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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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So... who else is waiting for the boulder? Got a plane ready? Gotta get away from those angry natives to.

There we are. Ed mentioned this post in one of his recaps. Looks like they're triggered by mentioning them. Wonder if its a max of one per day or thats just how its been rolling out?

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Also ed. You said as soon as the mafia talked with eachother they would know . We havent seen any mafia characters yet. How do you know they would know?

You do know mafia usually gets a QT, right? It's pretty standard in any game. :tongue: 

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Drunkkkj mafia. Weeee typos.


Maw s third to last post made me Maugham. Or laugh. I meant laugh.


Why! No clue' I just really want to drunk mafia.


Why does darthe always self vote!? Because he knows he can just replace back in. What a troll. Guess that means he's town? Why else would he throw how life away!


Drink mafia. Drunk mafia. Almost wrote drive. Don't drink and drive. It's bad. I walk instead. #aknnibg or winning

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Official Current Vote Count

Darthe - 7 (Eddie, Ishy, WBK, Mish, Leyrann, Basel, Maw)

RTE - 1 (Dice)
Lenlo - 1 (Peace)

Not Voting - 12 (Talya, Chuckles, RTE, Cyan, Roo, Hallia, Player, Cloud, Darthe, Arez, Rand, Lenlo)

With 21 alive it takes 11 to Lynch

The Deadline for Day 2 is currently 11:15pm GMT Friday 8th March

New Day 2 Deadline http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130308T2315&p0=136&msg=End+of+Day+2+Deadline



Self voting is not allowed and will not be counted

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I do ed. It doesnt mean they know eachothers characters but its likely, that doesnr mean that based on those characters they would know how ithi planned the character alihnment

they mught

Also note i never suggested they dudnt have a QT


I HIGHLY doubt they didn't know, Player. Don't be ridiculous. I am sure if they talked, they would have had that theory. 


And Piano, now you're just resorting to last-ditch style play. Referring to your last line here. 

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