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[Non Spoilers]Game of Thrones Season Three

John E. Kelley

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kitten-ness is a state of mind, ladies. It lasts as long as you want.


For me, the "man..." factor only hits when I realize that celebrities I watched start their careers are now pushing

35-40... means I'm right on their tail. And, sadly, men can't be kittens. We are just tired. :P 

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I'm pretty sure Rob required two blows to behead that man in the books. :wink:


Just finished the episode.


Love how she shat in her own bed, and her father made her eat it. (referring to the marriage plots lol)


Also, the song at the end is... foretelling. :wink:

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Did anyone else think that Brienne had a seriously bangin booty? Or am I alone here?


Wish the camera would have panned to the front so we could see if the front was as good. :tongue:


Also as to Ygritte (can I just call her Yogi?) I don't believe that was a body doubled Dapiano, I think the editing was mostly for Jon's facial reactions, as much as it was for the skin. Didn't seem that bad from an editing pov.. but then, I'm not a film geek either.

Though, She was uh... a lot skinnier then I remember her being. Seriously skinnier. (even more so from the books, as she was described as being very 'full figured' I believe. (Not fat, just meat on them bones. :tongue:)

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Did anyone else think that Brienne had a seriously bangin booty? Or am I alone here?


Absolutely not. Brienne had a nicer ass that Ygritte, if you ask me. Surprisingly enough.



Jaime's wasn't bad either. That's coming from a straight dude.


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  • Community Administrator


Did anyone else think that Brienne had a seriously bangin booty? Or am I alone here?


Absolutely not. Brienne had a nicer ass that Ygritte, if you ask me. Surprisingly enough.



Jaime's wasn't bad either. That's coming from a straight dude.



From the books, I'd disagree, but not in the show. :wink:

And, no comment on the spoiler. lol

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@ Tress - i thought the same thing :laugh:  bubba looked at me like i was nuts though.


@ SD - i'm stealing that nick name for her  :tongue:


@ Player - if you think that scene with Jon and Yogi was good you shoudl really pick up the books.  she has a hell of a time teasing him for a good month or two before she basically forces herself on him.  at first he's like "No, Stop" then hes all like "No Dont Stop"  :laugh:  was one of the funnier parts of the book iirc



okay for this episode, i dont believe i have any complaints at all


- Jamie: see this is why i love his character, the entire back story with the mad king  <3 Jamie.  Berny holding him at the end *squees*  they make such a good couple and i totally smiled fondly when he said "my name is Jamie".


- Ayra & the hound: once again, her part was fantastic.  i loved how she lunged at the Hound; the raw emotion from the actress was outstanding


- Sansa: still an annoying little bird, which means her part is right on track.  though i do wonder why they changed her plot a bit.  she was betrothed to the wheel chair bound brother, not Laras.


- Lannisters: Tywin is an ass, check.  Tyrion expresses outrage at the planned marraige, check.  Cersie gets major egg on her face, taken down a notch and has to eat mud, double check. i especially enjoyed the lok of recognition on Tyrions face when he figured out what his father intended.


my complaint about this, was their still milking the sympathy angle.  she blurts out "no farther not again" referring to arranged marriages.  iirc she wanted to marry Robert to begin with, after ofcourse Reghar was killed.  she preferred her first choice over Robert, but didn't mind the union until the wedding night when he said Neds sisters name in bed and revealed how much of an abusive drunken jackhole he could be.


- Jon: this scene was wonderful *beams* to include the budding fued between him and the warg


- Rob: the back story is good, but i'm growing very tired of him.  he really is a boring character.  and yes SD he did need two strokes to behead the Carstark.


- Danny:  knowing how those two old geezers end up makes watching their pissing contest that much funnier :tongue:





so, is the Red Wedding next episode or the Episode after


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