I would probably get her however.

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I have two answers, because recently they finally wrote a princess even more like me. 


Original pile of Disney Princesses no contest: I'm Belle. (I even married a big growly guy with facial hair!) 


And the game says I'm like Belle. 


Version two: Add some books, but Merida IS me as a teenager, except she's better at archery. I was only okay. :wink: Put me on a horse, send me off, and don't talk to me about boys. Yeah, that was pretty much me. It still is in many ways! I even own a dress similar to her primary one. Must be that SCA thing. :biggrin: Yeah, and while my hair isn't red, it never behaved either. Curls and knots and wind. 


I don't think Merida is an option on this test: they didn't have a "I choose my prince for myself at my own time later thanks' option. 

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Speaking of, did you see the "new" Merida that Disney tried to release today? They got some serious backlash for it and it was taken down pretty quickly, but not fast enough for the internet !

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No surprise to me I got Jasmine *laughs* I'm going to cosplay Jasmine at a convention next year. *G* She's my fave of the Disney princesses.


I didn't mind the new art for Merida, old new, didn't matter to me she still was pretty. I do get annoyed when people lump Mulan, and Alice in with the princesses. Neither one is a princess, it requires that you marry a Prince or be the daughter of a king/Emperor. Neither is, not even after Mulan marries Shang is she a princess. Silly Disney! lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm with you there, Rasheta (on the lumping girls together). 


Their definition of Princess seems inconsistent. It would be one thing for them to argue that every girl is a princess in her own right, but then they'd have to add a lot more of their female characters. And really, who needs to be a princess? And right, Alice has nothing to do with princesses. I didn't even realize they had been lumping her in there with the rest of them. 


*chuckles* I don't even think of half their princess characters 'as' princesses in my head. Especially not if they didn't start out the story as a princess (or ever were one!). They all have far more interesting qualities than a title. Mulan's an awesome fighter (eventually), a loyal and honorable friend, and a wonderfully caring daughter. Merida could give Robin Hood a run for his money at archery (in fact, Disney, I'd love to see that). Belle has a great imagination and a love of books and an open mind. Jasmine has a wonderful stubborn independent streak, and she's a kind, determined, and honorable person. 


I could go on. :wink: . I love almost every character they have in the princess set, but the princess part has never really been relevant to my enjoyment or appreciation of the characters. Which might be why I, personally, identify most with the ones for whom being a princess is either a non-issue, or an annoyance. (Yes, I was a complete tomboy as a child.) 


Rasheta, I would love to see your Jasmine cosplay! 

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