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[Non Spoilers]Game of Thrones Season Three

John E. Kelley

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Red's a perv. Who knew?


Oh come on. Deep down, everybody in this world, ever (Who isn't asexual) is a perv (This includes you, person reading this). The only altering factor here is whether or not they keep their perverseness a secret, or not.


On topic: (Stannis Baratheon spoilers:)



Do you guys think that instead of burning some leeches in that certain scene, the show will burn those stillborn fetuses instead?



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On topic: (Stannis Baratheon spoilers:)



Do you guys think that instead of burning some leeches in that certain scene, the show will burn those stillborn fetuses instead?




Creepy thought, but would be fitting...


ALL women are perverts... they usually hide it better, though... I think it's because they know men are distracted easily.

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lol, anyone whose read/heard me ramble on about Darren Criss knows i'm a prev :wink:  plus, i've not hidden the fact i think Jamie is yummy.  i stated as much when they first revealed his picture.  iirc it was a lovely picture of him in just a white towel  *gives a wolf whistle*



um yeah, add Stannis to list of "Do Not Want"  *shudders*  i'm still a bit mortified from that one shot last season between him and the Red Lady *gags a bit*



@ Tyler - disturbing ....  to say the least.



oye that reminds me of a poitn i was confused about




the part with Stannis and his wife.  why did she have jarred fetuses?  and why did she call one Edric?


i thought Edric was one of Roberts bastards; who iirc is still alive and well in Stannis's keep





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I believe (it's been a while since I read the books so feel free to correct me) that those are her still born / miscarried children, who she named and........ kept.

Why? Because she is kept on her own on an island that is a prison rather than a home, and has failed in the one thing that she as a lords wife is meant to do - produce an heir, I suppose. Again it's been a while since I read but I had the impression that she was distressed and believe that the influence of The Lord of Light came through her?




I said some very rude words at the laptop tonight, as it decided to do a windows update right in the middle of the episode.... Grrrrr!


Other than that I am really enjoying this, one of my favourites at the moment.

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I'm not reaching, not everyone is going to come to the same conclusions as you and even if they do there are people who don't like having it pointed out and confirming their suspicions. You can't be spoiled because you already know what is going to happen but some people don't. There are spoiler tags on these forums for a reason. Have a little respect and use them please. And that goes for everyone, I'm not singling you out Red.

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Tiink is there a reason why talking about characters assests need spoiler tags?



@ peace -   wait i'm confused now  o.0   are you saying they edited Jamies bum on to Bernies.  i thought the body edit was for Yogi.




@ Ela -




oh i know Stannis's wife had still born children and failed to produce Stannis an heir.  i just didn't recall her keeping them in glass jars.



and the name she called one of the.  Edric.   that threw me off, becuase i do know that there is a Bastard of Roberts, in Stannis's care, named Edric Storm.  it was one of the few Bastards the Lannisters failed to kill.


so the name choice HBO used seemed sorta off to me.  though i can't recall what the still born were named nor how many she had.  so one culd have been called Edric for all i know



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and the name she called one of the.  Edric.   that threw me off, becuase i do know that there is a Bastard of Roberts, in Stannis's care, named Edric Storm.  it was one of the few Bastards the Lannisters failed to kill.


so the name choice HBO used seemed sorta off to me.  though i can't recall what the still born were named nor how many she had.  so one culd have been called Edric for all i know






I don't get why you are making such a big deal out of that. People inherit the names of other people in/ around their family all the time in this series. And I'm pretty sure all the stark boys are named after at least one person whom Eddard is close to in one way or another.


Jon Snow = After Jon Arryn

Robb = Presumably after King Robert

Bran = After Eddard's late brother. In fact, this one has been used for loads generations in their family, dating back to Bran the Builder.

Rickon = Presumably after Eddard's father.


So it would only make sense that both the fetus and Robert's illegitimate kid were both named after the same person, presumably a well-respected Baratheon, or ally to the family.



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Tyler - 



i'm not making a big deal over it.  i stated i was confused and was asking for clarification from people who recalled that part from the books better than myself.  like with the previous discussion on Winterfell, Theon and Ramsey


as well as confirmation on the info bit concerning Edric Strom.


if i was making a big deal over it, id have posted a 2 page rant like i do with posts concerning Cersie :wink:



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or just ppl could like... not look at the thread if you don't want spoilers cause it's like about the show and stuff.

The thread is here to discuss the show though. What people are complaining about is book spoilers.

Show spoilers are a different beast and really I'd say courtesy only extends for a few days after an episode comes out, maybe less.

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