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[Non Spoilers]Game of Thrones Season Three

John E. Kelley

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BET presents Game of Thrones




Gah, that's awesome.

But. It sad that I can't recall half of their names! (Even though I KNOW every single one of them! Including GOLIATH! :tongue:)

Whats his name is a perfect samwell though! lol (or maybe that fat guy from Kenen and Kel? (sp)

Dunno if that one guys a good Little finger though. Thinking the guy that plays little finger, to Eddard, guy to eddard to Mance, and the guy who does mance, to Little finger. Honestly not sure who he would fit best...


And wheres the master of whispers on that list?

The picture given is Kenan Thompson ...Kenan from Kenan and Kel.

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sword swallower lol

That was funny, as was Ygritte's line about Jon being scared of naked girls ...but the line that crowns them all ...

If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.


That rocked, and was delivered exceptionally well. Highlight of the evening.
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dude who said that is a good actor


i liked him on misfits too



Joeffry killing Rose was needed though, well rose dying was. Cos from what i understand she isnt in the books but in the TV show she was getting rather close to a side main character.

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Eh, Theon's plot this week bothered me because 



Theon would know where he was (not that he would recognize the castle, but that he'd be familiar with the local lore), at least. He's lived in the North for half of his life.


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Does anyone else think that the guy playing Edmure is way too young? He's supposed to be Cat and Lysa's older brother and he looks like he's Robb's age. Plus, I don't remember him being as petulant and whiney as he's being portrayed. I do like the guy playing the Kingfisher though.


I guess HBO is removing the Eddric Storm storyline and having Gendry take that spot?

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Eh, Theon's plot this week bothered me because 



Theon would know where he was (not that he would recognize the castle, but that he'd be familiar with the local lore), at least. He's lived in the North for half of his life.


I took it as Theon was "playing dumb" trying to give him what he wanted. If not, you're right, EVERYONE in the North knows the Flayed Man of Bolton!

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Does anyone else think that the guy playing Edmure is way too young? He's supposed to be Cat and Lysa's older brother and he looks like he's Robb's age. Plus, I don't remember him being as petulant and whiney as he's being portrayed. I do like the guy playing the Kingfisher though.

I guess HBO is removing the Eddric Storm storyline and having Gendry take that spot?

He is a bit young, but he is their YOUNGER brother, not older. I kind of like his portrayal. I just reread Storm of Swords and Edmure was rather petulant and when I realized he was the baby brother, it made more sense as well.


Kingfisher? I don't know who that is.


I wondered if that was what they were doing. I don't think I like that at all.



I think HBO is also making Rhollor much more pivotal as a religion than in the books ...they have given him credit for Jaicen Haigar; the whole convo between Thorus and Mellisandre. It's just a bit more pervasive and prevelant than in the books ... I mean the concept of this competing religion is good, it's that that is not how Rhollor is portrayed in the books.


I guess it makes sense to combine Eadric Storm and Gendry since we know the actor/character ... And it's not like Gendry has done anything ...it was just such a BIG move and BIG invention to have Mellisandre come, invent this whole "assignment from Rhollor" and then take him away. Plus, if they're combining the God of Many Faces with Rhollor in the TV show, wouldn't THAT action cause Arya to not be as interested in becoming a future disciple? I don't know ... It just doesn't sit right to me. :)


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dude who said that is a good actori liked him on misfits tooJoeffry killing Rose was needed though, well rose dying was. Cos from what i understand she isnt in the books but in the TV show she was getting rather close to a side main character.

I didnt realize she had a name, or was the same girl/woman ...did he ever do anything with her besides torture her, because I always thought Joff was all talk in the sexy-sexy department, despite how he jibed his uncle Tyrion. Kind of wondered if Joff wasnt impotent ...but he was also younger in the books, so there is that explanation ... But in the show, they never have him "getting involved" with anyone sexually, do they?

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The Kingfisher is Bryndyn Tully, Cat, Lysa and Edmure's uncle, Lord Hoster's brother. He's the one that commanded the entrance to the Vale of Arryn. The one that told Edmure that his fist was going to compell his teeth lol. I like that guy, did in the books too.

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Rose is the same hooker that Theon gets with in winterfell ep 1. She moves to the city and becomes Little fingers whore (one of many). Later she appears and has is like his accountant, then has the crying fit over the dead baby. She is also the one that beats the hooker at jeoffry's request and is passing on info to the spider.

And now is dead


she had a full on arc tbh



As for the little king. As far as im aware he hasnt done any sex stuff in the show. The closest he gets is when his new betrothed is shooting the crossbow and he gets all sadistically excited


i get the feeling he either doesnt care for sex or cant get it up without beating someone

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Rose is the same hooker that Theon gets with in winterfell ep 1. She moves to the city and becomes Little fingers whore (one of many). Later she appears and has is like his accountant, then has the crying fit over the dead baby. She is also the one that beats the hooker at jeoffry's request and is passing on info to the spider.And now is deadshe had a full on arc tbhAs for the little king. As far as im aware he hasnt done any sex stuff in the show. The closest he gets is when his new betrothed is shooting the crossbow and he gets all sadistically excitedi get the feeling he either doesnt care for sex or cant get it up without beating someone

That IS quite an arc, true.


I didnt realize it was all the same character ... It's like they took all the random whores in the series and out them in one person ...Rose ...LOL

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Edmure's only supposed to be 25 or 26 at this point in the books anyway. I think Cat was actually being groomed to inherit Riverrun because Lord Hoster Tully went so long without any sons (and then Edmure was born, and he was the darling baby of the family). Robb must be about 19 or 20 in the show, though he was sixteen at this point in the books.

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lol can you imagine


the economy would collapse. 




I wish they made episodes longer. They're pretty long as it is but you get so little time to see each of the characters. You get one 5 - 10 minute glance at what's going on and then it's already over.

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BET presents Game of Thrones




Gah, that's awesome.

But. It sad that I can't recall half of their names! (Even though I KNOW every single one of them! Including GOLIATH! :tongue:)

Whats his name is a perfect samwell though! lol (or maybe that fat guy from Kenen and Kel? (sp)

Dunno if that one guys a good Little finger though. Thinking the guy that plays little finger, to Eddard, guy to eddard to Mance, and the guy who does mance, to Little finger. Honestly not sure who he would fit best...


And wheres the master of whispers on that list?

The picture given is Kenan Thompson ...Kenan from Kenan and Kel.

Wow, if feel like an idiot now. I thought that was tracy morgan.... i blame the small picture. *nods*

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alright, this is the first episode that i've noticed a real deviation from the books, enough to get me upset. 



Jamie - killed it again.  i look forward to the arc this season


Sansa - was great.  poor little niave bird


Tyrion/Cersie - wonderful interaction, i laughed at her sulkiness and her remarks, and especially Tyrions "well you did make your own bed sister"


Tywin/Old Lady - <3  this scene was fantastic



though i thought i recalled her addign in a jab about Tyrion being the one most like him to get under his skin



Spider/Little Finger - a very well place scene addition


Joffery - added scene iirc, but does good to keep the hate for his character alive.


Jon - scene was awesome, though Yogis character isn't as threatening or independent in the show as she is in the books



too bad it reminds me that Yogi's death is comming.  i also dont recall Yogi knowing that Jon was still a Crow at heart.  nor can i recall Yogi saying "i'm your woman Jon Snow" and all that.



Sam - scene was un-needed imo.


Theon - this scene i've seen alot of upset over, but to me, it was brilliant.  i dont think Theon is playing dumb; the character always appeared smarter and braver than he truely was.



if anything this just showcases Ramseys saddistic nature and builds him as a brilliant villian  <3 u HBO!!




which brings me to the point in the episode where i take issue.  Ayra's scene.


first i do want to say the bit of Foreshadowing they put on Ayra's character was lovely, but the Red Lady meeting with them was an un-needed addition imo and frankly does more harm imo than good.


i believe HBO is either giving us book readers spoilers with this scene, or intending to change Ayra, Gendery and the Red Ladys arcs from what they are.





i personally think Gendry will play a bigger part in the later books, so to see the Red Lady take him like this either indicates Martin plans on killing him off or we're goignt o see exactly what part he will play in the next books.  either way, this is a huge ass spoiler on part of HBO and if i were Martin i'd be pissed tbh.  i know as a reader, i'm slightly upset about the show spoiling this character arc.


my other beef is Arya's arc.  the line "the only god i serve is Death".  she has no idea of this god and religion.   i dislike them rushing her transformation as a character and feel it will hurt them in the long run becuase it will feel forced rather than natural.  and when is the HOund gogin to abduc her for crying out loud!


also, the bit between her and the Red Lady ...  again, this is possibly a spoiler to us readers.  foreshadowing a battle between Ayra and the Red Lady; which is an arc i woudl have never suspected tbh







The entire Lannister family is effed up and bad to the bone. There is no one good in that family except for Joffrey's younger brother and the uncle/cousins.



Tyrion and Jaime are murderers, Cersei is sociopath, Joffrey is a bloodthirsty tyrant, and Tywin is a calculating tyrant.



i disagree





Tyrion and Jamie have only killed on the Battlefield; where they were folowing orders and it was kill or be killed.  Jamie didn't kill Bran and thats really the only one that fits.  Joff was the one that sent the assassin to Bran.


unless you want to argue that killing the Mad King was an act of murder, at which i'd tell you to get your head out of yer bum *nods*  he wasn't murdering, he was saving milliosn from a horrible death





dude who said that is a good actori liked him on misfits tooJoeffry killing Rose was needed though, well rose dying was. Cos from what i understand she isnt in the books but in the TV show she was getting rather close to a side main character.

I didnt realize she had a name, or was the same girl/woman ...did he ever do anything with her besides torture her, because I always thought Joff was all talk in the sexy-sexy department, despite how he jibed his uncle Tyrion. Kind of wondered if Joff wasnt impotent ...but he was also younger in the books, so there is that explanation ... But in the show, they never have him "getting involved" with anyone sexually, do they?



i cant recall if they included it in the show last season, but Tyrion does buy Joff a whore after the Sansa incident; and iirc the whore ends up slain or beaten near to death by Joff.   i assumed that they just combined arcs in this aspect to tie up loose ends and just build more hate for Joff from the audience.


as for sex in the books; no Joff doesn't partake. iirc, hes still a virgin.   he seems to get his kicks from hurting others rather than sex.



Edmure's only supposed to be 25 or 26 at this point in the books anyway. I think Cat was actually being groomed to inherit Riverrun because Lord Hoster Tully went so long without any sons (and then Edmure was born, and he was the darling baby of the family). Robb must be about 19 or 20 in the show, though he was sixteen at this point in the books.


actually in the book Robb and Jon start the series at 16, Theon starts at 19.  Bran is 7.   just started my re-read of the series and finished Brans first PoV.   so in Storm, Robb would be between 17 & 18, as iots only been about a year from Game to Strom iirc

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Red I can't remember, are you current with the books? I don't want to spoil you if you haven't but your reply to me was incorrect on two counts.

Or...well actually maybe just one. I might be blending book and show stuff together on the other one, I'd have to check to be sure but you're definitely wrong on one count.

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