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Month of the Greats - Ithi & Rhea's Excellent Adventure

Ithillian Turambar

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*eyes Turin with the pretty bag*


Welcome Turin, I see things with Ithi haven't changed much. *giggles*


Hello Nishfa and welcome! I don't think we've met before. *holds out a hand in greeting*


Hello RTE :) nice to see you here.


Hmmm hopefully soon Cloud - although these little bookshops are quite deceptive. We could fit a few more in I'm sure.


Maybe we will find out a little more about why we have all come here too?


As more people entered the shop, ithi's eyes looked around the shelves. So many books and all immaculate. A surprise considering the outside of the building but not everything is always as it seems.


Her eyes landed on one particular shelf where all of the Wheel of Time books stood proudly. She reached for The Eye of the World and opened it, turning to the first page. It was a First Edition and signed!


Not for sale I'm afraid.


The sudden voice made her turn. Standing behind the group was the old man from the desk. He was smiling as he moved towards her and carefully took the book from her hand. Placing it back on the shelf he turned to face them all.


All signed and all First Editions. Like many of my books here. I was never one for hiding things away. A book is made to be shared. The Wheel of Time books have been some of my favourites over the recent years. I particularly like the notion of circular time, where what is in the past is also in the future. So nothing is truly lost.

His finger ran backwards along the line of books, from A Memory of Light all the way to The Eye of the World and then went back one more. His finger slid up this book to the top of its spine and drew it forward, before taking it out completely.

Take this book for example


Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Mallory


The once and future King. You all should know his story. it has been told many times, he even appears in your Wheel of Time books, after a fashion. So many stories lost but his stays alive. I wonder why that is?

He smiled again at us and put the book down on a nearby small table. There seemed to be something else on there, but it had been un-noticed before and was now obscured by the book.


I asked you all if you would step through a magic doorway, if one appeared, without knowing what lay beyond. You being here has answered that question. Now I shall ask another question, and then perhaps we shall begin.


Why do you all think you have been asked to come here? I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

There was a pause as everyone considered what the answer to that question might be.


If that were the case, and this was Columbo, you would be the murderer cos you spoke first :laugh:


But I don't think it is a Murder. That was earlier this year lol


I think we have been asked here because the old man is scared to go through that doorway, and he wishes someone else to make sure it is safe first.


Rhea doesn't quite know what she's gotten herself in to....she turns to look at the door again and the back at the old man.


Were the letters we all recieved from you? Because I get the feeling we are waiting for someone or some thing to join us.


The old man laughed.


A time travelling phone booth? No, not quite. You will be travelling and searching through time, but by more mundane methods I'm afraid.


Yes, the letters came from me and this is my shop. You may call me Lyon.


I've gathered you all here to find something that was thought to be lost. Some have already found it, for when it was needed it was given to them and gave them the strength to do what needed to be done. Now you can follow their path through the ages and find it too. The tickets I sent you will allow you to travel the world in your quest.


And as for the start ... it's right over there.


He pointed to where the book lay on the small table. Ithi went and picked it up. Underneath was an iPad, already opened to the Wheel of Time Wiki page on Justice.



Justice was the sword that belonged to Artur Paendrag Tanreall.


Justice is a power-wrought weapon. It was believed lost until 1000 NE. An excavation uncovered the sword, but did not know what it was. It was taken to Rand al'Thor, who recognized it immediately from when the Heroes of the Horn, specifically Hawkwing, were called to fight at the battle of Falme.[1][2] When returning to the city to parlay with Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag, Rand thinks to himself that Justice reminds him of his previous visit.[3]


I will leave you now. If you are successful we will meet again. The journey begins when you discover what you are searching for.


And with that Lyon left the room. The group crowded around the iPad, where underneath the wiki entry flashed the phrase ...


Please enter Password


- - - - - - - - -



Shall we begin?


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