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Lord of the Rings Mafia [Advanced Mafia] Town Wins!!!!

RandA lThor

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Kronos, I am still suspicious of cloud. Going to try to get full version up so I can look back at some stuff easier. There are some others that are drawing my attention.


Darthe was proven town but not necessarily correct in his opinions. Some I understand some I think are just wrong.


Heart, that last post sounded very feigned casual. I look forward to your thoughts in the daytime.


Actually watching Kings hockey right now so maybe later.

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Huh. He was town. Meh.  He was begging to be speedlynched and didn't give any thoughts in addition to "I need to be lynched now." He could have helped Town a lot more by giving more thoughts on the other things going on in the game and people instead of just tunnel-visioning on himself.


Will analyze reactions to him when my brain's more awake.

What the hell is this post?

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Huh. He was town. Meh.  He was begging to be speedlynched and didn't give any thoughts in addition to "I need to be lynched now." He could have helped Town a lot more by giving more thoughts on the other things going on in the game and people instead of just tunnel-visioning on himself.


Will analyze reactions to him when my brain's more awake.

What the hell is this post?



Looked like mock indignation to me.  Very suspicious of those types of posts myself.  What did saying all that accomplish for town even if it were true feelings?

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Hey guys, back at work so I'll be able to post again a little more regularly.


Just caught up, and yeah, I figured Darthe was telling the truth. There was still waaaaay too much focus on him instead of trying to apply pressure on diff peeps, and btw I have taken note of all the people that were trying to keep him around much longer. As I said before, only the mafia team would have benefited from his continued existence after his claim.


A lot of people keep trying to use the "well, he could have helped us out for a few days" are COMPLETELY forgetting the fact that he wasn't vetted, and couldn't BE vetted. Which means we wouldn't have been able to trust anything he said, and it likely would have served as a continuing distraction and that's it. Which is why he pushed for his own lynch; once again tho I think he could have done so with a little more finesse so that we were able to scumhunt in the meantime.


I'll go ahead and respond to a few things I noticed in the past couple of pages

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Hey guys, back at work so I'll be able to post again a little more regularly.


Just caught up, and yeah, I figured Darthe was telling the truth. There was still waaaaay too much focus on him instead of trying to apply pressure on diff peeps, and btw I have taken note of all the people that were trying to keep him around much longer. As I said before, only the mafia team would have benefited from his continued existence after his claim.


A lot of people keep trying to use the "well, he could have helped us out for a few days" are COMPLETELY forgetting the fact that he wasn't vetted, and couldn't BE vetted. Which means we wouldn't have been able to trust anything he said, and it likely would have served as a continuing distraction and that's it. Which is why he pushed for his own lynch; once again tho I think he could have done so with a little more finesse so that we were able to scumhunt in the meantime.


I'll go ahead and respond to a few things I noticed in the past couple of pages


Meh meh meh meh meh meh.  There was a ton of other scum hunting and interesting interactions going on despite the Darthe issue.  You are misrepresenting the day one activity greatly.


Plus, there is a small case to be made that if he was kept alive his interactions could be analyzed once he was killed, on way or another.   I don't think that case out weighed the negative but it had some validity.

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@Dap: :rolleyes:


@Peace: there were attempts at scum hunting, and yes there was some info gained (including a good amount recently BTW), but name ONE person besides Cloud and maybe Talya that received significant pressure day 1.


Also, why so contrary towards me lately? I think you might need to check your meta bias bro.

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@Dap: :rolleyes:


@Peace: there were attempts at scum hunting, and yes there was some info gained (including a good amount recently BTW), but name ONE person besides Cloud and maybe Talya that received significant pressure day 1.


Also, why so contrary towards me lately? I think you might need to check your meta bias bro.


Basel received pressure as well as couple others.


Your play style elicits contrary reactions...but I've always enjoyed playing with you and am glad you are back. 


I realize my style does the same as well.

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Lastly, I'm seeing something which is kind of irritating me so far: there's a lot of players who only seem to be showing up when they see their name in the thread, and don't really offer any other thoughst besides "not me you guys!". Nya has a why me fry me alert on her, as well as a couple if others to a smaller extent.

xD eeehehehe that phrase rhymed and amused me alotses.


*pops up at mention of name*

Nah, ok, maybe I haven't been offering useful thoughts, but I actually haven't been "called up" by my name mentioned so far, nor defended myself. I has posteded. *sniff* A bit. >.>

Seriously though, dont let me go partying and watching important footy games no more when I should be helping to work towards lynching some scummy folk. I know it sounds dumb cos I haven't been much use till now, but D1 confuses me and I prefer to listen and make real opinions when stuff happens that gives me more certainty about vetting people. Still, missing a lynch makes me feel bad :/ sowwy.


I went through and looked, and although I DID find a couple of spots where you were "called up" (or quoted or something), and did come in to defend yourself, you have still made other attempts to at least give your opinions on people and situations going on in the game.


So for now you get a pass, just know that posting too many fluff and filler posts is a good way to get on my scumdar, which you have done slightly this game, and also in general there's no reason to play too timid during day 1. Townies know nothing at the start of the game, so there's no shame whatsoever in being wrong with your first few hunches. But reserving a vote too long because you think there's plenty of time before the deadline just looks like you're trying to play too careful, which is a common scumtell.


I think it's dumb to blame cloud for hammer. Someone had to do it. It doesn't say a thing one way or another.


I actually disagree incidentally, I DO think it tells us something in this case, but I shall save that for daybreak, AIMITTN (Assuming I Make It Through The Night)


Kronos, who would you most like to look at?


I've never seen you ask this type of question as many times as you have this early in a game Turin. What gives? Are you asking this of people you think are suspect to try and get their opinions on the table for the future, or what?


I have received information that the scum team has a role cop.  Be forewarned!




Isn't it considered bad form to reveal role info or mod-given info before night has ended?



@Dap: :rolleyes:


@Peace: there were attempts at scum hunting, and yes there was some info gained (including a good amount recently BTW), but name ONE person besides Cloud and maybe Talya that received significant pressure day 1.


Also, why so contrary towards me lately? I think you might need to check your meta bias bro.


Basel received pressure as well as couple others.


Your play style elicits contrary reactions...but I've always enjoyed playing with you and am glad you are back. 


I realize my style does the same as well.



I'll give you Basel, he did have a quick train and got namedropped a bunch (altho I still think the case on him was weak), but I don't think any others have gotten significant pressure so far this game. I wasn't trying to act like there wasnt any info obtained day 1 however, I just don't like that Darthe's claim got as much focus as it did.


True, my playstyle does often elicit such reactions, good point.


And back atcha man, I've always enjoyed playing with you as well :myrddraal:



One more thing I wanted to respond to, but I'll make it a separate post

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He could also be Boromir...he comes across as wanting the ring and on the wrong side at times, but he has a good heart, just misplaced. Gollem I would see as a third party role, he is out for himself full stop. The Kind of the undead is a valid miller role, however They had to take part in something before they were allowed to die in peace. 


@Despo - As far as I'm concerned I did comment on that bit, if you have direct questions then ask them. Other wise I can't answer fully :p




This feels a waste. But not sure when I'm on next. 


I didn't really ever see a response from you about that, so I went back and checked:


I first made note of that post of yours over here: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/82058-lord-of-the-rings-mafia-advanced-mafia-day-1/?p=2912855



(forgot how to do neat looking links, deal with it)


You actually posted right after that a couple of times, but failed to address that point-



Wow this game stagnated fast... I do hope this isn't the norm for games now a days talya's defense of everyone that has gotten heat so far in this game is reasonably suspicious, I'm not liking it, I really hope this game picks up some momentum soon or this will be my last non DPR game on DM


Please show me where I have defended everyone. I'm just getting sick of the nit picking that has been going on in games, and cloud's stuff was one of them, funny how everyone pounces on something that I could see what cloud was saying.


It seems to me that for the most part Day 1s are always pretty quiet.


Bot usually, at least not the BT, usually we are far ahead than this. 



This next post of yours was really the only one that sort of had a response to my point about the "mafia amongst all those involved" phrase: (the part that's bolded)



EBWOP= Edit By Way Of Post


I don't like that one very much.



Thank for response Talya. What do you think about AH and Tina?


The only thing that caught my eye about Tina, was her bit where she said something similar to knowing Cloud was joking, at the end of the day, it's all about perception and you can't know how someone meant something only your interpretation. I'm hesitant on anything else, because at one point in games I always found her actions mafia and she was town, so a little cautious. I've been like that with Hally lately as well. 


As for people saying I'm sitting on the fence a bit, I find AH's statement on Cloud to be exactly that. Leaving something open if she wishes to choose and to say she thought something was there. I still found her vote on Basel a little over the top. There really didn't seem that much in her post and to suddenly say we would get most info from him...this I could understand after a couple of trains had gotten going, everyone had been chipping in, but they haven't. Then she brings me into that info...I see it as a bit of leap this early on day 1. 


Basel grabbing the idea I was defending him, because I asked for more from AH, made him look odd to me, he was really pushing it. (that's how it came across). 


Do we have a vote count, I can't remember who has what votes...


We need more people to join in...



As I said, that's the closest thing I saw to a response, and I think you can understand why I might have felt that response a bit unadequate.


First of all, after bringing up the fence-sitting issue (which is really only half of my point about the infamous post), you really just spend the entire paragraph trying to deflect attention onto AH instead, without ONCE addressing your own fence-sittingness. Anyone that "defends" themself by saying "But lookit this person over here!" is really not doing a good job defending themselves.


Second, my problem with your comment "there's probably mafia amongst all those involved" wasn't just the fact that you were fence-sitting somewhat (you thought Cloud's vote was a joke vote, but also thought he wasn't town), it was that the comment looked like you trying to look like scumhunting by just kinda vaguely pointing in the way of people on either side of an issue. It just seems like an extremely lazy attempt to look like you were scumhunting, and also trying to stir up the pot and keep focus off of you or any possible teammates.


For instance, let's say someone brought up the 'ol No Lynch debate. A few diff people come down on either side, it starts being discussed a bit, and then someone comes in and says "I think their might be mafia on either side of this debate". That kind of comment would just really look bad. You didn't try calling out anyone in particular on either side of the Cloud joke vote issue, you just tossed out a generic "lookit im scumhunting" comment that really wasn't saying anything.


The quotes are there for me, and there is a quote from Despo in there...all he has said is about the comment about me saying Mafia in there. he hasn't done this big casing he said he was going to do. 


Here's something else I noticed- you say here that all I mentioned was the comment about "mafia in there". Soon after I was able to post my bigger case on you, and Dap posted a case of his own on you, and a couple of people joined the train on you. You weren't seen for a few pages (trying to stay low after catching some more heat), and then your response to my case was this:


Maybe you should read the thread, after you and Dap and EP went on about the Buddying etc, nearly everyone has jumped on the bandwagon to add me with "buddying" or "making friends with" (what the heck does that mean...nothing). Just sheep following along, whatever their alignment. 


As for you doing the scumhunting...blinkered is the word I think of. 



You once again don't address the lynchpin of my case on you, and instead try to make it seem like all I brought up was you buddying up to everyone, when I really didn't focus on that that much really. Then you started dropping out the "everyone is just sheeping along" routine, you said this type of thing multiple times recently, and have also tried to belittle the case on you multiple times.


What is so funny is those that have done the casing have said I defended two people, and yet al those that can't be bothered to case properly say I'm buddying up to everyone. This is why I hate people that don't play mafia but follow like sheep because they are too lazy to read and have thoughts of their own. @ EP of course I'm defending myslef, because everyone has come up with this rubbish and people were pushing hard to lynch me. 


I'll be back later, I can change my vote to Darthe. However if he is a jester then we will have wasted a day on a non role. 


I honestly don't care that much about you defending a couple of people at this point (although you claimed you never defended anyone, lawlz). I'm more concerned with 1. The lack of an actual explanation for the "probably mafia amongst all those involved" comment, 2. Your general response to pressure on you (fairly emo considering your train never really grew that big), and 3. The fact that you wanted to keep Darthe around longer.

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I also wanna point out that Ley has yet to check in, after a whole day we really should be either trying to poke him or replace him or something.


Thorkin has posted once so far.


Dice has posted vurrrrrry little actual game content lately, worrisome considering that he was starting to pop on multiple people's radars (including mine).


Nolirion and Hally have also posted too little for me to really recall anything of there's, so it would be nice to hear from them a bit more too.



Other than that, my scum list for now is:






Got pretty strong reads on those, and a fair number of others on my scumdar.


AIMITTN, I got something a bit juicy I think.

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@ Desp, As for fencing sitting, so what I have no idea who is mafia and at that point in the game I didn't feel either way so was waiting. You don't get the answer you are looking for...tough! As for responding, saying I'm over reacting - or in your words...being Emo  - I was badgered by quite a few people, everyone (show me one that didn't) followed you and Dap. So I responded. In all honesty i'm sick of explaining, because as far as I'm concerned I have responded and going round in circles is a waste of time. 


As for not responding for a few pages, probably because I can't always get on here and I'm out a lot. I can sometimes read on my mobile, but very rarely respond, because it takes so long, plus I have to actually work when I go to work :p




He could also be Boromir...he comes across as wanting the ring and on the wrong side at times, but he has a good heart, just misplaced. Gollem I would see as a third party role, he is out for himself full stop. The Kind of the undead is a valid miller role, however They had to take part in something before they were allowed to die in peace. 


@Despo - As far as I'm concerned I did comment on that bit, if you have direct questions then ask them. Other wise I can't answer fully :p




This feels a waste. But not sure when I'm on next. 


I didn't really ever see a response from you about that, so I went back and checked:


I first made note of that post of yours over here: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/82058-lord-of-the-rings-mafia-advanced-mafia-day-1/?p=2912855



(forgot how to do neat looking links, deal with it)


You actually posted right after that a couple of times, but failed to address that point-



Wow this game stagnated fast... I do hope this isn't the norm for games now a days talya's defense of everyone that has gotten heat so far in this game is reasonably suspicious, I'm not liking it, I really hope this game picks up some momentum soon or this will be my last non DPR game on DM


Please show me where I have defended everyone. I'm just getting sick of the nit picking that has been going on in games, and cloud's stuff was one of them, funny how everyone pounces on something that I could see what cloud was saying.


It seems to me that for the most part Day 1s are always pretty quiet.


Bot usually, at least not the BT, usually we are far ahead than this. 



This next post of yours was really the only one that sort of had a response to my point about the "mafia amongst all those involved" phrase: (the part that's bolded)



EBWOP= Edit By Way Of Post


I don't like that one very much.



Thank for response Talya. What do you think about AH and Tina?


The only thing that caught my eye about Tina, was her bit where she said something similar to knowing Cloud was joking, at the end of the day, it's all about perception and you can't know how someone meant something only your interpretation. I'm hesitant on anything else, because at one point in games I always found her actions mafia and she was town, so a little cautious. I've been like that with Hally lately as well. 


As for people saying I'm sitting on the fence a bit, I find AH's statement on Cloud to be exactly that. Leaving something open if she wishes to choose and to say she thought something was there. I still found her vote on Basel a little over the top. There really didn't seem that much in her post and to suddenly say we would get most info from him...this I could understand after a couple of trains had gotten going, everyone had been chipping in, but they haven't. Then she brings me into that info...I see it as a bit of leap this early on day 1. This was a response to Turin's question


Basel grabbing the idea I was defending him, because I asked for more from AH, made him look odd to me, he was really pushing it. (that's how it came across). 


Do we have a vote count, I can't remember who has what votes...


We need more people to join in...



As I said, that's the closest thing I saw to a response, and I think you can understand why I might have felt that response a bit unadequate.


First of all, after bringing up the fence-sitting issue (which is really only half of my point about the infamous post), you really just spend the entire paragraph trying to deflect attention onto AH instead, without ONCE addressing your own fence-sittingness. Anyone that "defends" themself by saying "But lookit this person over here!" is really not doing a good job defending themselves. See response above


Second, my problem with your comment "there's probably mafia amongst all those involved" wasn't just the fact that you were fence-sitting somewhat (you thought Cloud's vote was a joke vote, but also thought he wasn't town), it was that the comment looked like you trying to look like scumhunting by just kinda vaguely pointing in the way of people on either side of an issue. It just seems like an extremely lazy attempt to look like you were scumhunting, and also trying to stir up the pot and keep focus off of you or any possible teammates.


For instance, let's say someone brought up the 'ol No Lynch debate. A few diff people come down on either side, it starts being discussed a bit, and then someone comes in and says "I think their might be mafia on either side of this debate". That kind of comment would just really look bad. You didn't try calling out anyone in particular on either side of the Cloud joke vote issue, you just tossed out a generic "lookit im scumhunting" comment that really wasn't saying anything. Yep because I didn't know who was and was waiting to see what came out it...already explained


The quotes are there for me, and there is a quote from Despo in there...all he has said is about the comment about me saying Mafia in there. he hasn't done this big casing he said he was going to do. 


Here's something else I noticed- you say here that all I mentioned was the comment about "mafia in there". Soon after I was able to post my bigger case on you, and Dap posted a case of his own on you, and a couple of people joined the train on you. You weren't seen for a few pages (trying to stay low after catching some more heat), and then your response to my case was this: As i said above I can't always get on, I don't spend my life on this game - work gets in the way as does going to the gym, sorting out my daughter, housework, cooking and sharing 1 computer with my daughter so that is a stupid comment - However look at the time stamp of the above quote and then the one below, that's right before, so what you are saying doesn't make sense. I can't post something after you have but before the one before, the order is wrong


Maybe you should read the thread, after you and Dap and EP went on about the Buddying etc, nearly everyone has jumped on the bandwagon to add me with "buddying" or "making friends with" (what the heck does that mean...nothing). Just sheep following along, whatever their alignment. 


As for you doing the scumhunting...blinkered is the word I think of. 



You once again don't address the lynchpin of my case on you, and instead try to make it seem like all I brought up was you buddying up to everyone, when I really didn't focus on that that much really. Then you started dropping out the "everyone is just sheeping along" routine, you said this type of thing multiple times recently, and have also tried to belittle the case on you multiple times.


What is so funny is those that have done the casing have said I defended two people, and yet al those that can't be bothered to case properly say I'm buddying up to everyone. This is why I hate people that don't play mafia but follow like sheep because they are too lazy to read and have thoughts of their own. @ EP of course I'm defending myslef, because everyone has come up with this rubbish and people were pushing hard to lynch me. 


I'll be back later, I can change my vote to Darthe. However if he is a jester then we will have wasted a day on a non role. 


I honestly don't care that much about you defending a couple of people at this point (although you claimed you never defended anyone, lawlz). I'm more concerned with 1. The lack of an actual explanation for the "probably mafia amongst all those involved" comment, 2. Your general response to pressure on you (fairly emo considering your train never really grew that big), and 3. The fact that you wanted to keep Darthe around longer.



My response in Orange.


Now lets here about Dice and Dap, because I haven't seen anything, at least nothing worth anything

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I don't remember seeing your reasons for Dap? You two seemed to somewhat agree yesterday.

I first stated that I was starting to grow suspicious of Dap a few posts back, I'll fetch the post when I get home. Some things that happened recently however have made him jump up my scumdar, but I'm gonna wait on that till morning

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Damp worried me with his post saying he'd help get Darthe lynched day 4 or 5, that's really kind if too long to let the miller wifom last, its trying to set up future lynches, and his theory about Dart he's character is a bit sketchy considering Darthe is unable to confirm it deny it. Seems like Damp might be trying to use canon to manipulate the game possibly. Additionally his suspicion of me never really made that much sense, could be him trying to discredit me.


Here it is. Dap was changed to Damp on my phone's autocorrect.

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Des is just omgusing cos i picked him as mafia


i still dont think we needed to lynch darthe. We could of cleared him with other means. There is far more wifom to be had in other thing in a game than i millar claim.

If i was wrong and he was mafia, we got 4 days of reads off himm

plus at the time if that post i didnt think he was a millar. I thoufhr he was 3rd party with a town helpful PR

(cos of the theme)

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@ Desp, As for fencing sitting, so what I have no idea who is mafia and at that point in the game I didn't feel either way so was waiting. You don't get the answer you are looking for...tough! As for responding, saying I'm over reacting - or in your words...being Emo  - I was badgered by quite a few people, everyone (show me one that didn't) followed you and Dap. So I responded. In all honesty i'm sick of explaining, because as far as I'm concerned I have responded and going round in circles is a waste of time. 


As for not responding for a few pages, probably because I can't always get on here and I'm out a lot. I can sometimes read on my mobile, but very rarely respond, because it takes so long, plus I have to actually work when I go to work :p


Yep because I didn't know who was and was waiting to see what came out it...already explained


If you had no idea who was mafia at that point, there was no reason at all to say "Probably mafia amongst all those involved." You might as well have said "There's probably mafia in this game guys." It was an empty statement that really wasn't accomplishing anything if you're a townie.


If someone checked in to the game just to say "I think there's mafia somewhere out there" you'd recognize it as fluff and as a lazy attempt to look like they were contributing.


Now, let's say for a second you were mafia. If no one on your team at that time was really embroiled in the whole debate about Cloud's joke vote, then saying there was mafia involved in the debate in some way could be a way of keeping attention off your teammates, and keeping town's attention on the wrong thing, while also trying to "stay out of it". It was just a really scummy statement. 


Btw, mafia is mostly going around in circles about stuff so I don't know why you're so flustered. As I mentioned, I thought it strange when you said you had addressed this point and I had never really seen a direct response. You finally responded a little more directly, but I must say your response still didn't exactly satisfy me. I still think it was a scummy comment, and it appears you have no explanation for it.


Also, it's a bit much to claim that people were badgering you. Multiple people seemed to find something off about you, and remarked upon it. No need to blow that out of proportion.


 As i said above I can't always get on, I don't spend my life on this game - work gets in the way as does going to the gym, sorting out my daughter, housework, cooking and sharing 1 computer with my daughter so that is a stupid comment - However look at the time stamp of the above quote and then the one below, that's right before, so what you are saying doesn't make sense. I can't post something after you have but before the one before, the order is wrong

I was referencing the wrong quotes, my bad. Here are the ones I was referring to:


I have a long day at working away from the office tomorrow, may be able to at least look in on phone, but doubt any posting, I have meetings. I won't be back until late evening.



Sorry not been around Cloudflare, couldn't get on on anything.


(a lot of other stuff edited out by Despo for brevity's sake)




I'll vote now, just in case Cloudflare comes again..

First one is from page 9 I believe, and around this time you still had a few people fos'ing you. The second post came a few days later, on page 16.


Of course it might be Cloudflare, or you being busy, but there's no way for us to know that for sure. You could have been trying to duck some heat, or mebbe just gotten frustrated with the game or something. Either way, I still thought it was worth mentioning. Obviously I could be wrong with a lot of things that I bring up, but a 3 day absence is a little noteworthy I think when you were one of the people being focused on at that time. 


Then again it might be nothing /shrug 


Now lets here about Dice and Dap, because I haven't seen anything, at least nothing worth anything

 I just showed the post where I first fos'd Dap; the main things against him is that he wanted to keep a claimed miller around much longer when that could only hurt town, I thought his case on me was really weak and kinda fabricated out of thin air, and as I mentioned before some recent stuff has really had me zero in on him.


As for Dice, the thing that first caught my attention was when he said something along the lines of "If we lynch Darthe and he flips town, does that mean we can lynch you next Basel?" I can't remember if those were the people he was mentioning, but it def standed out as scummy for obv reasons. His explanation for it wasn't adequate either, and just in general his logic was pretty fuzzy around that period.


Overall tho it's hard to case Dice because he hasn't really been that involved in the discussion, the few times he's surfaced recently he didn't contribute much, and what little he has hasn't dissuaded me at all

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Des is just omgusing cos i picked him as mafia


i still dont think we needed to lynch darthe. We could of cleared him with other means. There is far more wifom to be had in other thing in a game than i millar claim.

If i was wrong and he was mafia, we got 4 days of reads off himm

plus at the time if that post i didnt think he was a millar. I thoufhr he was 3rd party with a town helpful PR

(cos of the theme)


Way to try and dismiss my developing case on you so quickly Dap. You really think I'd be so lazy as to just omgus if I was mafia? Explain how else we could have cleared Darthe. Moreover, you didn't even know he could be cleared at all (unless you're scum). It was still very possible that he was scum overplaying the "Im a miller guys, lynch me" card (albeit very unlikely).


Just because there CAN be more wifom doesn't mean you should allow any to stay in the game if not necessary. His role had no positive benefit for town, only a negative one, and the longer he wouldve stuck around the more he would have continued to distract from the game.


Only the mafia team would benefit from said distraction. All his reads could have been wrong too, so keeping him around was really just a bad idea.


I get that a lot of people were wary about lynching him because he seemed so eager for it, but a lot of that is that peeps are generally wary of Darthe since he has performed a few remarkable and uniquely played maneuvers. The fact is lynching him was really the only way to go.


As for the 3rd party town helpful theory, it was far-fetched to say the least. One rule about playing in themed mafia games is you can't let the canon manipulate your way of thinking about things, you were essentially gaming the mod there.


So you wanted to keep a claimed miller around for as long as possible, and you tried using canon to game the mod. Seems like you were trying awfully hard to make sure to keep town distracted.

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Its not really a developing case, you have an issue wuth how i think millar claims should be handled


i think i said this on the millar thrwad but it applies here, millars are placed by a mod to help the mafia, therefore if town can confirm a millar and kerp them around the millar instead becomes a hinderance to the mafia.


As for yoyr point about not knowing if he could becleared unless i was mafia. I was talking about clearing him for the town, therefore a town role would be used; ergo the mafia would not know how or if he could be cleared so thats a moot point. I would be hypothisising as either team.


As for roles that ccould clear him potentially (gorhive me if i miss some, its 1am and ive just got home from uni where i spent the last 16 hours)


lie fetector

doc (inlikely though)

Sensor (number of mafia on a lynch)





so it is possiible.


Now goodnight. I have an 8:30 lecture tomorrow so ill be on then. I expect day so NAs in please

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So you would've tried rolefishing for another investigative role to help "confirm" a claimed miller who wanted to be lynched to clear the wifom. You're right, that's not scummy at all :rolleyes:


And esplain how a miller can ever be a hindrance to mafia. If you ARE able to confirm a miller, it just the same as if you had a confirmed vanilla. So all that extra work you went through confirming someone, and its as effective as a cop claiming day 2 about a town viewing they got on someone night 1. Remember, you'd have to out some kind of investigative or town role in order to confirm the miller role.


And there's no guarantee we'd have any other type of investigative role at all besides a cop, and that's assuming we have a cop (not every game has one).


Just face it Dap, there is just NOTHING beneficial to town about keeping a claimed miller around for. The whole point of Darthe claiming early was to help keep a cop from revealing, and you're suggesting outing a different investigative role to try and keep a role that has zero effectiveness for town in the game.

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I also wanna point out that Ley has yet to check in, after a whole day we really should be either trying to poke him or replace him or something.


Thorkin has posted once so far.


Dice has posted vurrrrrry little actual game content lately, worrisome considering that he was starting to pop on multiple people's radars (including mine).


Nolirion and Hally have also posted too little for me to really recall anything of there's, so it would be nice to hear from them a bit more too.



Other than that, my scum list for now is:






Got pretty strong reads on those, and a fair number of others on my scumdar.


AIMITTN, I got something a bit juicy I think.

I am going to be poking Ley, Thorkin, and Hally, the others have a day or so to step it up just a little.


Also, deadline just ended, but I am going to allow a little bit of time since I didn't have enough time to poke people. 

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