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Seanchan - what happens next?


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This is the book I would most like to see come next.  After the Last Battle, with chaos back home in Seanchan, the capital city Seandar a wreck, what happens next?  Does Matt travel across the ocean?  Does Tuon stay in Randland?  Do we rename the lands the Seanchan hold in Randland as New Seandar?  Obviously the laws and customs of New Seandar are going to be different than those of the rest of Randland, because of the huge divide on how channelers will be dealt with initially.  I'm sure eventually some of those differences are ironed out, if not all of them.


With Gateways making travel across huge distances especially easy, will we see families intermixing?  Old Seanchan families from across the ocean that want to join their Forerunner families can now just pack a bag and walk through a gate.  And some of the Randland who want to travel to visit Seandar, might they settle there?  Will we see cultures mixing? Blending?


Or, will Tuon and Matt turn some of Aludra's dragons on her homeland and re-conquor it in fire and blood?  Will they crush the rebellion there, venting Tuon's frustration at being forced to sign the Dragon's Peace?  Sure, there may be peace in Randland, but the Dragon never said they would have to keep the peace on the other side of the ocean.


What do you think?


This is the book I would most like to see come next. After the Last Battle, with chaos back home in Seanchan, the capital city Seandar a wreck, what happens next? Does Matt travel across the ocean? Does Tuon stay in Randland?

Well there are no more books per team Jordan. We do know however that the Outriggers were to be about Mat and Tuon going back to reclaim her homeland. The only pieces of material there are for those books were a couple sentences. Mat was dicing in a gutter and Perrin was traveling to Seanchan thinking how he would have to kill an old friend.


Sorry, i should have mentioned:  I know there aren't any "Books" to come.  This was the final.  But ... this is the STORY I would like to hear more about.


I never found the Seanchan that interesting, but for the sake of an interesting story, I was hoping the Empire had completely spiraled into chaos invalidating Tuon's gains in the Westlands and making it impossible to reunify. I thought Outriggers would probably end up being about Tuon becoming another Ishara, holding on to territory while the rest of the Empire fractured into independent kingdoms.


It doesn't make any sense it would be Perrin vs. Mat.  Mat is heading off to Seanchan..the Dragon's Peace will be in place this time.


Perrin is just too powe4rful for Mat.


Hell, Perrin could kill a gholam now...since he can bring people/things to TAR...once in TAR, it is all Perrin. Damane, rinse repeat. Mat, same thing...anyone, same thing.


I'd like to know if Hawkwing went and talked to Tuon, and if so, what he said to her.

It happened, but Brandon hasn't been hugely forthcoming as to what was said: 



I also asked if we would ever get to hear the conversation between Hawkwing[/size] and Tuon, and he said that it did happen and would have had a great impact on future novels were they to be written.


I can tell you that it did take place, and that Hawkwing is more inclined to agree with what's going on in Seanchan than I think what fans expect him to be. Now, remember that Hawking was not fond of Aes Sedai. Part of that was not his fault, but he was not fond of them. He is not just King Arthur, he is Alexander the Great. King Arthur ruled through justice. Artur Hawkwing ruled through justice and ruthlessness. It will certainly be a conversation filled with emotion and passion, but I don't think everyone expecting Hawkwing to take their side is understanding who Artur Hawkwing is.


It doesn't make any sense it would be Perrin vs. Mat.  Mat is heading off to Seanchan..the Dragon's Peace will be in place this time.


Perrin is just too powe4rful for Mat.


Hell, Perrin could kill a gholam now...since he can bring people/things to TAR...once in TAR, it is all Perrin. Damane, rinse repeat. Mat, same thing...anyone, same thing.


Since the first few books, Rand's and Perrin's dreams have been protected. Rand can weave a ward around his dreams. Perrin being a wolfbrother has protected his dreams. How have Mat's dreams been protected since the first half of the series?
A side effect of his foxhead medallion, though he doesn't know it. This was not part of the intended purpose of making the medallion; it's a true side effect.

Given that, I find it doubtful Perrin could bring Mat into T'a'r, certainly not with any ease. Frankly, I don't see why it "doesn't make sense". Yes, Mat is heading off to Seanchan - but as one of the things we know is that Perrin is going to Seanchan when he's thinking about having to kill this old friend, I'm not sure why you're considering that a point against. I would say that if you wanted to kill someone who was in Seanchan, then actually going to Seanchan might well help.


I thought I read somewhere on here that the friend Perrin was thinking about killing was someone other than Mat?  Could be wrong though.

 There is nothing like that in the interview database.



I thought I read somewhere on here that the friend Perrin was thinking about killing was someone other than Mat?  Could be wrong though.

 There is nothing like that in the interview database.

Found the post I was thinking of.  It was someone speculating that the friend referred to was Tylee rather than Mat.


I'd like to know if Hawkwing went and talked to Tuon, and if so, what he said to her. 


"Hi, I'm Artur Hawkwing.  I'm a big fan of your unification efforts, but you should be killing Aes Sedai, not leashing them.  That's what I'd do, anyways.  Keep up the good work."


i had no idea the medallion warded against Dreams - wish RJ had made that more explicit in the book, even with a casual reference of Egwene trying to see Mat's dream and having problems. 


i had no idea the medallion warded against Dreams - wish RJ had made that more explicit in the book, even with a casual reference of Egwene trying to see Mat's dream and having problems. 


True especially when you had Egwene trying to spy on Rand on multiple occasions like the spoilt kid she is.



I'd like to know if Hawkwing went and talked to Tuon, and if so, what he said to her.

It happened, but Brandon hasn't been hugely forthcoming as to what was said: 



I also asked if we would ever get to hear the conversation between Hawkwing[/size] and Tuon, and he said that it did happen and would have had a great impact on future novels were they to be written.


I can tell you that it did take place, and that Hawkwing is more inclined to agree with what's going on in Seanchan than I think what fans expect him to be. Now, remember that Hawking was not fond of Aes Sedai. Part of that was not his fault, but he was not fond of them. He is not just King Arthur, he is Alexander the Great. King Arthur ruled through justice. Artur Hawkwing ruled through justice and ruthlessness. It will certainly be a conversation filled with emotion and passion, but I don't think everyone expecting Hawkwing to take their side is understanding who Artur Hawkwing is.


It doesn't make any sense it would be Perrin vs. Mat.  Mat is heading off to Seanchan..the Dragon's Peace will be in place this time.


Perrin is just too powe4rful for Mat.


Hell, Perrin could kill a gholam now...since he can bring people/things to TAR...once in TAR, it is all Perrin. Damane, rinse repeat. Mat, same thing...anyone, same thing.


Since the first few books, Rand's and Perrin's dreams have been protected. Rand can weave a ward around his dreams. Perrin being a wolfbrother has protected his dreams. How have Mat's dreams been protected since the first half of the series?
A side effect of his foxhead medallion, though he doesn't know it. This was not part of the intended purpose of making the medallion; it's a true side effect.

Given that, I find it doubtful Perrin could bring Mat into T'a'r, certainly not with any ease. Frankly, I don't see why it "doesn't make sense". Yes, Mat is heading off to Seanchan - but as one of the things we know is that Perrin is going to Seanchan when he's thinking about having to kill this old friend, I'm not sure why you're considering that a point against. I would say that if you wanted to kill someone who was in Seanchan, then actually going to Seanchan might well help.



Intersting...this was never mentioned once in the books.


Perrin brought that group of Aiel into TAR and out again. It is just another form of travelling and does not have anything to do with Dreaming.


Thus, Perrin can bring Mat into TAR, game over.


Perrin can also assassinate people at will...appear and dissappear at will. The Slayer was sent to take out Rand after all. 


Perrin is too teddy bear to kill his childhood friend.



If Perrin tried to assassinate Mat, Mat's luck would probably have him find a coin on the ground and look to pick it up making Perrin's hammer swing miss as he materialized into the real world.




Anyways, Aveindha's vision changed.  So the future is still up in the air.  With Rand's decision to make the aiel basically marshall's of the eastern held countries, the eastern countries probably won't bicker and will be more unified against the Seanchan.  


Plus, that dreamspike, only Perrin knows about it, so it will negate any traveling by the Seanchan.

Guest Jon Bupp

I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that TAR was no more.  Perrin's last few scenes there showed everything crumbling, and I don't think that was just the effects of the Last Battle.  The wolves all left, ect.


I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that TAR was no more.  Perrin's last few scenes there showed everything crumbling, and I don't think that was just the effects of the Last Battle.  The wolves all left, ect.



It still exists.  That's where heroes of the horn chill out when they aren't needed and history always repeats itself.


This is the book I would most like to see come next.  After the Last Battle, with chaos back home in Seanchan, the capital city Seandar a wreck, what happens next?  Does Matt travel across the ocean?  Does Tuon stay in Randland?  Do we rename the lands the Seanchan hold in Randland as New Seandar?  Obviously the laws and customs of New Seandar are going to be different than those of the rest of Randland, because of the huge divide on how channelers will be dealt with initially.  I'm sure eventually some of those differences are ironed out, if not all of them.


With Gateways making travel across huge distances especially easy, will we see families intermixing?  Old Seanchan families from across the ocean that want to join their Forerunner families can now just pack a bag and walk through a gate.  And some of the Randland who want to travel to visit Seandar, might they settle there?  Will we see cultures mixing? Blending?


Or, will Tuon and Matt turn some of Aludra's dragons on her homeland and re-conquor it in fire and blood?  Will they crush the rebellion there, venting Tuon's frustration at being forced to sign the Dragon's Peace?  Sure, there may be peace in Randland, but the Dragon never said they would have to keep the peace on the other side of the ocean.


What do you think?


I don't really have a good answer to what will happen with the Seanchan in the short-term.  But I think the most likely long-term outcome is that the Seanchan will take over all of Randland, destroy the White Tower, send the remnants of the Black Tower into hiding, and leash or kill the vast majority of channelers.  This is certainly not the outcome I would hope for, and having Min and Mat in positions of influence near Fortuona makes me think that it is unlikely to happen right away.  But it seems to me the most likely long-term outcome given the ruthless efficiency of the Seanchan military (including the sul'dam and damane), the ambition and thirst for power of the Seanchan empress, and the general incompetence of the Aes Sedai.  I think that this future can be averted only if the Aes Sedai get their act together (in part by continuing with the reforms that Egwene began to implement), and if the Aes Sedai form strong alliances with the Black Tower and with the Aiel Wise Ones.


Perrin is too teddy bear to kill his childhood friend.



If Perrin tried to assassinate Mat, Mat's luck would probably have him find a coin on the ground and look to pick it up making Perrin's hammer swing miss as he materialized into the real world.




Anyways, Aveindha's vision changed.  So the future is still up in the air.  With Rand's decision to make the aiel basically marshall's of the eastern held countries, the eastern countries probably won't bicker and will be more unified against the Seanchan.  


Plus, that dreamspike, only Perrin knows about it, so it will negate any traveling by the Seanchan.


Yes, Perrin is not going to go after Mat. They are friends since childhood...Only way I see this happenning is if Mat turns evil, then Mat is toast.


And Perrin does have the dreamspike, which would be a very decisive weapon against the Seanchan.

  • 2 weeks later...


I'd like to know if Hawkwing went and talked to Tuon, and if so, what he said to her.


"Hi, I'm Artur Hawkwing.  I'm a big fan of your unification efforts, but you should be killing Aes Sedai, not leashing them.  That's what I'd do, anyways.  Keep up the good work."


+10 and sig'ed!! 




I'd like to know if Hawkwing went and talked to Tuon, and if so, what he said to her.


"Hi, I'm Artur Hawkwing.  I'm a big fan of your unification efforts, but you should be killing Aes Sedai, not leashing them.  That's what I'd do, anyways.  Keep up the good work."


+10 and sig'ed!! 



Lol ... Nice perspective. But he might say this as well: 


"Hello daughter, I am Artur Hawkwing. You should know that it was Ishma'el who turned me against Aes Sedai, with the help of a stupid Red Amyrlin. And it was him who killed me by refusing the healing of an Aes Sedai when I was ill." 





I'd like to know if Hawkwing went and talked to Tuon, and if so, what he said to her.


"Hi, I'm Artur Hawkwing.  I'm a big fan of your unification efforts, but you should be killing Aes Sedai, not leashing them.  That's what I'd do, anyways.  Keep up the good work."


+10 and sig'ed!! 



Lol ... Nice perspective. But he might say this as well: 


"Hello daughter, I am Artur Hawkwing. You should know that it was Ishma'el who turned me against Aes Sedai, with the help of a stupid Red Amyrlin. And it was him who killed me by refusing the healing of an Aes Sedai when I was ill."


No might about it, that is the reality of the situation. He didn't have issues with AS in general, he had issues with one AS in particular. They occupied numerous positions of power in his empire and he utilized them as advisors before Ishy showed up and poisoned him.

  • 3 weeks later...

I think the Seanchan will likely attempt to stabilize the seized lands, followed by a protracted campaign to re-establish control in the foreign lands, and finally ending with the conquering of Randland. Fortouna says herself that an empress has to be able to ignore a piece of paper when she wishes, or at least something similar. I also think that all of the above would take decades if not centuries. Aveindha and her vision changed the fate of the Aiel (or at least gave them purpose), not necessarily the fate of the world. The Aiel could still be mediators/enforcers within the Empire.


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